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alemagno12, you're not really helping with the "having fun" part of the Forum Games. I mean, you're clearly having some sort of fun, but it's not fun for the rest of us when no one can reply to anyone but you most of the time.

Obviously you have some free time to spend on the games (I do too :)), but please show a little courtesy and try to limit yourself to one post per page per game; other people with less available time want to play, too.

I'm not a moderator or anything so this is just some friendly advice before you upset enough people that moderators do get involved.

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9/10 Cool video and tutorial

It's the good 'ol hype-train, and oh, what is that?



Ugh, I'm really sore so the burst of laughter I got from that hurt so bad lol. I guess you could say I'm hurt from laughter. Ha, get it? Like how someone can get hurt when people laugh at them? No? Okay...

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