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We move in packs, but tis we who are preyed upon

We would not be as pleasant were it not for our cane

Our ilk is as alike and as different as the shifting weather

Yet caution is needed, we can defeat you in numbers.

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negative to all above. I fear I made this too nonspecific, I'm not good at riddles.

It's hard to judge, sometimes I think one will be hard and someone gets it immediately, others I think will be easy take much more than expected. I would say let it run for a day or two, then if no one has it add another few lines.

And, uh, I should take a guess. Is it ants?

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I'll give the win to biscuits, as that is what cookies are called in the UK and elsewhere. Plus you broke down all the clues, I had meant cookies :)

Yeah I'm from the UK, hence why I said biscuits and not cookies. Actually the BIG round ones we call cookies, but biscuits is the general term.

And now to think of a riddle...

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I hope this isn't too obscure. Frankly, I doubt it.

But I wasn't sure how much detail to give.

Trickster, riddler, keeper of balance,

an idiot abroad with many talents.

Always changing, always the same,

From here to there, and back again.

Once set adrift, but not at sea,

Just one question: Who is he?

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It was only because I by default guess "The Doctor" to every riddle that might be a guy.

The Olympian sails

With lieutenants three

Across the sound

Upon a great journey.

The journey begun

At great expense

The leader starts

A loneliness hence.

The foe is sighted

And with great haste

Begins the battle

The loser defaced.

In each of these

I may be found

Now what am I?

With these hints

Thou art endowed.

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