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Pine trees.

Getting closer...

Some sort of burr-type plant, the sort that inspired Velcro? or Pollen?

Not today!

Er, flowers? trees? grass?





Elves? (Or something like that)


Seeds of some sort?



Still nope to all.

I'm out too.

Unless it is a caterpillar. :(

Man, I wish it was. Unfortunately no.

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If pine tree is close but not it...is it a pine cone?

In case this is right I give the next one to r4pt0r.

YASSSS! Pine cones!!

I don't really think an explanation is necessary for this one [i could give one though...]

Well, if you so wish to give this one to r4pt0r, you can.

BTW: The second answer was Magnolia cones.

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Here's one

Question: When my first is a task to a young girl of spirit,

And my second confines her to finish the piece,

How hard is her fate! But how great is her merit

If by taking my whole she effects her release!

Umm, hey, bro. Not to do Vexx's job for him, but... You kinda have to wait your turn.

But, whatever. I love me a good riddle anyway.

Hmm... wow, 5 minutes and I got no pointers. I'll ask Brendon to see what he thinks.

Brendon thinks Hemlock as the answer. Is he right?

EDIT: NO DARN IT! I keep spelling it wrong. It's spelled Brenden

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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Who is Brendon?

He's a friend I have on Crescendo. He doesn't play Kerbal space [*Gasp* I know, right?] and he doesn't really want to make an account here, but he's very fond of riddles. I generally show him some from here. Man, though, you should see his riddles. How can I put it...

Vexx difficulty • (2.24 • 10^84)

I also apparently confuse his name up... It's spelled "Brenden". It's so awkward sometimes.

EDIT: And that's why you shouldn't get distracted whilst typing.

Sorry, bro.

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Yay I got another one! ok here goes...

I am unharmed, yet my arm uses a sling

My large frame, it is burdensome

Thus I don't move much, But my work is stationary, in various places

I deliver an assortment of packages over great spaces.

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mail man



I am unharmed, yet my arm uses a sling

My large frame, it is burdensome

Thus I don't move much, But my work is stationary, in various places

I deliver an assortment of packages over great spaces.

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