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I crawl about from deeps of Mother Earth

To the sparser reaches of highest holt.

A savage taint marks where I make berth,

My deft fingers bring all to tumult.

I am that which exists without form or mind,

An empty shade in the lifeless flesh of reality.

My skin is scarred only in the eyes of the blind;

My worries are dust to my neighbours' travesty.

My ceaseless wandering follows ancient ways,

And I wander endlessly from one to the next,

Inscribing them anew in the span of days,

Lest they be forgotten, or I become vexed.

This way, that, first here, then there,

My talons grow most everywhere.

The weakest link, the frailest note;

My mindless limbs, the Ancients wrote.

Who am I?

A black hole??
Nope. :)
did someone guess wind yet?
Not sure. But that's not it. :P
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You and cantab need to have your own riddle thread.

Next up guess my paternal grandparent's anniversary date: Go. On the plus side, it will probably take LESS guesses than vexx' or cantab's riddles.

As another hint, it's the same as my parents. (see it helps!)


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Might as well change the name of the thread to "Everybody stab wildly in the dark at vague flowery descriptions that don't allude to anything to do with the answer" :P

Also, I'm not going to guess your grandparents anniversary. Who has a real riddle?

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A flame

and made of steel

a vanishing trail

that leaves no trace

a profession

that relates to no end

a mule

but not of flesh

what am I ?

(I only post riddles when they are up for grabs :( )

edit : wait was EdFred's post a riddle ?

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A plane (carrying cargo)?

EDIT: Or a rocket.

A rocket, gj

A flame --what it looks like to an onlooker

and made of steel --idk close enough

a vanishing trail -- leaves a smoke trail

that leaves no trace --smoke disappears

a profession --rocketry

that relates to no end --space, infinity...

a mule --carries cargo

but not of flesh --not a litteral mule

what am I ? --filler

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Oi! It's not your turn! :P

But if I had to guess, that looks like the Moon. :)

Ah, I know it isn't. I just really wanted to use this one for a long time and I guess I just got impatient. So sue me! (don't really sue me though. That was just a figu... nevermind.)

Your answer though. It involves the moon and you, but is incorrect. (BTW that picture creeps me out.)

EDIT: Well, I guess it's not totally obsolete. It can be one of those riddles that you can answer funny things to just for a laugh. I know I would!

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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I guess it's space in general

I'm glad you jumped the gun because (Norpo) the guy who won the riddle was taking too long.

...Man, how'd you get it that fast? This kept everyone in real life I gave it to thinking about it for days!

Maybe I should work on another one to give in the future and make sure it's not super easy.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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