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EDIT: Nope. That'd make no sense. Umm, let's see. It helped win a war, the computer was originally used in a Ballistic Research Laboratory.

A type of computer was used by Alan Turing to break the Enigma. The machine was called the Bombe, named after a very different computer from Poland. Computers are common nowadays...

I have no idea where I'm going with this. But hey, I've done worse.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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Is it a Jeep?


RIC's got it.

Although not a weapon I helped win a war <--- considered by many to be the most important military non- weapon of the 20th century

I can be found nearly everywhere from mountain to shore <--- used in all theaters

Nobody's certain where I got my name <--- conflicting accounts of where the name "jeep" came from

But after all of these decades I still look the same <--- they never changed the appearance

I'm the life of the party on the beach and in snow <--- jeeps are very popular in these settings

I'm referred to by name wherever I go <--- everybody refers to them as "jeeps" rather than trucks, cars, or SUVs.

three quarters of a century and still going strong <--- first mass produced in 1941

Go ahead and take a guess... you can hardly go wrong! <--- filler



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New riddle:

I can be felt but am never seen.

Essential to some moving machines.

Several techniques to make me appear

Though my principles not overly clear.

Man has only recently learned

To use what nature does in turn.

Studied for a century and some,

Yet schoolboys use me for their fun.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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It can´t be seen, Hydrogen cars need it, converting it into Water makes it appear, next line I have no idea, next two lines might mean fusion, last line: oxyhydrogen reactions are lot of fun

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air , oxygen

its some type of common invisible gas (I think...)

Sorry, no.

The riddle:

I can be felt but am never seen.

Essential to some moving machines.

Several techniques to make me appear

Though my principles not overly clear.

Man has only recently learned

To use what nature does in turn.

Studied for a century and some,

Yet schoolboys use me for their fun.

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Edit: Though actually, I think raptor has it with lift. Plenty of ways to generate it (fixed wings, rotorcraft, flapping wings, etc). And if you've come across any of the arguments over how wings make lift - we've had one on this forum recently - you'll appreciate the fourth line.

Edited by cantab
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Lift it is, r4pt0r is up. :)

I can be felt but am never seen. It's a force.

Essential to some moving machines. Obvious.

Several techniques to make me appear Wings, rotors, body lift, etc.

Though my principles not overly clear. As cantab says, there's more to it than the Bernoulli effect.

Man has only recently learned We've only been flying with lifting craft for a century or so.

To use what nature does in turn. Birds, bugs, even some seeds use it.

Studied for a century and some, Aerodynamics as proper science is relatively new.

Yet schoolboys use me for their fun.Paper airplanes use lift.

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Ok here goes nothing.

We move in packs, but tis we who are preyed upon

We would not be as pleasant were it not for our cane

Our ilk is as alike and as different as the shifting weather

Yet caution is needed, we can defeat you in numbers.

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