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(OLD) The Ultimate Jool-5 Challenge:land Kerbals on all moons and return in one big mission


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Hi Ziv and All :)

Here is my Ultimate Jool-5 Challenge Mission !

I need to add the cool badge to my signature xD

(I Made a kind of Jool 5 Mission a long time ago, but not for a challenge, without enough pictures, and i wanted to try again in carreer mode with the 0.90 KSP version)


- KSP 0.90 version

- Only mod used: Kerbal Engineer Redux

- 6 Kerbals are on the mission

- One launch

- No refueling mission

- 1 Living Quarter (Hitch-hiker's Storage) for the guys during the long journey

- 6 satellites

- delta-V in KER window :)

- Some more description in the Two Imgur Albums (Jpeg) images Titles

I think this mission could be OK for the JEBEDIAH'S LEVEL version 2 ?

The Plan:

Make a ship with MK-1 Lander full science parts for a "light" and low final cost mission, using a SSTO reuseable lifter, reuseable MK-1 lander with specific modules for Laythe and Tylo.

The Mothership will be used to travel from Kerbin to Jool and back with low twr, and between each moon from Laythe to Pol.

The lander will refuel and stock sciences experiments in the Mothership Lab, and the Lab will also be used to refresh the Mystery Goo and SC-9001 when needed.

The Mothership will also bring a Hitch-hiker's Storage and 6 Satellites that will be launched in orbit of each Moons, to make easy money with the "Science data from space around..." missions xD


- Ship Price: 753796$ (with 526112$ for the reuseable SSTO Lifter)

- 173.5 Tons (with the lifter, 107.3 Tons in LKO)

- The only bug of the mission was the Jool Sat One that was not launched at a good orbit, so was ejected from the Jool System, maybe by Tylo gravity, to finish in a solar elliptic orbit :(

(and of course, the next "Science data from space around..." mission was:... "Science data from space around Jool" lol xD )

- Total cost of the mission after refund of SSTO lifter and Ship landed on Kerbin: 142639$

- Total Science Points when landing Kerbin: 13061 (could be better, i made mistakes...sending datas to finish KSP missions)

- A lot of stress and fun, hopefully there is F5 and F9 keys :)

- Note to myself:"don't take pictures of the kerbals with the Flag window text opened... they are not saved xD", hopefully the Flags are on each moons to proof they all walked on the moons :)

Here are the almost 300 pictures in two albums:

Jool 5 Challenge Part 1


Jool 5 Challenge Part 2


Fly safe with Jeb !

astrobond: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Jebediah's Level!

I really liked your reusable SSTO lifter! 509000 funds recovered is a lot! And that's cool that you left a lot of satellites around the Jool System! Even if one went astray! :D

The mothership is nice and compact, and the modular lander is a good one too, the landing legs are strong and good against flipping over.

And you landed back almost all the mothership, nice money-wise solution! :D

Well done, thank you for participating!


- - - Updated - - -

I finally completed the Jool-5 in a brute-force way. I had two or three attempts last year, but I was always trying to do something too fancy, so I got bored with the mission before I had even started it. A while ago I had a simple ship that was able to land on Tylo, Laythe, and Vall, before it had to return to Kerbin. Now I just launched it on a bigger rocket.

Version: 0.90

Mods: FAR, DRE, MechJeb, Docking Port Alignment Indicator (Procedural Fairings was also installed, but I didn't use it)

Crew: 3

Other: 2 hitchhikers, no refueling

I just noticed afterwards that there were additional rules hidden in a later post. While I still have a pile of additional screenshots available, I didn't consider it necessary to document the routine transfers between planets and moons. If it disqualifies me, so be it.

The screenshots are downsized from 1680x1050 to 1280x800. The texts should still be legible.


Tier-2 VAB was enough for building the rocket. The total price was 825704. (This is a duplicate ship on the launchpad, as I forgot to take this screenshot before the real launch. I usually don't take any screenshots with the UI on.)


The boosters almost got the entire ship to orbit.


Ready for departure.


After some mid-course corrections, I had my standard DRE Jool approach. From here, it takes 1150-1200 m/s to match planes with Tylo and circularize to a low equatorial orbit.


Approaching Tylo.


Ready for the first landing. The ship has around 4.5 orange tanks worth of fuel remaining, which should be more than enough.


The main reason for heading to Tylo first was to get rid of the 40-tonne Tylo descent stage.


The descent stage originally had an orange tank, but it made the ship too tall and wobbly.


Back on Tylo again. The descent wasn't very efficient.


The obligatory tourist shot.


With just 9.3 tonnes of payload remaining, the ship has a ridiculous amount of delta-v, which basically guarantees a successful mission. When I launched the same ship on a smaller rocket, I had just 5920 m/s at this point.


The difference between a highly eccentric orbit around Tylo and a transfer to Laythe is less than 5 m/s. It's about the easiest transfer in the game, as long as you don't accidentally hit Vall.


Some gentle aerobraking over three passes around Laythe.


Plenty of fuel remaining. The lander will be fully refueled (one X200-32 fuel tank) for the Laythe landing.


Hitting land on Laythe required a few quickloads.


Another tourist shot.


Jool rising.


Back in orbit. The fuel tanks are still halfway full.


The transfer from Laythe to Vall is the hardest one to do efficiently. Patched conics don't work too well deep in Jool's gravity well.


I ended up doing a weird transfer, where the apoapsis/Vall encounter was 3/4 orbits from where Laythe was when I started the burn. (I thought I had a screenshot of it, because it felt surprising.)


Going to Vall was quite expensive. On the positive side, all the remaining landings are quite cheap. For Vall, the lander will receive only 50% fuel (of X200-32).


Vall is one of the most boring places in the game.


Laythe was more interesting.


Back to orbit.


Last time I only had 1855 m/s remaining at this point.


The next stop was Pol. Going from Vall to Bop efficiently would have required some thinking, and I wasn't interested in doing that. I refueled the lander to 50% (of X200-32), because there was going to be some flying around to pay the bills.


The first obligatory landing site wasn't too nice.


Went there, got the surface sample.


One more place to go.


I did the transfer to Bop in a really lazy and inefficient way, but it still took less than 500 m/s. On the downside, I ended up in a really strange orbit. This time, the lander received only 25% fuel (of X200-32).


Bop wasn't supposed to be this flat.


Apparently the flat place was a high plateau next to an even higher mountain.


Ready to head back to Kerbin.


I returned to orbit Jool a bit below Bop (and with a bit less inclination). The timing was perfect, as there was a good launch window to Kerbin immediately.


With the fuel tanks almost empty, aerobraking at Kerbin was quite effective.


Back on a nice equatorial orbit with 1912 m/s remaining. Maybe the rocket was a bit overkill.


I missed the KSC, because it's located too far south.

Jouni: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Level 2!

Your design is what I would call a real stock "beginner" ship, and I mean it in a good way. It is very simple but works well. Yeah, you didn't post too much pictures but that's good that I was able to track your fuel/dV and I see those designs work.

That's also cool that you had two Hitch-hiker Storage module so the crew had a really convenient journey. :)

Nice job, thank you for participating!

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This my entry to the low-mass challenge. My ship weighs 37.359 tons on the launch pad and is made of 568 parts. Uses rapier engines, one ion engine, and numerous 48-7s. Three landers not including the main ion ship, which house the control pod. Airhoged into orbit.


Hi HANNIBALLA, thanks for your submission, I have some question:

1. how did you leave Kerbin with a 0.02 TWR ion engine?

2. My information on Vall that you need about 2x1100 m/s (2200 m/s total) to land and get back to orbit. Your lander had 1941 m/s. How did you manage that landing?

3. on Bop you landed with a TWR 1. How did you do that?

4. I didn't see a parachute on your pod. How did you land on Kerbin?

- - - Updated - - -

I can help with crowdsource judging. I'll take a look at a few later today.

Thanks a lot, I'm reviewing Thunderous Echo's mission right now, so these missions are still left:

trevize1138 (may lack of photo number to really check orbits and fuel consumption, and lander's TWR, ladder and fuel/dV)



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Hi HANNIBALLA, thanks for your submission, I have some question:

1. how did you leave Kerbin with a 0.02 TWR ion engine?

2. My information on Vall that you need about 2x1100 m/s (2200 m/s total) to land and get back to orbit. Your lander had 1941 m/s. How did you manage that landing?

3. on Bop you landed with a TWR 1. How did you do that?

4. I didn't see a parachute on your pod. How did you land on Kerbin?

1. I let the ion engine burn for hours to transfer to Jool, it had no problems at all making the burn, it just took hours so i used mechjeb/physics warp. Principally its like using nuke engines. It was a low twr but with enough fuel you can burn for a very long time. With the lower mass(ship was under 13 or 14 tons at the time) the one ion worked like a charm. Here's an image of it doing the transfer burn, over a 4 hour burn. http://imgur.com/Psw0bG7 My parking orbit was very high as well, around 30,000km when I planed the maneuver.

Here's another guy showing the concept for ion transfer in action http://i.imgur.com/WMHVn1x.jpg

It's from raygundan's album found on this page http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57197-The-Ultimate-Jool-5-Challenge-land-Kerbals-on-all-moons-and-return-in-one-big-mission/page210

2. The Vall DV info on my ship was after the deorbit burn, you can see the mechjeb landing guidance shows that http://imgur.com/a/k4KQ1#29 .The thing barely got into a 30km orbit, got really lucky. Here's a shot of it with full tanks of fuel. http://imgur.com/ahDCHmB It can make it to orbit with almost no DV left at all.

3. Bop was a fairly easy landing, i actually killed the mechjeb and landed it myself at the last minute, it was totally possible with a 1.0 twr that was displayed, although I don't fully trust mechjebs math. There wasn't a lot of velocity to kill and I had enough time to burn against gravity. I started the descent with .99 twr, and it was at 1.0 when I landed. It increased TWR when I took off for orbit. http://imgur.com/bKDcEF0,Psw0bG7

I've never seen a landing like that until I did it my self, might have been the low surface gravity, I'm not really sure. This picture is from when I was close to the surface http://imgur.com/a/k4KQ1#51 And this picture is it taking off from Bop's surface http://imgur.com/a/k4KQ1#53 , its ascending with a 1.0 TWR, so it is possible, but I'm not sure of the reason behind it.

It actually killed velocity so well that it started to ascend again which is why I decided to land it myself.

4. There is the smallest parachute mounted on the back of the crew pod, you can see the chute in the staging.(Edited: wrong design, this one has a radial chute on the pod). The chute is above the window on the back of the pod. It's shown here in the VAB


Here's the craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9f0t06i1kloq7o9/SKYSHARK%20J5.craft?dl=0 If you elect to try the Vall landing, my ship used mechjeb to land and was in a 50km circular orbit. Sorry for the repeated edits but I understand that you've closed the challenge for the time being, so I wanted to get as much info to you as possible before you take your sabbatical.

Added pictures, sources, for context. Also my god awful spelling.
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Oh, shoot. I don't have any pics.

Thunderous Echo: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Level 1!

Nice fast-paced video! Sometimes it was hard to follow what happens...

1. you arrived at Laythe and left two orange tanks there

2. you went to Tylo with a tug and landed there, then you went back to Laythe

3. landed on Laythe, then you left the orange tanks behind

4. went to Bop and Pol with the tug only and landed by EVA


so your Kerbal was in the space alone for all the way from Jool to Kerbin, right? :D

And you did aerobrake him into a Kerbin orbit.... lol, I'm still laughing!

And you sent an orbital rescue mission for him. Maybe you could only attach a parachute to his back with KER and let him land on his own! ;):D

That's lucky that you sent this mission before the rule-changing that the Kerbal(s) have to be in a pod for the interplanetary journeys.... :cool:

really crazy mission planning with unique solutions! Thanks for participating!

Edited by Ziv
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astrobond: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Jebediah's Level!

I really liked your reusable SSTO lifter! 509000 funds recovered is a lot! And that's cool that you left a lot of satellites around the Jool System! Even if one went astray! :D

The mothership is nice and compact, and the modular lander is a good one too, the landing legs are strong and good against flipping over.

And you landed back almost all the mothership, nice money-wise solution! :D

Well done, thank you for participating!

Thank's a lot Ziv !

I'll add the nice Jool-5 Challenge badge to my signature :)

Still Thank you for this wonderfull challenge and the time you spend to look at all those pictures !

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Hi again, now I have some time to check the missions! I've got zero helping PM about the missions waiting for review... :( but it was only some days ago so maybe it was just too soon. Anyway, now I'll review as much missions as I can.

But I have decided to close the JOOL-5 Challenge for new entries until I'll have more time

(if I will ever continue this challenge)...

Aw man... And I was already in the middle of the trip :( Looks like I'll have to concentrate on my finals now that my Jool 5 mission is put on hold. Maybe I can volunteer myself for help as well to get this going again?

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Thunderous Echo: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Level 1!

Nice fast-paced video! Sometimes it was hard to follow what happens...

1. you arrived at Laythe and left two orange tanks there

2. you went to Tylo with a tug and landed there, then you went back to Laythe

3. landed on Laythe, then you left the orange tanks behind

4. went to Bop and Pol with the tug only and landed by EVA


so your Kerbal was in the space alone for all the way from Jool to Kerbin, right? :D

And you did aerobrake him into a Kerbin orbit.... lol, I'm still laughing!

And you sent an orbital rescue mission for him. Maybe you could only attach a parachute to his back with KER and let him land on his own! ;):D

That's lucky that you sent this mission before the rule-changing that the Kerbal(s) have to be in a pod for the interplanetary journeys.... :cool:

really crazy mission planning with unique solutions! Thanks for participating!

Yeah, that's exactly what happened, but you forgot about Vall, which I did right before Bop.

As for the extreme EVA, I have to spice up my missions somehow!

Edited by Thunderous Echo
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ok I'm just curious i was thinking of doing something similar to a interstellar type ship except it would be more longer.

the chair rule is the one I'm wondering about.

i could make some rooms out of the 1x1 and 2x2 panels and use chairs for their seats in it?

i was thinking i could use the circular area to house the crew where it would be built out of the panels but inside it would have seats and science equipment but it would look airtight and such.

not sure if what I'm saying makes sense but i hope it does.

what in a nutshell I'm saying could i make a crew cabin out of panels and struts make it look it look like a crew area but it would use chairs for them to sit in and such.

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Raygundan, do you have more pictures? Your mission album ends with taking off from Laythe. Looking good so far!

jman508, you should probably just put a few hitchhikers or mk2 crew cabins on the ship to be safe. If you really don't want to, make sure your room assembly weighs at least as much per kerbal as the lightest pod (mk2 crew cabin at 0.55 tons per kerbal). Disclaimer: I'm not Ziv, so I can't tell you it's legal. Best to go by the rules.

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Aw man... And I was already in the middle of the trip :( Looks like I'll have to concentrate on my finals now that my Jool 5 mission is put on hold. Maybe I can volunteer myself for help as well to get this going again?
do it and post it. Always have the resources page up and take a screen shot just before each new fireing of the engine showing the maneuver nodes.

It it can be peer reviewed at least :) we all respect how well and long Ziv kept the chalenge going so don't mind helping him bow out gracefully:D

- - - Updated - - -

ok I'm just curious i was thinking of doing something similar to a interstellar type ship except it would be more longer.

the chair rule is the one I'm wondering about.

i could make some rooms out of the 1x1 and 2x2 panels and use chairs for their seats in it?

i was thinking i could use the circular area to house the crew where it would be built out of the panels but inside it would have seats and science equipment but it would look airtight and such.

not sure if what I'm saying makes sense but i hope it does.

what in a nutshell I'm saying could i make a crew cabin out of panels and struts make it look it look like a crew area but it would use chairs for them to sit in and such.

strictly speaking it's not in the rules. panels and struts are "massless items" so maybe add .66 tons per Kerbal in superfluous items?
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Hi again, now I have some time to check the missions! I've got zero helping PM about the missions waiting for review... :( but it was only some days ago so maybe it was just too soon. Anyway, now I'll review as much missions as I can.

But I have decided to close the JOOL-5 Challenge for new entries until I'll have more time

(if I will ever continue this challenge)...



So basically my entire plan of doing an accompanying video series documenting my attempt is for nothing.



Despite my disappointment, a big shout-out to Ziv is in order for a) getting this challenge rolling and B) making it one of the most desirable challenges in KSP history.

I know it's hard doing this stuff in your free time. So thank you for everything and for inspiring me to actually trying to do a big mission like this!

Jool-5 rocks. Even if maybe I never get the badge...

Edited by ShadowZone
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Hi again, now I have some time to check the missions! I've got zero helping PM about the missions waiting for review... :( but it was only some days ago so maybe it was just too soon. Anyway, now I'll review as much missions as I can.

But I have decided to close the JOOL-5 Challenge for new entries until I'll have more time

(if I will ever continue this challenge)...

I would just like to take some time to that Ziv for running and judging the best challenge for over a year. Spending time to read each and every entry checking them fairly. I took a long break from KSP and when I came back I could not believe this challenge was still going strong.

Thank you Ziv.

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This my entry to the low-mass challenge. My ship weighs 37.359 tons on the launch pad and is made of 568 parts. Uses rapier engines, one ion engine, and numerous 48-7s. Three landers not including the main ion ship, which house the control pod. Airhoged into orbit.


HANNIBALLA: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge in the Low-Mass category!

Thanks for the detailed answers, you prove you did it. :) Pretty cool because a very low TWR ion ship is sometimes very hard to fly (out of power, out of power in the dark side, multiple orbits to leave a body, you can fly away next to a moon without enough time to brake into orbit, etc)... but you did it, and you also landed once with TWR 1.0 so that's an amazing job, well done!!!

- - - Updated - - -

I was told to post this here:


trevize1138: Congratulations for doing a JOOL-5 mission, although because of the lack of the photos I can't really track your fuel/dV and you have some part clipping in your landers which are out of the rule, so I can't put this mission into the official entries.

But I really like the cargo bay solution and your jet lander looks pretty cool, so I'm happy to post this mission in the Mixed Solutions! I hope it's all right! :)

ps: Thanks to sdj64 for helping in the review! :)

Edited by Ziv
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WHAT?!? You're closing it? B-b-b-b-b-

but I didn't get to Jool yet! I just got the ship ready after like 87 assembly missions and NOW the challenge is closed? :C

I think I might cry...

Do what I do. Just continue and post your mission report once you're done. It would be a shame to let all of our hard work be wasted.

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raygundan: Your album finishes with Laythe landing... maybe imgur deleted your other images. Remember, they allow only about 250 pictures for free. You have to pay for more pictures.

ShadowZone, parameciumkid: Yeah, I remember you were working on your missions so don't stop it! You can still send the missions.

Deutherius: yeah, concentrate on your finals! :D But after that you can finish your mission too, just consider the longer review time.

parzr, ttnarg: thank you guys! :)

If anybody have some free time to check Sqwazare's mission in terms of fuel/dV consumption (cheating or not) that would help me a lot, because that needs the most time in a review.

Drop me a private message about it and I will be very thankful. :)

Edited by Ziv
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If anybody have some free time to check Sqwazare's mission in terms of fuel/dV consumption (cheating or not) that would help me a lot, because that needs the most time in a review.

Drop me a private message about it and I will be very thankful. :)

I'm not well enough versed in calculating dV to figure it out mathematically. I was going to use quantities/(t/w)/dV on the back of an envelope; is there a formula you use? on the surface every stage appears legit though the closer the call the more in plausible.
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If anybody have some free time to check Sqwazare's mission in terms of fuel/dV consumption (cheating or not) that would help me a lot, because that needs the most time in a review.

Drop me a private message about it and I will be very thankful. :)

Oh hey, this is my kinda thing. I made an entire thread about Delta-V calculations, so it looks like I'm you man. I'll get to you as soon as possible.

...I am fine for the job, right?

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Oh hey, this is my kinda thing. I made an entire thread about Delta-V calculations, so it looks like I'm you man. I'll get to you as soon as possible.

...I am fine for the job, right?

by all means ;) can u link ur thread? My interest in the game is morphing more into the technical and anything to help is appreciated.
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raygundan: Your album finishes with Laythe landing... maybe imgur deleted your other images. Remember, they allow only about 250 pictures for free. You have to pay for more pictures.

Argh-- I not only paid, I double checked that all were visible, and there were descriptions on every image. It appears that the descriptions are lost, and many of the images have vanished. I will re-upload those when I get home tonight, and I'm sorry for the mess. I've had a lot of trouble with imgur lately-- descriptions and images are just randomly vanishing, from both new and old albums. I have no idea why.

- - - Updated - - -

Raygundan, do you have more pictures? Your mission album ends with taking off from Laythe. Looking good so far!

jman508, you should probably just put a few hitchhikers or mk2 crew cabins on the ship to be safe. If you really don't want to, make sure your room assembly weighs at least as much per kerbal as the lightest pod (mk2 crew cabin at 0.55 tons per kerbal). Disclaimer: I'm not Ziv, so I can't tell you it's legal. Best to go by the rules.

It looks like imgur ate quite a few of the images as well as all the descriptions I put in. I'll blow the album away and re-upload as soon as I can-- I have them all backed up separately at home. My apologies for that-- I would swear that I double-checked everything before submitting, even.

Edit: the missing images have been re-uploaded and added to the album, located here: http://imgur.com/a/MTIch

Edited by raygundan
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