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[0.23.5] StretchySRB: A StretchyTanks Continuation v9 Final Pre-PP edition 3/21/14


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Sorry, haven't had a chance to look at the moving-part issue yet, but it's shortly to be at the top of my priority list.

Ratzap: Which version of MFS 3.2 did you install? Make sure you're using RF or RFRM.

Make sure that you deleted your old StretchyTank folder first before installing SSRBv5 (and same for MFS before installin 3.2).

If all that fails, do the thing that makes it fail, and zip-and-upload your output.log

Dante80: whether a part can surface attach to other parts is controlled by both parts. The tanks and SRBs are surface-attach enabled; you can attach other things to them. Most engines, however, are not enabled to surface attach to other things. That requires changing the attachRules and adding a node_attach node with the same stats as node_stack_top (otherwise, if you just change the attachRule alone, they will, IIRC, attach at center of mass rather than where you want them to).

TL;DR gotta change the engines involved.

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So, I haven't had a chance to track down the SRB-moving bug. But I have done a few fixes.

Last call for new textures before release!

Tentative changelog:

v6 == \/ ==

*Added height and width display

*Changed scaling steps (slightly finer control)

*Removed width and height limits

*Added even-meter tanks (0.5m, 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m)

*Added one new texture by me

*Added three new textures by Chestburster

*Added three new textures by Dante80

*Resized a couple textures, for hopefully no loss in quality.

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So...I just realized.

There are now 17 skins for StretchySRB.

I suggest that any further skins (and perhaps I will change existing ones to this form) be done as skinpacks.

It's very simple. The instructions are in STTextures.cfg for how to write the confignode.

However, to make a skinpack, here's what you do.

Make a folder in gamedata, call it what you like.

In that folder place your texture

In that folder make a config file.

It should have the form:

// insert your config here

The docs on how to write the config are all in STTextures.cfg

Note that for the textures you add, you will obviously add the complete path to them (i..e MyTextures/MyTextureSides and MyTextures/MyTextureSidesBump if a bumpmap) but if you still use the stock end texture (as most do, since they're usually hidden), then you'll want to reference that, StretchyTanks/Parts/ends

Note this will require modulemanager, but everyone should have that by now. And anyway, that's why I designed the system like this: so people adding textures wouldn't be dependent on me.

Anyway, then upload your texture zip and post a link here, and show a screenshot, and I'll add it to the OP.

EDIT: For the record, here are the docs, and the first texture as a sample:

	// DOCS
// If you're adding a new texture, create a new node.
// The name of the node is the name that will be stored in your craft file.
// Inside that node, you need two subnodes: sides and ends
// sides can have the following keys:
// texture = the path to the texture used for the sides
// bump = the bump map, if any (shader will be non-bumped if this is left out)
// uScale = how many times the texture is tiled horizontally around the tank
// vScale = how many times the texture is tiled vertically on the tank sides
// autoScale = if present and true, the uScale and vScale will be multiplied by
// tank radial and vertical stretch factors respectively. Note that the
// scales will round to the nearest (total scale factor / original scale)
// so that textures don't have seams. The default sides texture
// has uScale 4, so it starts tiled 4x horizontally and when stretched will
// be more or less (but always in steps of 0.25)
// autoWidthDivide = if present and true, and autoScale is true, divide height
// scaling by width stretch factor. In other words, a 2x10m SRB and 1x5m SRB
// will have the same texture scaling. (SegmentedSRB uses this)
// autoHeightSteps = if present, use steps of (this) instead of (1/vScale) for
// vertical tiling of the texture (only use when autoScale is true)
// ends can have just the texture key (see above)

//by Ancient Gammoner
texture = StretchyTanks/Parts/sides
uScale = 4
vScale = 1
autoScale = true
texture = StretchyTanks/Parts/ends

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  NathanKell said:
Dante80: whether a part can surface attach to other parts is controlled by both parts. The tanks and SRBs are surface-attach enabled; you can attach other things to them. Most engines, however, are not enabled to surface attach to other things. That requires changing the attachRules and adding a node_attach node with the same stats as node_stack_top (otherwise, if you just change the attachRule alone, they will, IIRC, attach at center of mass rather than where you want them to).

TL;DR gotta change the engines involved.

Yep, thats what I thought too. Thanks for the tip, going to edit all my engines now...XD

V6 sounds awesome, really looking forward to the height and width display.

  SFJackBauer said:
I am not addressing exactly your issue here. But there is something that is readily available to do: grab the EditorExtensions plugin, which allows you to turn on surface attachment in VAB for any part (among other useful features). This way you can make engines clusters however you want, without the need of having a pre-built adaptor part.

Thanks for pointing out that plugin, dowloading. C:

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  NathanKell said:
Sorry, haven't had a chance to look at the moving-part issue yet, but it's shortly to be at the top of my priority list.

Ratzap: Which version of MFS 3.2 did you install? Make sure you're using RF or RFRM.

Make sure that you deleted your old StretchyTank folder first before installing SSRBv5 (and same for MFS before installin 3.2).

If all that fails, do the thing that makes it fail, and zip-and-upload your output.log

I had just installed MFS as bog standard. I don't really have time to fiddle with RF at the moment so I'll live without the SRBs for now.

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Sorry If I sound dumb, but is this mod including also all features from StretchyTanks?



For myself I was astonished how the readability with the correct using of



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is improved.

I suggest you use them in your description. They will vastly improve it and make it easier to find important information... at least for me.

Edited by Bizz Keryear
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Would it maybe possible to add some kind of procedural nosecones for the SRBs, if you even find time for anything new as you are maintaining a lot of mods already :wink: . Because if I am changing their width, nosecones don't quite fit anymore . That is actually not much of a problem gameplaywise but it would be aesthetically more appealing....

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  DasBananenbrot said:
Would it maybe possible to add some kind of procedural nosecones for the SRBs, if you even find time for anything new as you are maintaining a lot of mods already :wink: . Because if I am changing their width, nosecones don't quite fit anymore . That is actually not much of a problem gameplaywise but it would be aesthetically more appealing....

A good stopgap for that would be to use procedural fairings. They make good nosecones, and Nathan has made a couple of textures for them too.

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  Dante80 said:
A good stopgap for that would be to use procedural fairings. They make good nosecones, and Nathan has made a couple of textures for them too.

That you can already make good nosecones with procedural fairings is quite obvious .... Shame on me :D Well problem solved I would say

Edited by DasBananenbrot
I can't write xD
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  Umlüx said:
procedural fairings, wings, tanks, SRBs... now we only need procedural engines and i can delete my squad folder :D

Actually, the tech level used for engines combined with a different fuel mix that MFS gives pretty much makes engines procedural too man...C:


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v6 == \/ ==

*Added height and width display

*Changed scaling steps (slightly finer control). Hold LeftShift for 10x speed.

*Removed width and height limits

*Added even-meter tanks (0.5m, 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m)

*Added one new texture by me

*Added three new textures by Chestburster

*Added three new textures by Dante80

*Resized a couple textures, for hopefully no loss in quality.

*Added Balloon-type superstretchy. Needs MFSC v3.3 or above.

*Fixed surface attachment problems (I think)

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NathanKell, when i am in the VAB and have gone into AG to change fuel type or engine type, is there any way to clear the window that is used to do that so i can work on a different tank and engine? now i select and change what i want, then exit AG to VAB and then go back into AG to work on next engine / tank....


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Hello, so I've been trying to get New SRB sounds to work with this mod but can't seem to get it working. I've tried the instructions in the New SRB sounds thread for adding the sounds to other parts but it results in no running sound at all.

I've asked over there if anyone can help me to get it working but it's been 10 days with no response, so I figured I'd try my luck over here instead.

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  drtedastro said:
H'mmm, currently when i select a different part, a new gui window opens and now i have two, three, etc.. the previously selected one never goes away until i leave the AG window back to normal VAB...

Never, ever heard of that happening. Are you running the latest (3.3) MFSC, and SSRB v6? Which version of MFS?

Zip and upload your KSP_Data/output_log.txt from after you get that error.

CoriW: I'll take a look.

ShimmyTheJJ: most of their disadvantage (cost, fragility, special handling requirements) isn't modeled in KSP.

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