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How much do you care about Kerbals dying?


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I care lots!! Too much perhaps, but caring leads to extra design challenges and fail-safe/contingency systems. I think aircraft are one of the more dangerous things because they spend more time at speed near that most dangerous of things; the ground. All my aircraft are fitted with ejecting cockpits and parachutes and although I've had some pretty spectacular plane crashes none have been fatal in 0.22

In past versions of the game I've lost my fair share of little green guys, some have even been killed intentionally (mostly by

), but that was their fault for joining up with the enemy's side.

The more I play KSP the more attached to them I've become (rather than getting desensitised as I thought might happen), so losing them is something I try very hard to prevent.

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As the title states.

So far Ive tried to not lose anyone. Other than some sandbox testing, Ive only lost one mission, which I reset as I learned something I didnt know, and am now trying it again to test that knowledge.

I care if Jeb dies but the others yer na let em die. :0

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As the title states.

So far Ive tried to not lose anyone. Other than some sandbox testing, Ive only lost one mission, which I reset as I learned something I didnt know, and am now trying it again to test that knowledge.

It really depends on if I am playing a serious mission or if I am just playing around.

If I do a serious mission then I care alot about getting the kerbals back home safe.

If I am fooling around like I for example did when making a theme park ride, then they are all expendable:

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It really depends on if I am playing a serious mission or if I am just playing around.

If I do a serious mission then I care alot about getting the kerbals back home safe.

If I am fooling around like I for example did when making a theme park ride, then they are all expendable...

OK, the theme park ride made me laugh out loud. Have some kerbal snacks.

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In career mode, I value them. There is no respawn in my save, so I try to keep kerbals from dying.

The lack of small materials early on make escape towers hard, so I use ejection boosters mounted on the capsule.

Oh, and the poor gray-suits ride first. Not risking Jeb.

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I accidentally smeared my Jeb over the side of a mountain while trying to get surface samples of the mountains near KSC. He respawned a few hours later.

I turned on permadeath, and crashed him again. I do not permit zombies in my space program.

I try hard to keep my kerbals alive, but when they die, I make sure they stay dead.

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I care alot! I try my best not to lose anyone my friend calls the external seats torcher chairs spelled like that mostly my spacecraft are quite safe and if they do die revert! Eeloo return A space craft that in orbit can land on minmus in one stage and return. But has to use a launch to get orbit

no one will know i have a emotional connection with kerbals hehe yes you may think I'm a weirdo

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Like they're family. No deaths, but the first group sent to the Mun had to be rescued. Look how cute they are, with their little boots and the bulging bellies. :) That being said, they crash landed.


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