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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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  Mihara said:
I didn't think a clickable "brakes" button was a priority precisely because I didn't expect anyone would want to press it with their mouse, but oh well. :)

I was thinking of a status light for brakes on/off, like you have everything else (landing gear etc). A button would be a plus, but I think those buttons should have a label or maybe just use the status light as the button ?

For sure it's not a priority though.

  Mihara said:
you can put a probe core or a docking port in the orientation you like and then switch the reference transform from the inside with the targeting menu, it will work just fine.

I will try, thanks.

And btw : thanks a lot for an AWESOME mod !!

Edited by Ketsa
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  K3|Chris said:
Has anyone mashed up http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mk3-cockpit-internals/ with RasterPropMonitor? :)

Yeah found it for you

  therealcrow999 said:
Here is the MK3 Cockpit mod, redone. I couldn't delete code with MM 1.5 that allows player to click the monitor and get external view, but there is no problem when MFD's are on top of the three monitors. I did notice if you click on top, beyond the MFD, on the edge of the MK3 cockpit model of the monitor, you will get the external view. So be careful or you can exploit that, to have a camera views.

I added another monitor to each of the top seats, I slightly scaled them down from the old on I did.



///////=== TTMK3 Cockpit Mod ===///////

name = JSIInternalPersistence

name = InternalCameraTargetHelper

name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = 0.0002519488,-1.177192E-05,0.03249689
rotation = 0,0,0,1
scale = 0.8181539,0.6867037,0.7228604
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = -0.2960808,0.682427,0.07691021
rotation = -0.08715598,0,0,0.9961947
scale = 0.6111457,0.611146,0.6111453
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = -0.2536634,-1.2E-05,0.07219167
rotation = 0,0.1305262,0,0.9914449
scale = 0.8181536,0.6867037,0.72286
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = 0.2532766,-1.2E-05,0.07194075
rotation = 0,-0.1305262,0,0.9914449
scale = 0.8181536,0.6867037,0.72286
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = -0.4838606,0.682427,0.07691
rotation = -0.08715598,0,0,0.9961947
scale = 0.611146,0.6111463,0.6111462
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = 0.2942997,0.682427,0.07691
rotation = -0.08715598,0,0,0.9961947
scale = 0.611146,0.6111463,0.6111462
name = RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD
position = 0.482941,0.682427,0.07691
rotation = -0.08715598,0,0,0.9961947
scale = 0.611146,0.6111463,0.6111462

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  Mihara said:
That's certainly the first I heard about it (or I'd immediately run off to fix it). I'm afraid I can't replicate it at all -- M switches me to the map view, pressing M again switches me back, no issues whatsoever. A few questions:

  1. Are you absolutely sure that the only other mod you have is Kerbal Engineer?
  2. Windows, Mac or Linux?
  3. Any special keyboards, keyboard translation programs, programs which mess with input language? (like, say, Punto Switcher)


Meanwhile, MOARdV has finished the much-requested orbital display to the point where it's fit for kerbal consumption, which means that the last major thing I wanted to include in 0.13 release is ready. This is your last call for variables for the next week or two -- if you ask for a variable today, and it can be coded in under paragraph, it might still make it into 0.13 release, otherwise it'll have to wait a couple of weeks before appearing in a full release. :)

Just wow!

Now i wait for some GUI version for use outside IVA and i will be in heaven (yeah, i know that you dont do gui windows).

I have question, if we are direclly above surface (landing), is there any zoom? I mean situation where trajectory curve is very small comparing to diameter of whole body.

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  kiwiak said:
I have question, if we are direclly above surface (landing), is there any zoom? I mean situation where trajectory curve is very small comparing to diameter of whole body.

Right now, the image scales so the entire diameter of the planet (and its atmosphere) always show up in the window, along with the current ship's orbit (Pe, Ap, and position). So it will zoom up to a point, but once the planet fills the display window, zooming stops. I had previously set it up so zooming kept going, but it gets harder to comprehend the display if the entire planetary disc isn't visible. Once it's had some field time, we'll see what the overall opinion is (leave it as it's configured, keep zooming, or make that another configuration option).

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I have a minor bug report for you Mihara, (or MOARdV if it interests you :)). When you use the targeting menu to select a reference part, if you already have a camera open and you attempt to switch to the new docking camera, the button is unresponsive. You have to switch to another non-camera page, then switch to the docking camera. I put together a visual demonstration. I figure it's easier to SEE the problem. It doesn't affect the functionality of the part, but it does make it appear to be broken.


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  likke_A_boss said:
Are you using boulder Co visual Enhancement and active memory reduction by any chance? They do not work together and cause that problem. I havnt filed a big report yet, feel free to do so yourself, but that is where the problem was for me.

You were right on the money, BoulderCo was the culprit. I downloaded it at the same time as RPM but I've been using the other mods for so long I forgot I'd installed it. My IVA mission is back on track, cheers!

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  EchoFiveOne said:
You were right on the money, BoulderCo was the culprit. I downloaded it at the same time as RPM but I've been using the other mods for so long I forgot I'd installed it. My IVA mission is back on track, cheers!

Hmm, I haven't had an issue with this combination yet but I'll give it time.

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  Hyomoto said:
An update on that bug I posted, it seems to have trouble switching from a camera to the docking transform period. It always seems to need a buffer page.

Neat! Does the log show anything, perchance? And which camera type are you using? JSISteerableCamera background handler, or cameraTransform in a PAGE definition?

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Hello, nice mod!

No problem to install and run, i'm just confuse how to use it. The doc linked in page one concern the developpement of RaspPropMonitor, and I would be happy to fine some doc on the simple usage. Is there such a thing? Even basic stuff like :

1 = go and have fun with SCANSat (ok, it is on my todo list)


3 = docking port (err... ?)


7 = cam 1-8 (yes, I got this right)





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  MOARdV said:
Neat! Does the log show anything, perchance? And which camera type are you using? JSISteerableCamera background handler, or cameraTransform in a PAGE definition?

Ack, I apologize. While investigating this, it turns out I'm a moron. I apparently simply didn't define that button on any page but the main one. Please ignore my report of a bug.

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  Hyomoto said:
Ack, I apologize. While investigating this, it turns out I'm a moron. I apparently simply didn't define that button on any page but the main one. Please ignore my report of a bug.

Those are my favorite kind of bug. They're easy for me to fix. :)

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  Argelle said:
No problem to install and run, i'm just confuse how to use it. The doc linked in page one concern the developpement of RaspPropMonitor, and I would be happy to fine some doc on the simple usage. Is there such a thing? Even basic stuff like :

In the very basic form, that's what the initial page is for. It comes up if you press 0. There's nothing much beyond that at the moment, sorry.

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Kerbal Space Industries MFD for RPM


RasterPropMonitor is an amazing piece of tech, but the example prop is more to show it off than to actually assist you with your missions. The Kerbal Space Industries Multi-Function Display provides many quality of life improvements to allow you to perform full IVA missions (no HUD, no MAP) without requiring you to go without needed information. You can access any of the five main pages from anywhere else, making it quick and efficient to find the information you need, when you need it. Each menu has its own functions:


[table=width: 1024]


[td]FLIGHT (FLT)[/td]

[td]INFO (INFO)[/td]

[td]CAMERA (CAM)[/td]


[td]GPS (GPS)[/td]


[td]Primary Flight Display (PFD), Takeoff Assistant (TOF), Orbital Information (ORB), Landing Assistant (LND)[/td]

[td]Resources (RES), Craft Information (NFO), Altitude Plot (ALT)[/td]

[td]1 - 8 (ExtCam1 to ExtCam8), DOCK for docking port camera (use target page to select)[/td]

[td]TRACK, INTRC and SWAP (see below)[/td]

[td]GPS (ScanSAT function, not fully developed)[/td]



TOP and BACK: TOP will take you to the top menu, BACK will return you to the previous page.

SLEEP: This will put a monitor into a simple 'sleep' state. Pressing any button will wake it back up.

TARGET MENU: When you choose a target in the target menu, you can then press TRACK to bring up the tracking display. If you then press INTRC, it will switch to the intercept page. You must have a target selected, and depending on the nature of your target (ship/planetary body) you will get different information. If no target is selected, the screen displays [NO TARGET] instead. Targeting also adds several pieces of information to the DOCK camera to assist with connection. SWAP will reorder the list pages (reverse order).

RESOURCES MENU: When you bring up the resource page, it will display a basic overview of your ship: liquid fuel, oxidizer, monopropellant and battery charge. Clicking TOTAL brings up a more detailed list of everything on your craft, you can then use the up and down arrows to scroll through the pages. It can list up to sixteen resources. Clicking HELPR will bring up the staging assistant. For users who use F2 to hide the game overlay, this page is designed to assist with staging your craft. It will display 'OK' once a quantity has been depleted, and tracks SRB's and liquid fuel rockets. However, due to limitations of KSP and RPM, it doesn't handle complex staging very well so your mileage may vary.


I use module manager 1.5.6 to replace example props on ANY interior using them, up to eleven (a limitation of MM). To uninstall simply delete my folder.

[https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_0QFdEFWqr8LXpZcF84MEFnV00/edit?usp=sharing]Download v1.0a


1.0a - incorporate JSIOrbitDisplay

1.0 - initial release

Credit to Mihara for RasterPropMonitor, and alexustas for the example prop model. Want to see it in action? Watch Kerpollo! It is an all-IVA Apollo-style mission to the Mun and back using RasterPropMonitor (and the KSI MFD of course).

Edited by Hyomoto
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  likke_A_boss said:
How is your display so clear?

Higher antialiasing settings, I believe. RPM is quite sensitive to those -- since it makes a lot of use of non-power-of-2-textures, it can't enable mipmapping on the screens. (And I'm not sure if doing so anyway would not cause a large perfomance hit with the way they get rebuilt every few frames).

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  Mihara said:
In the very basic form, that's what the initial page is for. It comes up if you press 0. There's nothing much beyond that at the moment, sorry.

Thanks, that will do, I'll go explore the different menu then :)

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  likke_A_boss said:
How is your display so clear?

The files I used for the screen are all 512x512 PNG format, I also made a custom font (same resolution as the example prop) which may appear more clear? I don't use antialiasing, but that picture was taken originally at 1600x900 (though I often play in 1280x720) which could be why. Perhaps you have texture resolution set to half? Honestly, I need to see a comparison to really tell you.

Mihara, I haven't played with the new HUD or Orbiter page handler yet, but otherwise RPM has been rock solid.

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  Hyomoto said:
Mihara, I haven't played with the new HUD or Orbiter page handler yet, but otherwise RPM has been rock solid.

Well, if you grab the current dev build now and have a go at it, it will help. It has both the HUD and orbit pages defined.

P.S. As well as the plane cockpit door handles, B9 repropped interiors, Hullcam VDS camera patches, beyond just the code.

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