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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.4 | 02/06/24


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As Chris says (I also had access) 0.25 Winx64 is far, far, far less stable than 0.24. If it had been as stable as .24, we almost certainly would not have disabled Winx64 support in our mods.

The reason for MM inclusion is because none of us know whether users will use more than one mod; one *never* wants to release a mod that lacks required files.

Right. Well, back to 32bit for a bit then, eh? Thanks for the heads up. Still about MM, I have seen some mods with a list of required dlls and links to them. Of course, stupid proof is difficult.

Another point to ease the bad vibes floating about - change the language. Instead of "disabled" ("RealChute is disabled on Windows 64bit installs") maybe say "suspended" - that gives a bit of hope and leaves room to grow in the future. The MM page says "Win64 must die edition" - and such violent words will just get us more violent comments. We need the good vibes to come back.

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I don't know how much e-mail you are getting, but it just feels super petty to abandon the whole OSS idea because of support requests about unsupported installs.

I'm not paid for that you know? I have a life, a part time job, school to attend to, projects to complete, exams to study for, a personal life to manage, and all the stuff that goes along. Finding the time to mod is one thing. Finding the time for me to personally support each user is something much bigger. I've been praised a lot because I take the time to answer each question and help each user as much as I can. But I firmly refuse to deal with Squad's problems to fall on /my/ shoulders. 0.25 is ridiculously unstable. I'm not going to waste my time supporting it, and since we learned people don't listen, I'm not taking the risk of people asking for support on unsupported installs. That's all.

That said, I'm going to say my stand is final. I'm not going to be arguing this anymore, because I don't have the time for that either. I should've gone to bed three hours ago but stayed up to answer questions and comment my decisions. As long as Squad won't asume responsability for it's broken builds and remove them given they are too broken to reasonably be available, then RealChute won't be supported for it, and won't be available for it either. That's all. I'm not replying to comments on this anymore.

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Found a bug in Agents.cfg

Path for the agency logos is incorrect and prevents a new save from generating contracts.

says "Squad/Agencies/..." rather than "RealChute/Agencies/..."

Changed it on my install and it fixes things right up.

Most usefull post since v0.25 mod compatibility update.

You got +rep here ^^

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Have you tried this Cerebrate?

I ran a fair amount of mods with this, without crashes at all (Other than mod related). You do get a slight FPS hit however, but if you have a monster PC it doesnt really matter.

I found it a good compromise when having to use the x86 versions, and found it a LOT better stability wise.

Crashes on load here, unfortunately.


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Dude. Seriously. It's not about you. And our experience of Windows x64 obviously varies - mine has issues loading a fair bit, but once up and running is imperfect but stable with 90, nine-zero, mods installed for multiple hours at a time. It's not great, but it's a long way from unusual.

But anyway, I don't have time to deal with this either, since attempting to help out the Windows x64 people this way is entirely not worth it, given the giant pain in the ass it's turning out to be. So it's gone, it's pulled, and you don't have to worry about any distributions of your code I might make in the future.

That bein' said, I still have this problem and don't much like this approach to things from the user point of view, so here's the good old-fashioned user-side solution that doesn't involve editing anyone else's source or distributing any mods at all, and has the advantage of being a general solution that works on any mod that makes use of this particular CompatibilityChecker feature:


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or

distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled

binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any


In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors

of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the

software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit

of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and

successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of

relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this

software under copyright law.








For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org>

Edited by KasperVld
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Myself, I have been a long time supporter of 64 bit but after seeing how unstable the build was I decided to just wait. That was the 0.24.2 build so if the new build is MORE buggy than that then there is no way I will be installing it and TBH I don`t know why SQUAD even released it. It`s just causing problems and isn`t the solution to anything.

I fully support the mods which have decided to not function in KSPwin64 as I feel this is the right choice.

Cerebrate, rather than mess up this thread (which is about realchute not KSPWin64 after all) Why not start your own?

If you are releasing any type of mod you have to include a license and source code so your own thread at this point seems to make sense.

Good luck dealing with the customer support as most of the people who download your mod sill be running it on what is a very unstable platform by all accounts.

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Myself, I have been a long time supporter of 64 bit but after seeing how unstable the build was I decided to just wait. That was the 0.24.2 build so if the new build is MORE buggy than that then there is no way I will be installing it and TBH I don`t know why SQUAD even released it. It`s just causing problems and isn`t the solution to anything.

I fully support the mods which have decided to not function in KSPwin64 as I feel this is the right choice.

Cerebrate, rather than mess up this thread (which is about realchute not KSPWin64 after all) Why not start your own?

If you are releasing any type of mod you have to include a license and source code so your own thread at this point seems to make sense.

Good luck dealing with the customer support as most of the people who download your mod sill be running it on what is a very unstable platform by all accounts.

It's not technically a mod and I'm not actually even sure if I can post a release announcement for it here, but if I can, yeah, I'll be doin' that. And I should be done posting here now, so.


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It's not technically a mod and I'm not actually even sure if I can post a release announcement for it here, but if I can, yeah, I'll be doin' that. And I should be done posting here now, so.


Before you leave, do the responsible thing and get rid of this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-0-25-x-Wenkel-Corporation-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-v1-2-5-07-10-14?p=1460254&viewfull=1#post1460254.

Delete it.

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*side steps around the bar fight in the doorway*

I'm getting a problem with RealChutes on 86x.

reloading an existing vessel equiped with a chute leads to the vessel being uncontrollable (locked attitude as far as i can tell) with parts randomly missing (invisible, the camera acts as if the mass is still there, not sure if the physics still exists for them given the lack of control). Staging and everything vanishes also.

Originally noticed with NEAR, Mechjeb and KJR as well, but confirmed alone.

Put a kerbal X on the launchpad, go back to the space centre and back and....


(wow imageshack has gone rubbish on me...)

[LOG 14:00:58.265] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------

[LOG 14:00:58.276] Loading ship from file: C:\KSP\025\Ships\VAB\Kerbal X.craft

[WRN 14:00:58.322] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at Mark1-2Pod, index 3.

Node 'ModuleTripLogger' found in loaded data, but 'ModuleScienceExperiment' is defined in prefab.

Looking for ModuleTripLogger in other indices...

[WRN 14:00:58.330] ...ModuleTripLogger module found at index 6.

[WRN 14:00:58.395] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at parachuteLarge, index 0.

Node 'ModuleParachute' found in loaded data, but 'ModuleTestSubject' is defined in prefab.

Looking for ModuleParachute in other indices...

[ERR 14:00:58.403] ...no ModuleParachute module found on part definition. Skipping...

[LOG 14:00:59.030] Kerbal X loaded!

[LOG 14:01:01.307] putting ship to ground: 0

[LOG 14:01:01.314] [Kerbal X]: Ready to Launch - waiting to start physics...

[LOG 14:01:01.333] Crewmember Jebediah Kerman assigned to Mk1-2 Command Pod, seat # 0 (crew seat index: 0)

[LOG 14:01:01.337] Crewmember Bill Kerman assigned to Mk1-2 Command Pod, seat # 1 (crew seat index: 1)

[LOG 14:01:01.341] Crewmember Bob Kerman assigned to Mk1-2 Command Pod, seat # 2 (crew seat index: 2)

[LOG 14:01:01.345] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Kerbal X ----------------------

[LOG 14:01:01.350] setting new dominant body: Kerbin

FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin

[LOG 14:01:01.354] Reference Frame: Rotating

[LOG 14:01:01.387] stage manager resuming...

[LOG 14:01:01.391] Vessel assembly complete!

[LOG 14:01:01.394] stage manager starting...

[LOG 14:01:01.397] all systems started

[LOG 14:01:01.609] [RealChute]: Mk16-XL Parachute Main chute: Scale: 5.054079

[WRN 14:01:01.614] [RealChute]: Could not find the case texture at the index [0] within library

[LOG 14:01:02.176] [scenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered

[LOG 14:01:08.237] [VesselSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2)

[WRN 14:01:08.556] [CurrencyWidgetsApp]: No live widgets to Despawn!

[LOG 14:01:08.565] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbal X

[LOG 14:01:09.255] Flight State Captured

[LOG 14:01:09.260] Saving Achievements Tree...

[LOG 14:01:09.309] Game State Saved as persistent

[LOG 14:01:12.560] Flight State Captured

[LOG 14:01:12.571] Saving Achievements Tree...

[LOG 14:01:12.645] Game State Saved as persistent

[WRN 14:01:12.651] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================

[LOG 14:01:13.809] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin

[LOG 14:01:15.147] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SettingsWindow' from assembly 'RealChute'

[LOG 14:01:17.838] [scenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered

[LOG 14:01:17.856] [VesselSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2)

[LOG 14:01:22.461] Flight State Captured

[LOG 14:01:22.466] Saving Achievements Tree...

[LOG 14:01:22.543] Game State Saved as persistent

[WRN 14:01:22.549] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to FLIGHT (Async) =====================

[LOG 14:01:23.394] [RealChute]: Saved settings file.

[LOG 14:01:24.689] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------

[LOG 14:01:24.735] Target vessel index: 1 vessel count: 2

[LOG 14:01:24.741] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Kerbal X ----------------------

[LOG 14:01:24.746] setting new dominant body: Kerbin

FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin

[LOG 14:01:24.750] Reference Frame: Rotating

[EXC 14:01:25.499] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

RealChute.Parachute.Load (.ConfigNode node)

RealChute.Parachute..ctor (RealChute.RealChuteModule module, .ConfigNode node)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.<LoadParachutes>b__20 (.ConfigNode n)

System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectIterator>c__Iterator10`2[ConfigNode,RealChute.Parachute].MoveNext ()

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable)

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.LoadParachutes ()

RealChute.RealChuteModule.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node)

PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node)

Part.LoadModule (.ConfigNode node, System.Int32& moduleIndex)

ProtoPartModuleSnapshot.Load (.Part hostPart, System.Int32& moduleIndex)

ProtoPartSnapshot.Load (.Vessel vesselRef, Boolean loadAsRootPart)

ProtoVessel.LoadObjects ()

Vessel.Load ()

Vessel.MakeActive ()

FlightGlobals.setActiveVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean force)

FlightGlobals.SetActiveVessel (.Vessel v)

FlightDriver.Start ()

[EXC 14:01:26.113] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

RealChute.Parachute.Load (.ConfigNode node)

RealChute.Parachute..ctor (RealChute.RealChuteModule module, .ConfigNode node)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.<LoadParachutes>b__20 (.ConfigNode n)

System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectIterator>c__Iterator10`2[ConfigNode,RealChute.Parachute].MoveNext ()

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable)

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.LoadParachutes ()

RealChute.RealChuteModule.OnStart (StartState state)

Part.ModulesOnStart ()


.MoveNext ()

[LOG 14:01:26.166] [scenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered

[LOG 14:01:26.299] [VesselSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2)

[WRN 14:01:26.374] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.383] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.388] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.394] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.401] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.410] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.415] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.420] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.425] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.429] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.433] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.437] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.441] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.446] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.450] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.454] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.457] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.461] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.466] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.470] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.473] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.478] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.482] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.487] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.490] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.494] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.497] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.500] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.504] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.508] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.511] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.517] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.521] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.525] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.529] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.532] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.535] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.539] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.543] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.547] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.551] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.556] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.560] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.564] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.567] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.571] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.574] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.578] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.583] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.586] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.590] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.593] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.599] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.604] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.608] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.611] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.615] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.618] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.623] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.627] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.630] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.634] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.696] [CurrencyWidgetsApp]: No live widgets to Despawn!

[LOG 14:01:26.704] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbal X

[LOG 14:02:20.994] Flight State Captured

[LOG 14:02:21.001] Saving Achievements Tree...

[LOG 14:02:21.076] Game State Saved as persistent

[WRN 14:02:21.081] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================

Edited by shand
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Thanks for the update as always. I personally use 32 bit since 64 bit is garbage, but I don't want to go down that road. You and every modder have been doing a great job, keep up the good work.

Only thing I think needed in this mod, is prices for the chutes. This is what I currently use for my MM file, its pretty much copies of stock prices for the same size chutes.

@cost = 450

@cost = 500

@cost = 300

@cost = 500

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Thanks for the update as always. I personally use 32 bit since 64 bit is garbage, but I don't want to go down that road. You and every modder have been doing a great job, keep up the good work.

Only thing I think need in the mod is prices for the chutes. This is what I currently use for my MM file, its pretty much copies of stock prices for the same size chutes.


I think/thought the mod generated procedural prices dependant on the settings you choose... that's how it worked on 24.2 (not currently running it on 0.25 due to above problem i'm having)

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Dude. Seriously. It's not about you. And our experience of Windows x64 obviously varies - mine has issues loading a fair bit, but once up and running is imperfect but stable with 90, nine-zero, mods installed for multiple hours at a time. It's not great, but it's a long way from unusual.

But anyway, I don't have time to deal with this either, since attempting to help out the Windows x64 people this way is entirely not worth it, given the giant pain in the ass it's turning out to be. So it's gone, it's pulled, and you don't have to worry about any distributions of your code I might make in the future.

That bein' said, I still have this problem and don't much like this approach to things from the user point of view, so here's the good old-fashioned user-side solution that doesn't involve editing anyone else's source or distributing any mods at all, and has the advantage of being a general solution that works on any mod that makes use of this particular CompatibilityChecker feature:



It's not technically a mod and I'm not actually even sure if I can post a release announcement for it here, but if I can, yeah, I'll be doin' that. And I should be done posting here now, so.


JohnFX is right. Since you refuse to let things flow normally, I'm simply going to block everything another way. Sorry, but this is going much too far.

*side steps around the bar fight in the doorway*

I'm getting a problem with RealChutes on 86x.

reloading an existing vessel equiped with a chute leads to the vessel being uncontrollable (locked attitude as far as i can tell) with parts randomly missing (invisible, the camera acts as if the mass is still there, not sure if the physics still exists for them given the lack of control). Staging and everything vanishes also.

Originally noticed with NEAR, Mechjeb and KJR as well, but confirmed alone.

Put a kerbal X on the launchpad, go back to the space centre and back and....


(wow imageshack has gone rubbish on me...)

[LOG 14:00:58.265] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------

[LOG 14:00:58.276] Loading ship from file: C:\KSP\025\Ships\VAB\Kerbal X.craft

[WRN 14:00:58.322] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at Mark1-2Pod, index 3.

Node 'ModuleTripLogger' found in loaded data, but 'ModuleScienceExperiment' is defined in prefab.

Looking for ModuleTripLogger in other indices...

[WRN 14:00:58.330] ...ModuleTripLogger module found at index 6.

[WRN 14:00:58.395] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at parachuteLarge, index 0.

Node 'ModuleParachute' found in loaded data, but 'ModuleTestSubject' is defined in prefab.

Looking for ModuleParachute in other indices...

[ERR 14:00:58.403] ...no ModuleParachute module found on part definition. Skipping...

[LOG 14:00:59.030] Kerbal X loaded!

[LOG 14:01:01.307] putting ship to ground: 0

[LOG 14:01:01.314] [Kerbal X]: Ready to Launch - waiting to start physics...

[LOG 14:01:01.333] Crewmember Jebediah Kerman assigned to Mk1-2 Command Pod, seat # 0 (crew seat index: 0)

[LOG 14:01:01.337] Crewmember Bill Kerman assigned to Mk1-2 Command Pod, seat # 1 (crew seat index: 1)

[LOG 14:01:01.341] Crewmember Bob Kerman assigned to Mk1-2 Command Pod, seat # 2 (crew seat index: 2)

[LOG 14:01:01.345] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Kerbal X ----------------------

[LOG 14:01:01.350] setting new dominant body: Kerbin

FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin

[LOG 14:01:01.354] Reference Frame: Rotating

[LOG 14:01:01.387] stage manager resuming...

[LOG 14:01:01.391] Vessel assembly complete!

[LOG 14:01:01.394] stage manager starting...

[LOG 14:01:01.397] all systems started

[LOG 14:01:01.609] [RealChute]: Mk16-XL Parachute Main chute: Scale: 5.054079

[WRN 14:01:01.614] [RealChute]: Could not find the case texture at the index [0] within library

[LOG 14:01:02.176] [scenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered

[LOG 14:01:08.237] [VesselSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2)

[WRN 14:01:08.556] [CurrencyWidgetsApp]: No live widgets to Despawn!

[LOG 14:01:08.565] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbal X

[LOG 14:01:09.255] Flight State Captured

[LOG 14:01:09.260] Saving Achievements Tree...

[LOG 14:01:09.309] Game State Saved as persistent

[LOG 14:01:12.560] Flight State Captured

[LOG 14:01:12.571] Saving Achievements Tree...

[LOG 14:01:12.645] Game State Saved as persistent

[WRN 14:01:12.651] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================

[LOG 14:01:13.809] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin

[LOG 14:01:15.147] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SettingsWindow' from assembly 'RealChute'

[LOG 14:01:17.838] [scenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered

[LOG 14:01:17.856] [VesselSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2)

[LOG 14:01:22.461] Flight State Captured

[LOG 14:01:22.466] Saving Achievements Tree...

[LOG 14:01:22.543] Game State Saved as persistent

[WRN 14:01:22.549] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to FLIGHT (Async) =====================

[LOG 14:01:23.394] [RealChute]: Saved settings file.

[LOG 14:01:24.689] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------

[LOG 14:01:24.735] Target vessel index: 1 vessel count: 2

[LOG 14:01:24.741] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Kerbal X ----------------------

[LOG 14:01:24.746] setting new dominant body: Kerbin

FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin

[LOG 14:01:24.750] Reference Frame: Rotating

[EXC 14:01:25.499] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

RealChute.Parachute.Load (.ConfigNode node)

RealChute.Parachute..ctor (RealChute.RealChuteModule module, .ConfigNode node)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.<LoadParachutes>b__20 (.ConfigNode n)

System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectIterator>c__Iterator10`2[ConfigNode,RealChute.Parachute].MoveNext ()

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable)

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.LoadParachutes ()

RealChute.RealChuteModule.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node)

PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node)

Part.LoadModule (.ConfigNode node, System.Int32& moduleIndex)

ProtoPartModuleSnapshot.Load (.Part hostPart, System.Int32& moduleIndex)

ProtoPartSnapshot.Load (.Vessel vesselRef, Boolean loadAsRootPart)

ProtoVessel.LoadObjects ()

Vessel.Load ()

Vessel.MakeActive ()

FlightGlobals.setActiveVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean force)

FlightGlobals.SetActiveVessel (.Vessel v)

FlightDriver.Start ()

[EXC 14:01:26.113] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

RealChute.Parachute.Load (.ConfigNode node)

RealChute.Parachute..ctor (RealChute.RealChuteModule module, .ConfigNode node)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.<LoadParachutes>b__20 (.ConfigNode n)

System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectIterator>c__Iterator10`2[ConfigNode,RealChute.Parachute].MoveNext ()

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable)

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.LoadParachutes ()

RealChute.RealChuteModule.OnStart (StartState state)

Part.ModulesOnStart ()


.MoveNext ()

[LOG 14:01:26.166] [scenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered

[LOG 14:01:26.299] [VesselSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2)

[WRN 14:01:26.374] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.383] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.388] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.394] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.401] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.410] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.415] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.420] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.425] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.429] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

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[WRN 14:01:26.437] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.441] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.446] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.450] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

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[WRN 14:01:26.457] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

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[WRN 14:01:26.470] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

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[WRN 14:01:26.487] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.490] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.494] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.497] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.500] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

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[WRN 14:01:26.511] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.517] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.521] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.525] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.529] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

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[WRN 14:01:26.535] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.539] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.543] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.547] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.551] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

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[WRN 14:01:26.574] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.578] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.583] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.586] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.590] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.593] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.599] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.604] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.608] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.611] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.615] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.618] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.623] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.627] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.630] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.634] [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!

[WRN 14:01:26.696] [CurrencyWidgetsApp]: No live widgets to Despawn!

[LOG 14:01:26.704] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbal X

[LOG 14:02:20.994] Flight State Captured

[LOG 14:02:21.001] Saving Achievements Tree...

[LOG 14:02:21.076] Game State Saved as persistent

[WRN 14:02:21.081] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================

See if you can reproduce this on a none previously built vessel.

Thanks for the update as always. I personally use 32 bit since 64 bit is garbage, but I don't want to go down that road. You and every modder have been doing a great job, keep up the good work.

Only thing I think needed in this mod, is prices for the chutes. This is what I currently use for my MM file, its pretty much copies of stock prices for the same size chutes.

@cost = 450

@cost = 500

@cost = 300

@cost = 500

You do know RealChute sets part cost dynamically?

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Dude. Seriously. It's not about you. And our experience of Windows x64 obviously varies - mine has issues loading a fair bit, but once up and running is imperfect but stable with 90, nine-zero, mods installed for multiple hours at a time. It's not great, but it's a long way from unusual.

But anyway, I don't have time to deal with this either, since attempting to help out the Windows x64 people this way is entirely not worth it, given the giant pain in the ass it's turning out to be. So it's gone, it's pulled, and you don't have to worry about any distributions of your code I might make in the future.

That bein' said, I still have this problem and don't much like this approach to things from the user point of view, so here's the good old-fashioned user-side solution that doesn't involve editing anyone else's source or distributing any mods at all, and has the advantage of being a general solution that works on any mod that makes use of this particular CompatibilityChecker feature:



Cerebrate, modders are tired of endless stream of bug report of "mod X crash my game" that are totally unrelated to our mods. When 2/3 of your bug report is unrelated to your code you get tired fast. Even more so we you do the code and support for free (and fun)

In the exp we found out that the 0.24 x64 build for windows was even less stable. So some of use choose to react. I added a message and a funny animation, and others disabled their mod. As a modder it's our choice.

Your tool is fine and all, but all you generate is more work for us because users who don't read a warning won't care much about your "DON'T SEND THEM SUPPORT REQUESTS FOR VERSIONS YOU'VE PATCHED, OKAY? THIS IS A USE-AT-OWN-RISK TOOL.".

All you create is animosity from the modders who tries to work on their mod without the background noise. And in the end all you'll manage is making us leave.

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And there we go, is up, and this time there are legit bugfixes in this one.


-Win64bit detecting changed to prevent it to be disabled
-Fixed typo in the SovietPack MM config
-Fixed potential bug with the AppLauncher button
-Corrected the Agents.cfg file to have the correct URLs to the logos and prevent dumb stock bug

Hopefully this axes to the crap.

That said, enjoy people :)

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still occurs on my build as previously described.

error is reproducible on any craft that i've built thusfar. interesting, it seems to be the mk16 chute that is causing the issue... so in the meantime i'll avoid using that chute. :) (yay i can use your mod again! :) )

EDIT: stock chutes on vessels seems to be causing the issue. they must've changed some coding in there.

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Side note: I don't really want to be clogging the RealChute thread up with this. If there's a more suitable place for a specific "x64-unfixer is horrible and so's its developer too" thread, I'd be happy to take it over there.

Cerebrate, modders are tired of endless stream of bug report of "mod X crash my game" that are totally unrelated to our mods. When 2/3 of your bug report is unrelated to your code you get tired fast. Even more so we you do the code and support for free (and fun)

Yeah, I get this. I develop software (and open-source software) in one of my day jobs, so I'm pretty used to getting endless streams of bug reports of variable quality and usefulness and with regard to versions and OSen and even entire platforms that I no longer, never did, or couldn't even if I wanted to support. I spend more time than I would like sending out form "sorry, not supported, can't help you" e-mails.

So, trust me, I am aware of the problem. I wish I had a good solution to the problem, which I don't. But...

In the exp we found out that the 0.24 x64 build for windows was even less stable. So some of use choose to react. I added a message and a funny animation, and others disabled their mod. As a modder it's our choice.

Your tool is fine and all, but all you generate is more work for us because users who don't read a warning won't care much about your "DON'T SEND THEM SUPPORT REQUESTS FOR VERSIONS YOU'VE PATCHED, OKAY? THIS IS A USE-AT-OWN-RISK TOOL.".

All you create is animosity from the modders who tries to work on their mod without the background noise. And in the end all you'll manage is making us leave.

...I'm also a software user, and to digress for a moment, the people who've chosen to disable their mods have handed us KSP-mod-users rather an ultimatum, not so?

The game I'm used to playing right now comes with 91 mods installed and won't even load in x86 mode. What I and by extension the rest of the x64 community - who are running x64 for similar reasons, since that build is buggy enough that you wouldn't want to be running it without a good reason - are being told is that our choices are to throw away our saves and play half our game, stay on 0.24 forever, do a whole bunch of manual recompiles with each new release, license permitting, or install a second operating system. That sound like a good list of choices to you?

And, yes, it absolutely is your choice. I may carp from the sidelines, but it absolutely is your choice to administer your mods any way you please. (Although, really, if you publish a project under an open-source license you are explicitly telling the user community that they may fork your project if they sufficiently dislike your choices, or at least that's the way it works with every other open source project ever. If you have different expectations, you might want to tell people so up front, 'cause coming from the broader open-source community and not the KSP modder community, this is not clear.)

But that respect for choice doesn't reasonably extend to accepting your having a veto power over anything people (software stakeholders, if you will) might to do fix something they think you broke and/or chose poorly, especially when they've just been handed something ultimatum-y. That's their free choice.

I'm not tryin' to generate animosity, here, and I will gladly cooperate in any way I can to reduce that extra work and burden of unwanted and inapplicable support requests, suggestions welcome, so long as it's not the one that goes "in this theoretically open add-on development system, we get to break your game for you and you aren't allowed to fix it".

And, finally, let's not forget that we've already been kicked out of their market. This fixes that problem now. In the long run and in the abstract community sense, I don't want to drive anyone away, but on a personal level, I'm not terribly intimidated by the thought of not having more things deliberately designed such that I can't use them anyway.


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JohnFX is right. Since you refuse to let things flow normally, I'm simply going to block everything another way. Sorry, but this is going much too far.

See if you can reproduce this on a none previously built vessel.

You do know RealChute sets part cost dynamically?

Oh sorry, I didn't know that thanks!

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still occurs on my build as previously described.

error is reproducible on any craft that i've built thusfar. interesting, it seems to be the mk16 chute that is causing the issue... so in the meantime i'll avoid using that chute. :) (yay i can use your mod again! :) )

EDIT: stock chutes on vessels seems to be causing the issue. they must've changed some coding in there.

I can't help you with this info. I can't reproduce that, and the bug reporting guidelines have not changed since last month. I need a complete output_log.txt.

hey um it says that this mod is incompatible with unity? i am running unity 4.5 3p2

Because you are playing on OSX. Squad only updated the Unity version on OSX, which is another bad idea. RealChute was built and tested on 4.5.2f1, so I can't guarantee it will work correctly on mac unfortunately. This is another thing to go complain to Squad.

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still occurs on my build as previously described.

error is reproducible on any craft that i've built thusfar. interesting, it seems to be the mk16 chute that is causing the issue... so in the meantime i'll avoid using that chute. :) (yay i can use your mod again! :) )

EDIT: stock chutes on vessels seems to be causing the issue. they must've changed some coding in there.

I had the same issues. Had a ship in orbit, went to the space center, accepted a new mission, then went back to my ship and it was uncontrollable. Didn't show staging, and had a graphics glitch instead of the planet.

Even better, here's HOW TO FIX IT!

1. Rename your RealChute/ModuleManager/Stock_RealChute_MM.cfg file so it doesn't end in .cfg (so stock parachutes will work like stock, not like RealChutes)

2. If you already have a busted ship, edit your persistent.sfs. Find your VESSEL {} then find the PART {} for your parachute. Delete the MODULE{} blocks for "name = RealChuteModule" and "name = ProceduralChute".

This saved my poor ship ("Bob's Orbiter"). The ship was just a command pod, mk16 parachute, fuel tank, and lv-909. After editing the save file, it was fully controllable again. Edit: the parachute did NOT work after making my edit. Luckily I had fuel for a powered descent. :)

Here's a copy of my persistent.sfs files, before and after: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/97q9s307s461h4x/AADLA4dCgNC64V236FTMLwu6a?dl=0

Edited by hab136
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I'm gonna throw in my $.02 Stupid_Chris: You keep up the good work. I enjoy playing with your mod and feel it adds quite a bit to the game. If you don't want to deal with x64 I fully support your decision.

As for the people using large numbers of mods, there are ways to reduce the memory footprint. Everything from deleting parts you don't need/use to using the openGL hack and texture compression. While none of these solutions are ideal, if the alternative is not playing at all I'd much rather put up with crappy quality.

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