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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.4 | 02/06/24


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Another thing I found: In career mode, you can't use action groups in the beginning. Therefore you can't change RealChutes behavior. I guess that's not perfect?

Semi-by-intention. StupidChris is going to try to give an option for right-click resizing in the near future, but is otherwise not going to let you change parachute behavior until you get access to action groups.

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Ioncross Life Support is updated :D

C'mon give it a try. All the cool kids are doing it! First O2 tank is on the house....

I'll check it out, to be honest I didn't know it existed, other then during upcoming releases and to check for new updates on the mods I use already I'm not on the forums much.

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Two things. First, thanks for the quick update! Actually allows me to play .90 and feel like it's "KSP as it ought to be".

Second, given the the increased importance of the credit crunch in .90, you may want to consider adding a non-zero cost to the RC parachutes.

Now I'm off to try to come up with a new craft design that will actually let me land with DRE and RC...:wink:

The cost is not 0. Look at it in game.

Another thing I found: In career mode, you can't use action groups in the beginning. Therefore you can't change RealChutes behavior. I guess that's not perfect?

Intended, yes. Unlock the azction groups to unlock the editor window :)

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I might be just stupid but it would be great if the exact difference of "arm" and "deploy" would be described in the OT!

Arm is basically setting them up on autopilot. When they become armed they will automatically predeploy and deploy at the set altitudes or pressure. (Very useful with RT2 probes that may lose connection)

Deploy is the actual time the chutes come out.

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Arm is basically setting them up on autopilot. When they become armed they will automatically predeploy and deploy at the set altitudes or pressure. (Very useful with RT2 probes that may lose connection)

Deploy is the actual time the chutes come out.

Also, if you try to deploy chutes outside of the set altitudes/pressures (i.e. accidentally hit the staging button while in space, or high up in the atmosphere), the chutes will go "Nope, not doing it" and reset themselves. The "automatically arm on deployment" setting makes them behave like stock chutes (staging button arms them, then auto-deploy at set altitude or pressure; or, if already below the auto-deployment altitude, deploy immediately upon staging).

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Hi guys, have a bit of a problem with this mod....

So basically, I decided to stay with KSP 0.25 for awhile longer, and I wanted to try out Realchutes. I downloaded and installed it into KSP 0.25. And when I went to select the parts in the VAB, the parts had 0 cost, and when I attached them and right clicked them to set options, there were NO options to set. I'm thinking it's a compatibility issue with 0.25? I looked all over the web for earlier versions of Realchutes but can't any other version other than I'm running a heavily modded game on OpenGL and I've never installed this mod before.

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Hi guys, have a bit of a problem with this mod....

So basically, I decided to stay with KSP 0.25 for awhile longer, and I wanted to try out Realchutes. I downloaded and installed it into KSP 0.25. And when I went to select the parts in the VAB, the parts had 0 cost, and when I attached them and right clicked them to set options, there were NO options to set. I'm thinking it's a compatibility issue with 0.25? I looked all over the web for earlier versions of Realchutes but can't any other version other than I'm running a heavily modded game on OpenGL and I've never installed this mod before.

v1.2.6.1 is locked to KSP 0.90. It's not backwards compatible. Yet, if you had listened to the CompatibilityChecker warning you probably would have seen it. As others said, go get v1.2.6 on KerbalStuff.

This being said, I just wanted to let you all know that v1.2.6.2 is ready on the code side. Amongst other things, the FAR bug is fixed, as well as the part click menu that allows cycling through sizes before you get the action groups. I'm currently waiting on sumghai to finish the icons, which should be between tomorrow and Sunday, before pushing this update.


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Arm is basically setting them up on autopilot. When they become armed they will automatically predeploy and deploy at the set altitudes or pressure. (Very useful with RT2 probes that may lose connection)

Deploy is the actual time the chutes come out.

Also, if you try to deploy chutes outside of the set altitudes/pressures (i.e. accidentally hit the staging button while in space, or high up in the atmosphere), the chutes will go "Nope, not doing it" and reset themselves. The "automatically arm on deployment" setting makes them behave like stock chutes (staging button arms them, then auto-deploy at set altitude or pressure; or, if already below the auto-deployment altitude, deploy immediately upon staging).

Thank you for clarifying this for me! Makes sense.

The "Arm" function seems to ignore Deadly Reentrys chute warning. I guess that's also intended? Or is that a behavior that will change in the future?

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Settings are accessed by switching to action groups and clicking the part.

What if you haven't unlocked action groups in the VAB yet, in Career Mode? How do you go about adjusting your parachutes settings without the action groups tab? I currently have a contract to test the MK25 between an altitude of 24500m and 25800m - however because I can't adjust the default RealChute settings, it wont let me deploy while going up, and it won't deploy until after we pass 25000m - which should be fine, except it apparently takes too long to come out, because another part of the contract is that I need to be going at LEAST 490m/s, so I blow right past my deploy window while the chute is still unfurling, and the contract doesn't resolve.

Am I going to need to uninstall RealChute to complete this mission? I'd rather not but it seems like my only option (other than make another cool 200k funds to upgrade the VAB, with only one mission slot open).

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Chris, I come here to say Thank you very much for this mod. I've been avoiding it for so long, thinking it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Turns out it's way better than I expected! So, again, your effort is much appreciated. Thank you so much. :)

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What if you haven't unlocked action groups in the VAB yet, in Career Mode? How do you go about adjusting your parachutes settings without the action groups tab? I currently have a contract to test the MK25 between an altitude of 24500m and 25800m - however because I can't adjust the default RealChute settings, it wont let me deploy while going up, and it won't deploy until after we pass 25000m - which should be fine, except it apparently takes too long to come out, because another part of the contract is that I need to be going at LEAST 490m/s, so I blow right past my deploy window while the chute is still unfurling, and the contract doesn't resolve.

Am I going to need to uninstall RealChute to complete this mission? I'd rather not but it seems like my only option (other than make another cool 200k funds to upgrade the VAB, with only one mission slot open).

I have the same problem as pastadiablo. I'm supposed to test the XL stack chute over 24.8km, and without action groups to set the limit higher there's no way to complete that contract.

Is there a way to change that limit without action groups ?

Sometimes there are contracts you just can't complete yet. Last time, I clearly remember getting the option to land something on the Mun, when I could barely get in orbit around Kerbin. I just skipped that contract until I could get it done. In that case, it would be the same. Doing that contract before you get the action groups is hard (not impossible though). So the best course of action is to take on other contracts, until you have the necessary tools to do the other contracts correctly. The action groups editor window is just another tool that you unlock as you progress through career.

What I /can/ do to help palliate that, is that I could bump the default predeployment altitude to 30km. Mind you however, that the stock chute configured to work with RealChute have predeployment based on pressure. I'm not exactly sure what altitude 0.01atm is at, but this is exactly the same as the stock chutes have, so if the game asks you to do something even with the stock module you couldn't really manage to do, don't blame me :P

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First of all, thank you Chris for this great mod (and the awesome Stock Rebalance). I liked the way you added your own parts category in the editor. I looked to your code and now I'm working on a mod to add more categories. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Hi Chris,

How did you add the category to part sorter? That's brilliant and I'd love to include it with Universal storage.

I've had a look though the RealChute folders and can't find a config file, but I don't know what I'm looking for.

It's actually done through code, you can check it out here, it's not very complex:


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Bingo! That's exactly the file I found at your github, and that's exactly when I got stuck. C# is too much for me; All I can do is make a few patches in ModuleManager, haha.

That said, this feature is one of the most attention-attracting for this update! You sure did it great, Chris, and I'd like to be able to customize the rest of my "Function" filter. That stock customizable section on the advanced view isn't very attractive. :(

Anyway, I'll wait for that possibly-upcoming mod from Shinsaka! :D

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Bingo! That's exactly the file I found at your github, and that's exactly when I got stuck. C# is too much for me; All I can do is make a few patches in ModuleManager, haha.

That said, this feature is one of the most attention-attracting for this update! You sure did it great, Chris, and I'd like to be able to customize the rest of my "Function" filter. That stock customizable section on the advanced view isn't very attractive. :(

Anyway, I'll wait for that possibly-upcoming mod from Shinsaka! :D

Alas I'm stuck too, I can add filter buttons like Chris did, but not real part categories. I opened a thread about that, I don't want to be off-topic here.

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I just ran across something interesting... I put two RealChute Cone Chutes on a rocket using symmetry (each is mounted atop radially-attached solid boosters), and modified their deployment altitude from the part meus at launch, as I do not yet have actiongroup access in my career game. upon deployment of the chutes, one of them had 3 chutes deploy on shortish lines, and the other had a single large chute deploy on long lines.

Will test again to see if this happens again. Not sure if its a bug or intended. All chutes deployed at the same speed and the craft drifted down without tilting, so no noticeable drag change.

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