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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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Quick status update guys: a recompiled as well as changing a dead reference did it. Im trying to add a RealChute filter, but I can't figure how to hack in the existing categories. Ill probably just push out a compatibilty update and add the filter later. Currently writing this from work, so Ill see about this later tonight.


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Same as the rest Chris, your mod is so metaphorically part of KSP for me I don't want to play without it, but also as the others said - not meant as a "why didn't you put your life on hold to cater to us" type comment. I fully understand that life comes first. I have FAR already, but won't touch Deadly Reentry without your chutes to soften that neckbreaking jerk with stock chutes. Everytime KSP updates though, I pull the folder out of my Steam directory. I just cleaned up some, I actually had .23, .23.5, 24, and 3 versions of .25 (lightly modded, heavily modded, and RSS/RO). I still have the .25's, so you take your time, do whatever you need to do, and .9 will be "complete" in due time with all my favorite parts and tweaks.

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Some more news: tonights work paid off, I can get a parachutes icon to appear correctly in the filter by function tab, and I can get the automatically generated RealChuteModule filter icon in filter by module to display the icon I need. I'll leave this as is for tonight. Update will be pushed tomorrow, I really need to sleep off for now. By then sumghai might have finished the custom icon and I won't have to push another update just to have it use it instead of the stock one. It'll also give me the opportunity to test out a little to make sure the mod works properly and nothing broke while updating.

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Some more news: tonights work paid off, I can get a parachutes icon to appear correctly in the filter by function tab, and I can get the automatically generated RealChuteModule filter icon in filter by module to display the icon I need. I'll leave this as is for tonight. Update will be pushed tomorrow, I really need to sleep off for now. By then sumghai might have finished the custom icon and I won't have to push another update just to have it use it instead of the stock one. It'll also give me the opportunity to test out a little to make sure the mod works properly and nothing broke while updating.

Great news, looking forward to it.

Whiny as I may seem about the compatibility thing, that's honestly because I consider RealChutes one of the most important mods for a good KSP experience!

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Good to hear that things are going well! This is the last major mod I'm waiting for before I actually upgrade to .90. I can't go back to playing without Realchute anymore. This is one of the mods that needs to be in the vanilla game!

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There we go guys, v1.2.6.1 is up and running.


December 17th 2014
-KSP 0.90 compatibility update
-Added a parachutes filtering tab in the "filter by function" category
-Changed the default RealChute icon in the "filter by module" section to the RealChute icon
-Added a parachute count field in the general part stats section
-Changed the RealChute default module name in the module info section
-Made so that RealChute parts will be invisible if the mod is incompatible with the current KSP version

No big changes here, but it works with 0.90, so have fun guys.


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That's unfortunate, considering how long it can take to reach lvl2 (210.000 K$ :confused:). At least for me.

You have a point. While you can deal with it given theres a bunch of chute parts, it's kinda annoying to not have my parts the size you need. When sumghai finishes the custom filters icon for RealChute, I'll also add a right click function that automatically resizes the parachute to the node it's attached to. I don't want to allow all the complex tweaking until later on, but at least I'll make that available.

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Meanwhile, exceptions ... I don't if this is something you are already aware, of (or indeed if this is something I've managed to crock up all by myself with 'problem originates between chair and keyboard' syndrome), but with 0.90.0, and your latest release combined with latest FAR, I noticed the following during vessel load :-

[RealChute]: Encountered an error calculating atmospheric density with FAR. Using stock values.

at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[MethodInfo] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[MethodInfo] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RealChute.RCUtils.get_densityMethod () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RealChute.Extensions.CelestialBodyExtensions.GetDensityAtAlt (.CelestialBody body, Double alt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Which I suspect isn't a good thing (right now I'm trying to revalidate things on 0.90.0 before I start a new serious career save.

Full output log is here

I hope this is of some use - I'm kindof vaguely aware that FAR has recently changed a few things around internally, so it could be that. If its of help, perhaps tomorrow I'll be able to update my source for both ends and see if I can see what the cause is.

Thanks for the excellent work on this mod btw - much appreciated.

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