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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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  Starwaster said:
Ok, eightiesboi, I just put a capsule with one of those cone chutes through a reentry from the Mun and it came through ok. Are you keeping it properly shielded the entire way down? (keeping the capsule between the chute part and the airstream with no bits peeking out)

@Gryphon: Starwaster is correct, the extra heat shield is for my Munar return

@Starwaster: Can you post me the craft file or give me the part build, and I will try it with the same AP and PE you used? I thought I was keeping my chute shielded, but it is always possible I screwed up. The only strange thing was that nothing else heated. I also have been using a 20-25km PE, because if I read your DRE thread correctly, higher peak heat for a shorter time is better than lower heat over a longer period.

Oh, and BTW - thanks both of you. :)

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I heard that I'm currently running 64 bit because I run too many mods for recording or youtube I can understand coding can be a nightmare are you gonna allow people to help with this nightmare or or you are going continue getting messages complaints errors reports is the development open to community

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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REViEWGMINGMAN, many modders have removed Windows 64-bit support for a variety of reasons, as is their right. If you absolutely must have 64-bit you should set up a Linux install where it will work properly, or use the Community Workaround for Windows 64-bit KSP and take your bug reports or mod questions to that thread.

Insulting or making demands of modders is not the way to proceed, please refrain from doing so.

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I heard that I'm currently running 64 bit because I run too many mods for recording or youtube I can understand coding can be a nightmare are you gonna allow people to help with this nightmare or or you are going continue getting messages complaints errors reports is the development open to community

Bluntly, also, to help with coding you have to be able to find more than one punctuation mark on the keyboard.

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So, I believe people have mentioned this before, but the chutes (at least the radial ones) don't seem to work with KIS. Have several mods, FAR and KIS being the big ones here. Final Frontier, RemoteTech, and ClampsBeGone print to the relevant log part as well, but shouldn't do anything. Log excerpt:

16624 [LOG 16:55:19.783] [KIS] StartPointer(pointer)

16625 [LOG 16:55:19.783] [KIS] Surface node set to default

16627 [LOG 16:55:20.973] [KIS] Create part & attach

16628 [ERR 16:55:21.010] Actor::setLinearVelocity: Actor must be (non-kinematic) dynamic!


16630 [ERR 16:55:21.010] Actor::setAngularVelocity: Actor must be (non-kinematic) dynamic!


16632 [LOG 16:55:21.012] [ClampsBeGone]: Flight situation change: LANDED -> SUB_ORBITAL

16633 [LOG 16:55:21.012] FF: vessel situation change for RC.radial, situation changed from LANDED to SUB_ORBITAL

16634 [LOG 16:55:21.012] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: OnVesselCreate(07d6d8d8-e82a-4076-a063-19e3664079ef, )

16635 [LOG 16:55:21.015] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...

16636 [LOG 16:55:21.015] [KIS] StopPointer(pointer)

16637 [ERR 16:55:21.021] [RealChute]: Could not find the ModelConfig at the index [-1] in the library


16639 [ERR 16:55:21.021] [RealChute]: Could not find the CanopyConfig at the [-1] index in the library


16641 [ERR 16:55:21.021] [RealChute]: Could not find the CaseConfig of "Radial" type at the [-1] index in the library


16643 [ERR 16:55:21.021] [RealChute]: Could not find the CaseConfig of "Radial" type at the [-1] index in the library


16645 [LOG 16:55:21.022] ModuleAnimation2Value - animation not found: cone

16646 [LOG 16:55:21.023] [ModularFlightIntegrator] MFI Start

16647 [LOG 16:55:21.023] [ModularFlightIntegrator] Start. Current modules coVesselModule :

16648 ModularFI.ModularFlightIntegrator active=True order=0

16649 FerramAerospaceResearch.FARAeroComponents.FARVesselAero active=True order=0

16650 FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightGUI active=True order=0


16652 [LOG 16:55:21.056] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...

16653 [LOG 16:55:21.061] FF: vessel RC.radial has reached orbit around Kerbin

16654 [LOG 16:55:21.061] [ClampsBeGone]: Flight situation change: SUB_ORBITAL -> ORBITING

16655 [LOG 16:55:21.061] FF: vessel situation change for RC.radial, situation changed from SUB_ORBITAL to ORBITING

16656 [LOG 16:55:21.091] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...

16657 [LOG 16:55:21.121] [KIS] CreatePart - Coupling part...

16658 [LOG 16:55:21.121] [KIS] Attach type : Surface | ID : srfAttach

16659 [LOG 16:55:21.122] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(07d6d8d8-e82a-4076-a063-19e3664079ef, Gilrie Kerman Debris)

16660 [LOG 16:55:21.122] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(07d6d8d8-e82a-4076-a063-19e3664079ef)

16661 [LOG 16:55:21.145] Updating vessel voxel for Helios

16662 [EXC 16:55:21.161] ArithmeticException: NAN

16663 System.Math.Sign (Single value)^M

16664 FerramAerospaceResearch.FARPartGeometry.VehicleVoxel.VoxelShellTrianglePerpX (Vector4 indexPlane, Vector3 vert1, Vector3 vert2, Vector3 vert3, .Part part, Int32 invertTri)^M

16665 FerramAerospaceResearch.FARPartGeometry.VehicleVoxel.CalculateVoxelShellForTriangle (Vector3 vert1, Vector3 vert2, Vector3 vert3, .Part part, Int32 invertXYZ)^M

16666 FerramAerospaceResearch.FARPartGeometry.VehicleVoxel.UpdateFromMesh (FerramAerospaceResearch.FARPartGeometry.GeometryMesh mesh, .Part part)^M

16667 FerramAerospaceResearch.FARPartGeometry.VehicleVoxel.UpdateFromMesh (System.Object meshParamsObject)^M

16668 UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception)^M

It's possible to work around this by just using stock chutes, but it'd be nice to have a note somewhere or something like that until it gets fixed.

From reading the log, it looks like KIS may be creating a separate vessel, then trying to attach it, and something is failing somewhere. Let me know if I need to bug Ferram and/or the KIS people instead of blaming the part mod for other people's bugs :)

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Great mod, but I have some problems. Can't figure out what is going on. I have some compatibility issues:

Real Chutes can be deployed without connection to the KSC, with stock chutes everything works fine, any ideas?


Can't use Mk-16 Cute with real chutes and Ven Stock Revamp installed, that must be a problem with VSR, but maybe someone here could help.


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Here comes more whining about Windows x64 support. I did not play KSP yet, but going to install it pretty soon and I really want to start it in real solar system so I'm reviewing mods before installation :) Realism Overhaul and RealChute mods are listed as dependencies.

It's probably really stupid question, but... AFAIK Steam installs 32bit version of the game, which means I will be fine with installing this mod on it while having Windows 7x64 OS?

Thank you in advance.

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  Fogged said:
It's probably really stupid question, but... AFAIK Steam installs 32bit version of the game, which means I will be fine with installing this mod on it while having Windows 7x64 OS?

A 64-bit OS can run 32-bit binaries (and does, in this case). The 64-bitness of the OS makes no difference. There are some special hoops you can jump through to run a 64-bit KSP, but don't do that.

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  damerell said:
A 64-bit OS can run 32-bit binaries (and does, in this case). The 64-bitness of the OS makes no difference. There are some special hoops you can jump through to run a 64-bit KSP, but don't do that.

Unless your special hoop to run through is "run KSP in Linux."

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DERP! I launched a probe that is going to have it's antenna's ripped off on re-entry and I forgot to set the armed deploy settings in the vab. The default settings 1.0.4 are now to high, these really need to be adjusted for 1.0.4 stock atmosphere model as the defaults will rip the chutes now.

Is there any way to change the deploy settings after launch??? Please say there is. I do not want to re-run a 3 hour mission (sigh)

Edited by ctbram
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  ctbram said:
DERP! I launched a probe that is going to have it's antenna's ripped off on re-entry and I forgot to set the armed deploy settings in the vab. The default settings 1.0.4 are now to high, these really need to be adjusted for 1.0.4 stock atmosphere model as the defaults will rip the chutes now.

Is there any way to change the deploy settings after launch??? Please say there is. I do not want to re-run a 3 hour mission (sigh)

Well, it's a little more difficult, but one solution would be to copy the correct parachute parameters into that craft in your save file.

If you do, I'd suggest making a copy of your save file first.

Then in the VAB/SPH, you could build a duplicate of the craft (in its current state on orbit) and change its parachute settings to what you need. Then put that corrected craft on the launch pad/runway.

Then you would find the fixed craft in your save file, copy the values for the appropriate RC parachute module, and then paste them into the matching position on the craft in orbit.

(Unless you mess something up. Then you'll be happy you made a copy of the save before making the changes.)


At that point, you should be able to land using the corrected values.

Edited by Gryphon
I did not know that.
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  Gryphon said:
Well, it's a little more difficult, but one solution would be to copy the correct parachute parameters into that craft in your save file.

If you do, I'd suggest making a copy of your save file first.

Then in the VAB/SPH, you could build a duplicate of the craft (in its current state on orbit) and change its parachute settings to what you need. Then put that corrected craft on the launch pad/runway.

Then you would find the fixed craft in your save file, copy the values for the appropriate RC parachute module, and then paste them into the matching position on the craft in orbit.

At that point, you should be able to land using the corrected values.

(Unless you mess something up. Then you'll be happy you made a copy of the save before making the changes.)

Wait, no, why have him go and edit his save file? All he has to do is right click the chute part and then Display Info. He can change deployment parameters to his heart's content there. No need to edit any files.

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  Starwaster said:
Wait, no, why have him go and edit his save file? All he has to do is right click the chute part and then Display Info. He can change deployment parameters to his heart's content there. No need to edit any files.

ORLY? I guess I never did that. Whoops!

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When I have parachutes and decouplers in the same stage (so I can recover the spent stage), sometimes the parachutes on the just-decoupled part activate and sometimes they don't. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. I'm activating via staging; there doesn't seem to be any difference in whether I stage manually, via MechJeb, or via Smart Parts.

If I activate the parachutes before decoupling (either through staging or right-clicking), everything is fine.

Any ideas if this is a stock bug, a RealChutes bug, or other?

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I noticed the same thing here, Hab136. Most times it activates the parachute, turning the non-activating cases pretty rare. But enough that I always right click the chute after staging, to make sure it's armed. No big deal for me, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I need some help with chutes.

First , my version is 1.04 not sure if it related.

I have craft in orbit which I am having trouble to land. after reentry, I try to land my 3 tonne craft to ocean with 2 side 1 main chute for the craft manned by the Valentina. First I deployed the chutes at altitude 1000 meters with the speed 250 m/s, with no effect. Then I tried to deploy them at 5000 meters with the speed 260 m/s, still no effect. I crashed with the speeds exceeding 200 m/s. to the ocean. So chutes dont slow me at all.

Is this real chute thing? Do I have to do something different with it when landing?

Or is it the game version, last time I played I used 0.90. Has the game dynamics been changed?

Or Is it something broken with my game?


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Phoenix1945 - did you do any docking in orbit before re-entry? I've noticed that sometimes docking and undocking requires a quicksave/quickload to get physics working properly again. If you do not, you may experience the following (or other things that I haven't seen yet):

1. Not all your RCS ports work, causing control asymmetry

2. Physics is off, specifically aerodynamics

3. Certain engines will not work

4. Some engines will not produce full thrust

#2 may be happening to you. have seen it before, chutes out everything but hit the ground at 2000 m/s because air doesnt work :)

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  ss8913 said:
Phoenix1945 - did you do any docking in orbit before re-entry? I've noticed that sometimes docking and undocking requires a quicksave/quickload to get physics working properly again. If you do not, you may experience the following (or other things that I haven't seen yet):

1. Not all your RCS ports work, causing control asymmetry

2. Physics is off, specifically aerodynamics

3. Certain engines will not work

4. Some engines will not produce full thrust

#2 may be happening to you. have seen it before, chutes out everything but hit the ground at 2000 m/s because air doesn't work :)

Nope that's not it. This is earlier stages of my space program so nothing to dock up there. Atmosphere works fine since it slows me down to 250 m/s as I said.so 2 is not it. RCS ports doesn't matter since I am in atmosphere, chutes should slow me down even I am not oriented well. But still I am oriented well, all systems work fine including sas and rcs to point me retrograde. So 1 is also fruitless. Again, I dont think engines are any use in kerbal landing so 3,4 also has no relevance.

I just successfully avoid being burned in atmosphere, slow down but fail to chute safely.

I dont understand why, next time I'll try to get the craft lighter by getting rid of stuff in orbit. But I dont think it will work either.

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  Phoenix1945 said:
Nope that's not it. This is earlier stages of my space program so nothing to dock up there. Atmosphere works fine since it slows me down to 250 m/s as I said.so 2 is not it. RCS ports doesn't matter since I am in atmosphere, chutes should slow me down even I am not oriented well. But still I am oriented well, all systems work fine including sas and rcs to point me retrograde. So 1 is also fruitless. Again, I dont think engines are any use in kerbal landing so 3,4 also has no relevance.

I just successfully avoid being burned in atmosphere, slow down but fail to chute safely.

I dont understand why, next time I'll try to get the craft lighter by getting rid of stuff in orbit. But I dont think it will work either.

When building the craft and placing the Real Chute part, did you use the editor (enable Action Group editor to see the chute editor) to apply settings? (after first making any desired chute changes)

Even without specific configurations, Applying will ensure that you get a properly sized chute for the mass of what you want to land.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried to find how strong the parachute cables in real chute are but not didn't find any answer so: How strong are they? I mean, is there somewhere I can figure out how much force the cables can take before snapping? I know I can see how much heat they can take, but most snaps I had were due to aerodynamic forces, not overheating, and while I can always just play safe and leave opening the chute to the last minute I'd like to have an alternative to that.

On a related note, is could there be some option to restrict an armed parachute from opening unless the craft speed is under a certain value, so arming the parachute before aerobraking didn't require you to guesstimate at which altitude/pressure you'd have lost enough speed?

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  NathanKell said:
It's not a question of the cables breaking, it's a question of the chute shredding under stress.

The question remains though. I know it wasn't due to heat since I did check the chute info (not the part, the actual chute info that opens by clicking the respective button on the part right click widow) and it didn't got even close to the max chute temperature. Essentially, I'd like to have some theoretical idea of how strong the chutes instead of exclusively depending on empirical testing and/or playing ridiculously safer with when opening the chutes and possibly in terms of backup chutes too.

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