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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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I took a look and didn't see anything obvious. However, it's fine if I just launch it and plop it down in the ocean.

Thing is, I've been getting this while in KCT's simulator mode, telling it to start the simulation from orbit. It's which has always been somewhat buggy and Kraken-y so I'm just going to assume it's that.

It should be plenty for just that pod & heat shield. Post your output_log.txt file (or player.log if Mac or Linux)

To find your log file:

  • Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt
  • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

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Hm.. I see, thanks Chris. As for not applying.. are there two apply buttons somewhere for each chute? I must've missed that..
Yes, there are two buttons. One for the main and one for the secondary. Scroll down to find the second button

No there is only one apply cutton and it should be be included in the scrolling list, it's always at the complete bottom of the window and you must press it each time you want changes you've made to be applied to the actual chutes.

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I'm getting tired of experimenting. I've for FAR, DR and real chutes installed, (along with a ton of others) and my Mk1-2 wouldn't survive splashdown at 6kph. All it was was the pod and the stock XL chute, maybe with DR's heatshield still attached. Is the stock chute not enough?

Can't really tell indeed, will need logs. but do you mean 6km/h or 6m/s? Really I'd rather have everything in stock unites for consistency here. Also, check in the editor what the crash resistance of your pod, is, perhaps it's being lowered by another MM patch somewhere.

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Wobbly Rocket,

Many things can cause KSP to crash at different points, none of them specific to RealChute. Can't help without more information. This is important information to include with any support request:

  • Your KSP version
  • Your mods and versions (if any)
  • Your Operating System and version
  • Steps to cause the problem
  • Cause the problem, then quit KSP and find your output log:
    • Windows (32 bit): KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt
    • Windows (64 bit): KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt
    • Mac OS X: Open Console, find Unity on the left side, and click on Player.log. It's also located at ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log.
    • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

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I run KSP v.0.24.2 64bit at Windows 8.1 with realchute v1.2.4

Output log:

Too big to be Posted as code


114318 lines

It works without Realchute. Or to be honest not either Today. But yesterday it worked :( Thats only an problem with my save.

Mods / Versions:

KW Rocketry    v2.6c
Engeneer Redux v0.6.2.9
Infernal Robotics v0.18.4
Firespitter 634
Kerbal Alarm Clock v2.7.8.2
Enhanced Navball v1-3-2
Service Compartment Tubes /
Near Future Propulsion v0.2.3
Near Future Construction v0.2.3
Near Future Solar v0.2.1
Near Future Electrical v0.2.2
Near Future Spacecraft v0.2.1
Fasa Launch Tower v4.96
MK2 Cockpit Internals v1.0.24
Ship Manifest .
Station Science v1.2
Dmagic Orbital Science v0.8.4.1
Alternate Recource Panel v2.5.1.0
Taurus HCV 3,75m v1.2.1.1
B9 Aerospace vr4.0c
Lazor Docking Cam v34
SDHI Service mOdule System v2.1
RLA Stockalike v10.4
Raster Prop Monitor v0.18.2
Final Frontier v0.5.6
Universal Storage v0.75.5
Floor it /
Navball Docking alignment indicator v4
Persistant Trails v1.1
Editor Extensions v1.3
KSP Toolbar v1.7.6
Module manager v2.2.1
Procedual Parts v0.9.18
Procedual Daynamics v0.8.1
Remotetech2 v1.4.1 dev 47
FusTek Station Parts v x0.04-4 dev
Connected Living Space CLSV v1.0.8.0
Modular Fuel Tanks v5.1.1
Procedual Fairings v3.09
Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.1.1
Active texture reduction v3.3.1
Joint reinorcement v2.4.3.7
Part Catalog v3.0
KAS v0.47
Radial Seperators
Kethane 0.8.8
scan sat v6.1
distant objects v3.1.3
chatterer v.
shuttle engines v2.0
realchutes v1.2.4
select root
deadly reentry v5.2
precise node v1.1.0
nano gauges v0.5.11
nav hud v1.1
fine print v0.55a
Action Groups Extendet v1.12
adv. Chase cam v1.4.0
Tweak Scale v1.4.1 dev 47

Edited by Wobbly Rocket
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I run KSP v.0.24.2 at Windows 8.1 with realchute v1.2.4

Output log:

Too big to be Pasted here so only the start and the end.

So what you do is you get a dropbox account or use pastebin and you upload your log there (use dropbox, it's easier on everyone involved including yourself)

Then get the link to the file and paste it here. (or anywhere else you might need to provide logs)

When using dropbox, you'd just copy the file over to your dropbox folder (because it will create one on your computer) and then you right click the file and there's an option to get a dropbox link.

Then you paste it here.

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Ugh, I always feel silly asking questions on page 216, but here goes - and yes, links are acceptable if this has been answered already and google and I happened to miss it.

Does the editor allow me to set up chutes to deploy automatically? For instance, if the crew dies or if the probe lost comm (remotetech in use), the chutes still deploy anyway. Also think boosters (so long as its within the 2.5km debris limit)?

If I set a mk16 as a drogue, and want it to deploy at 2500m, will it do so simply by changing those two values? Or will I still need to activate the part through staging? IF it will deploy, do I also need to worry about the wanted speed at target alt and target alt?

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Except for drag chutes, which can be set to auto-deploy on touchdown, the chute won't fire unless it's armed (by staging sequence, action group, or right-click menu). If you arm the chute by action group or right-click before reaching the configured pre-deployment altitude, it will remain armed and deploy at the configured altitude. There's a setting in the RealChute config file that allows you to add the same arm-and-wait-for-deployment-altitude behavior to chutes fired from the staging sequence. In most cases where you would want auto-deployment, you can get it to work by arming the chute as soon as you're above its deployment altitude.

"wanted speed at target alt" and "target alt" are used to auto-calculate the size of the parachute canopy. If the mass of the ship under drogue is roughly what the editor was using, then when you pass through the target altitude you will have enough drag to be at roughly the "wanted speed." Controlling when an armed chute fires is done with the pre-deployment and deployment altitude settings.

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Hi all, okay I try to use this mod again but im still getting a bug on it, all the time I add a chute them in flight the dam camera stay still but the ship go away, and I get massive G´s and they all die heheheheh.

I´m missing something or what ??


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Hi all, okay I try to use this mod again but im still getting a bug on it, all the time I add a chute them in flight the dam camera stay still but the ship go away, and I get massive G´s and they all die heheheheh.

I´m missing something or what ??


You're probably missing log files and KSP version you play on in your post c:

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Hi all, okay I try to use this mod again but im still getting a bug on it, all the time I add a chute them in flight the dam camera stay still but the ship go away, and I get massive G´s and they all die heheheheh.

I´m missing something or what ??


One of the following:

  • Outdated version of RealChute
  • Badly configured Real Chute part or Module Manager patch
  • Does the problem happen with a new ship + new chute right out of inventory? (if you experience either of the first two issues; they can't be fixed for existing craft; fixes only apply to new craft with newly spawned chute parts)

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Hi again, i have the mod correctly install, and the 1º time this happen was on a old ship, (from 0.23) but after I read on the post about the compatibility problem on the older versions I try using a new ship and I have the same problem.

There is no bug log or any type of log, there is no error and no crash report, only the game log that I turn it off.

I will turn the logs again to see if anything gets register on it.


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Hi again, i have the mod correctly install, and the 1º time this happen was on a old ship, (from 0.23) but after I read on the post about the compatibility problem on the older versions I try using a new ship and I have the same problem.

There is no bug log or any type of log, there is no error and no crash report, only the game log that I turn it off.

I will turn the logs again to see if anything gets register on it.


What I said before still stands. The cause is one of those things.

Also, logging is not something you turn on or off and logs are always generated.

To find your log file:

  • Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt
  • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  • NOT ksp.log file. It provides less information than output_log.txt or player.log.

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Also, logging is not something you turn on or off and logs are always generated.

I do not know who told you that but im sorry to say but the logs can be turn off.

Okay I will turn on the logs and see if anything get register.

And a Side Note ; To turn off the logs add this to the commands " -nolog " and the game will not create any log (side the errors ones)


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I do not know who told you that but im sorry to say but the logs can be turn off.

Okay I will turn on the logs and see if anything get register.

And a Side Note ; To turn off the logs add this to the commands " -nolog " and the game will not create any log (side the errors ones)


You know what? You're right.

You know what else?

It doesn't matter.

Because how many messages have you posted here and still no logs from you?

I give up. I tried to help but I guess I just can't help you.

I hope you get it working. If I were there in person I'd have it fixed in 5 minutes and most of that would be the amount of time it takes for the game to launch.

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Hey I started a new save after updating a few of my mods. I noticed that my debug was getting spammed with nullreferences. I was using the MK1 Lander and the basic parachute for it. Anyways here's a link to my output log:


It would really help to know what you updated recently.

You've got a bunch of errors in there besides just RealChute. Like something went wrong early when the game was starting

Try removing TweakScale and see if the problem persists.


If removing TweakScale fixes it, was that one of the mods you updated recently? If not, update it. If it was one of the ones you updated then try reverting to the earlier version.

Edited by Starwaster
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Well it all started after installing Astronomers Visual Pack and EVE. Then it was a non stop crash party. I realized that most of my mods were out of date so yeah, just started updating everything. Lol, yep it does indeed look like I messed up most of the mods. I appreciate the your answer but I think like you said, I have a number of different errors. I'm just going to reinstall fresh and add the mods one at a time.

This install was just a hodge podge of mods I added as I played. So I'm off to reinstall everything, thanks for your help though.

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I noticed something just now building a launcher. If I take the radial chute, make it the next size and apply settings, it doesn't keep them. Increasing the symmetry or cloning the changed ones also does not keep the size settings. The case size stays bigger but I have to go to groups, click on each one individually and apply settings.

Is this a bug or working as intended?

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After installing RealChute for the first time, I see no actions in the Action Group window for a chute added to my ship. The chute is listed, but no e.g. "Arm" action. And probably related to this, I see no way to open the Parachute Editor window. Clicking the chute name in the Action Group window does nothing.

I've tried this on a new Sandbox game with no luck, as well as an existing save. What did I do wrong?

RealChute v1.2.4 (never before installed)

KSP v0.24.0 (is 0.24.2 required?)

Thanks. Happy to post logs if it's not something obvious.

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Can someone tell me how to use this with debrefund?

before installing this I put 6 radial chutes on my large KS Rocketry SRB's and they would land at 5.5m/s

I just tried with 8 chutes per SRB and it lands at 9 m/s, so I tried going into the config and it just keeps giving me the message "craft mass too high, setting to maximum" regardless of how many chutes I put on.

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