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Own up, Who forgot the parachutes?


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ah I had forgotten the odd chute, but the worst was, early in my 0.23 career mode where I got my lander down on to Minmus (a 1 kerbal lander can) went to EVA for flagging and sample gathering when I got a hatch blocked error. I had had bilateral symmetry on accidentally when I was attaching the Comms DTS-M1 and put two on the lander can by mistake. GRR. Lander wasn't meant for re-entry either.

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Funnily enough, my biggest parachute-related disaster was due to having the parachutes at all... Back before I knew what a drogue chute was, I sent a mission out to Duna with nothing but radial drag chutes for slowing power. A quick simulation run resulting in spontaneous unplanned disassembly upon the parachutes opening made me realize my mistake pretty quick.


It's kind of amazing the Kerbals got out of that one alive, actually. I had just enough fuel to do a powered landing, or rather just short of enough fuel to do one. It proved to be sufficient to allow the capsule and two rovers to survive the crash, anyway. A rescue had to be mounted, naturally, and at least that went off without a hitch.

Edited by SkyRender
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has anybody forgotten the parachutes back in Mun orbit?

An science mission to map the reminder of Mun biomes, oversized transfer stage with extra fuel and spare goo and material labs so I grab them and refuel before doing the next landing, to spare weight I left the parachutes on the transfer stage, plan was to add them again before the last set of landing.

With KAS you can move small stuff like radial parashutes around, yes you can even land an kerbal with them if he wear it as a backback :)

I forgot to add them. Luckily I could do an powered landing even with just an 48-7S and no landing gears. Gear and outer fuel tanks was dropped after final liftoff to save weight for return.

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My most ridiculous case was very long ago (0,12?). I lost control during stage separation, did a 360 degree turn and broke the chute by a spent stage. Managed to complete the mission and get a powered landing (lithobrake)

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HA I just did this for the first time, in the career mode I started before the ARM pack came out (LINK) I accidental hit space bar and jettisoned my booster stage before I could do my return burn.

I later sent up a rescue mission, (not fun when your only 4 tiers in to career mode) I some how managed to meet up and transfer jeb and all my science to the rescue craft only to learn in my hastily assembled rescue plan I forgot to put any chutes on it......Doh! (face palm) lets just say the rescue craft dident have the TWR to do a soft landing....:(

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Forget them? Never.

Have them snap because I've been time accelerating.......? :D I lost several kerbals that way.

This, so much this.

I've also managed to remember the parachutes - just not enough of them.

I've not yet deliberately left them off. Even on a ship like my Tycho 1 that I planned on not returning to Kerbin, I still need the chutes in case of an aborted launch.

Edited by cantab
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I was watching a friend on a mission to the Mun. On his way back, just before reentry, he realized the lack of parachutes, but decided to go home anyway. The ship hit solid ground at 130m/s, engine first, which exploded. The capsule rolled to the side, but ended up intact, and our hero Jeb survived a freefall from space. He really is a BadS.

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I have straight up forgotten them a couple of times and not realized it until I was on my way back from a mission. More common though I don't put enough parachutes on something. I have tried parachute-less rocket landings that have varying degrees of failure; usually lose one or two parts in the process. If I do screw up that badly I try to put the rocket into a stable orbit and I will send someone up to get them, and more importantly, the science they are holding.

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A) Me, poor Jeb

First time in orbit (and it was Bill). He lived up there for weeks till I got Jeb up there. The capsule stayed up there until a new version.

B) Me, but I pulled the landing off anyway. Dam those command pods are almost a tough as Jebs skull.

I had way too much fuel left and it turns out parachutes are not exactly NEEDED to land... just really useful. Of the 37 parts leaving orbit, 13 survived. Including the command pod... thankfully

c) I have not been playing KSP much.

I have bee playing it too much and now have a standard craft built with the KAS containers stuffed with extra solar panels, batteries, parachutes, a command chair, and a pile of rcs thrust ports. If I build wrong I can fix it right.

D) Lies.

It never happened. By the Will of the Emperor any who say otherwise are heretics and will be burned.


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