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LV-909 produces no electricity?

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So, it's early days yet at the Kerbin Space Agency, and the LV-909 is my go-to motor for orbiter stages. I'm not quite up to landing, yet. Trouble is, it produces no electricity, meaning no transmissions and limited SAS run-time. Both the LVT-30 and LVT-45 produce power when running, why not the LV-909?

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Can't say I know why it doesn't, but it doesn't. In which case you'll need to have other means of storing or generating electricity when using those engines. When I did career mode I found that researching some batteries and sticking a number of them on my ships was enough to tide me over until I unlocked solar panels and other varieties of engines.

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The upshot is that the 909 is gimbaled, so you don't need to use the reaction wheels to hold a heading during a burn. Thus you can save a lot of power by turning off the reaction wheels for most of the flight, with possible exception of an occasional orbital reorientation, and maybe during landing.

As for why it doesn't generate power...different engines have different trade-offs. The 909 has never generated power ... but I don't know if it's purely for gameplay balance, or based on some real world motor designs like the LMDE...which looks to have not required the alternators and turbopump arrangements are seen on the terran LVT-30/45 analogs.

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  ComradeGoat said:
I can understand the 909 not producing electricity. What I can't understand is why the NERVA doesn't, given that it's a nuclear reactor in an engine.

The NERVA only uses the heat of it's nuclear reactor, so it doesn't need to carry the equipment responsible for converting heat into electricity. Afaik the real engine doesn't even use a liquidfuel/oxidizer-combination.

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You could argue either way that the LV-909 should have an alternator or not.

Personally I think it made sense that it did not have one when it was the smallest engine in the game, and electricity didn't matter so much. Now with an even smaller (and quite OP) engine available, and electricity so critical, an alternator should probably be added. Or mebe the tech tree will allow you to upgrade it sometime.

Not sure why you posted an LV-909 discussion thread in this section of the forum, but anyhow.

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  ComradeGoat said:
I can understand the 909 not producing electricity. What I can't understand is why the NERVA doesn't, given that it's a nuclear reactor in an engine.

Last time I was getting into orbit with just one Nerva engine as my last stage, my battery was recharging during the burn.

Anyway, nuclear power plants are actually steam power plants. The nuclear material is only used to generate heat which is then used to make that steam.

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Indeed, adding the steam turbine component to a NERVA should probably result in an even longer engine model with even more mass. Cant say i've noticed if the NERVA charges my batteries, must admit i always assumed it did, but never relied on it.

I'd agree with the others who have said that the 909 is not a launch engine and therefore has no alternator, makes good sense to me that ascent engines are the ones generating power. You can abuse this slightly if power is really an issue and you dont have the required tech. Mount a symmetrical pair of small tanks horizontally somewhere on your launcher and stick an electricity producing engine on them. Light them both together and they will cancel each other's thrust while producing power. This is laughably inefficient and pretty stupid viewed from the real-world perspective... but if you gotta have juice...

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  Kasuha said:
Last time I was getting into orbit with just one Nerva engine as my last stage, my battery was recharging during the burn.

Anyway, nuclear power plants are actually steam power plants. The nuclear material is only used to generate heat which is then used to make that steam.

We (humans) have sent several nuclear power plants into space, and none of them use steam. :) I wouldn't consider it OP for the NERVA to also count as an RTG (or some fraction of one).

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  Kasuha said:
Anyway, nuclear power plants are actually steam power plants. The nuclear material is only used to generate heat which is then used to make that steam.

Turbines are very efficient when mass doesn't matter. But for space, you just stick thermocouples on the reactor, and radiate the heat to space (which is where it was going anyway). The LV-N keeps threatening to overheat; might as well use that heat for something!

Edited by numerobis
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  • 1 month later...
  KASASpace said:
Well, I consider the LV-909 an upper stage engine, not requiring power generation for tht would be too heavy, however, in my opinion I consider the RL-10 the IRL counterpart, and it weighs a lot less than half of a ton, so, who knows?

Why is it that some people dig up a month old thread, that has already been awnsered, JUST to awnser it again?. WHY?

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  UmbralRaptor said:
The LV-N and aerospike gained alternators in 0.22. I still raced to solar panels, though.

In career I would do the same thing myself, but even in sandbox I put solar and generators on all my crafts. I do this as you should always have a backup system in place in case of things happen that you cannot control, and in career mode I would think you would want that as well. If I do a career mode I would want solar at the very least before doing a manned mission to Mun or Minmus to be honest.

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