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[0.23]asmi's ECLSS Mod (current version - 1.0.15) - Life Support Mod


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One question: Which version of ModuleManager are you using? I've noticed that the one packed with your download seems to have a rather older date on it than the latest one (v1.5, if I recall correctly).

I'm using old 1.3, but if you have 1.5 installed, don't install 1.3.

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You're using old version, please update.

Loaded new version, performance seems to have slightly improved but the framerate is still not too great.

I'm still concerned about the consumption rates. A full tank and oxygen regenerator can only sustain a single Kerbal for 10 days. That seems absurdly low and rules out any interplanetary trips. The realism crowd seem to be the biggest users of this mod but if they're using Real Solar System and they can't even make it to the Moon I don't see why they would use it. That amount of oxygen should last at least 10-100x longer.

Edited by craigmt1
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Ok so here is the trick...

I have a running save (remote tech2, kethan, KAS, Extraplanetary, KW) running career. I have a populated base on the Mun, but no other bases.

My question. Is there anyway I can add ECLSS and get an addition to the base before all the kerbals die, or would I need to Depopulate the base, add the extention and then send more Kerbies out there?


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Ok so here is the trick...

I have a running save (remote tech2, kethan, KAS, Extraplanetary, KW) running career. I have a populated base on the Mun, but no other bases.

My question. Is there anyway I can add ECLSS and get an addition to the base before all the kerbals die, or would I need to Depopulate the base, add the extention and then send more Kerbies out there?


You could probably just add the parts alone without the rest of the mod and send a resource ship to dock with the base. Once docked you could add the rest of the mod. That should work, but you will want to increase the amount of resources in the tanks since the current system they dont last long.

In any case make a backup of the save first;)

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So there is no crossover to Kethane or EP to extract O2 from atmo's or regolith.... hmmmmmmmmmm...

Need to give it some thought... not sure I want to spend that much time running supplies to the mun... and I haven't even thought about Duna with a lifesupport mod.


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I've found something really strange. I found another set of resource configs in BobCat's Soviet Pack, with different values (density was about 10 times higher) from those in ECLSS mod folder. I got rid of that config and suddenly, not only my pods got lighter, my Kerbals seem to consume much less oxygen. The amount that was calculated for 14 days now lasts for about 140... How is this really supposed to work? Which config is the "correct" one?

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I've found something really strange. I found another set of resource configs in BobCat's Soviet Pack, with different values (density was about 10 times higher) from those in ECLSS mod folder. I got rid of that config and suddenly, not only my pods got lighter, my Kerbals seem to consume much less oxygen. The amount that was calculated for 14 days now lasts for about 140... How is this really supposed to work? Which config is the "correct" one?

That is known issue. Delete the one from BobCat's packs, and leave only LifeSupport that you can download here.

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OK, did just that. Though this causes the consumption rate to be much less than 22 units per hour per Kerbal. What's the "real" consumption figure, then?

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The problem is and this is the second and last time i will say it....

Small O2 tank holds 400 units of O2, that's 0.00143kg/unit or 0.572kg/tank.... With a regenerator you get 51.1 hours out of that 400 units.

It would require something like 168 small tanks to keep one kerbal alive for a year with a regenerator... Or 33700kg(33.7t).

Just an FYI asmi the plugin is still very CPU intensive and causes alot of FPS loss, I just removed it because my large 200+ IPT was running about 15fps with no other ships in the save and removing the plugin shot me up over 45fps.

Edited by Donziboy2
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I thought I saw earlier in this thread that the B9 cockpits were now supported by default, but I'm not seeing any O2 resources in the B9 cockpits (using LifeSupport 1.0.12). Is there a .cfg I missed?

(I'm building my first planes using RO/RSS and right now my pilot keeps dieing around 22km. I can't tell if it's because he's run out of atmosphere due to the B9 cocking not having any, or if it's from Deadly Reentry Continued at heat-buildup.)

Edit: It's definitely altitude -- just did a test where I slooowly climbed up to 20km, wherin my pilot died. So... what's the best way to add ECSS support to the B9 cockpits?

Edited by jrandom
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Just an FYI asmi the plugin is still very CPU intensive and causes alot of FPS loss, I just removed it because my large 200+ IPT was running about 15fps with no other ships in the save and removing the plugin shot me up over 45fps.

And exactly what do you expect me to do after reading that your post?

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I thought I saw earlier in this thread that the B9 cockpits were now supported by default, but I'm not seeing any O2 resources in the B9 cockpits (using LifeSupport 1.0.12). Is there a .cfg I missed?

(I'm building my first planes using RO/RSS and right now my pilot keeps dieing around 22km. I can't tell if it's because he's run out of atmosphere due to the B9 cocking not having any, or if it's from Deadly Reentry Continued at heat-buildup.)

Edit: It's definitely altitude -- just did a test where I slooowly climbed up to 20km, wherin my pilot died. So... what's the best way to add ECSS support to the B9 cockpits?

No I didn't include any support for them because I don't use them myself, and I'm way too busy with RL now to deal with that. Hopefully I'll get back on it in the coming days...

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No I didn't include any support for them because I don't use them myself, and I'm way too busy with RL now to deal with that. Hopefully I'll get back on it in the coming days...

Please do, if you can! It's a fantastic set of parts if you build any kind of spaceplanes (or any kind of planes at all) whatsoever.

In the meantime, I'll see if I can hack together something on my own to tide me over. I want to do some high-altitude flights around the RO/RSS earth-scale Kerbin!

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Copy the similar-size pod PART[] patch from StockPods.cfg, paste, change the partname in the [] after PART to the name of the pod part from B9.

Working on it now. :)

So I'm using the existing setup where for each kerbal the pod supports, it gets an oxygen candle, 400 oxygen, and 400 co2 storage. I'm looking at the crew tanks now and while maybe it shouldn't get the full resources a pod would, it seems weird that they'd get a value of 0. These things don't come shrinkwrapped in a vacuum! Right?... right?...

So, what are the units of o2/co2 in? 400 units is what, 400 liters? 400 grams? If I know the measurement, I can give some basic support to crew tanks as well as the pods.

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And exactly what do you expect me to do after reading that your post?

Well, that tells you your mod is broken and currently not playable. If you would like people to use your plugin, it needs to be fixed. His issue is not that hard to track down - you need to instrument your code and look at how much run time it is eating up.

Granted, actually fixing the problem might prove to be extremely difficult, but "this mod causes severe performance loss" is not a difficult issue to track down.

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Well, that tells you your mod is broken and currently not playable. If you would like people to use your plugin, it needs to be fixed. His issue is not that hard to track down - you need to instrument your code and look at how much run time it is eating up.

Granted, actually fixing the problem might prove to be extremely difficult, but "this mod causes severe performance loss" is not a difficult issue to track down.

I don't have remote vision and as such I can't possibly know what's happening on your computer, unless you tell me and provide logs.

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They're m^3 at STP. Each crew person uses ~0.8kg/day of O2, or (Lifesupport/Lifesupport.cfg -> consumption) units of O2 per second.

Alrighty, so that gets me 0.006366 * 60 * 60 * 24 to equal about 550 units per day. So that means each pod is stocked with less than a days worth of O2! Yikes! Didn't realize it was so little. (I'm used to IonCross so I don't intuitively understand ECSS yet.)

Also, I'd like to echo the desire for a "co2 scrubber" (either as a module or something built directly into the command pods), and maybe additional smaller (eg. 1.25-meter or thereabouts) versions of the co2->o2 reprocessor (makes it easier to stuff 'em into spaceplane cargo bays -- the existing one is just too large for that). Maybe make the smaller one work slower or some such thing.

Edited by jrandom
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you need to instrument your code and look at how much run time it is eating up.

Didn't I see a bunch of dev versions of ECSS posted here that included profiling code? The man's not a wizard, he's going to need actual information to be able to identify the problem.

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Alrighty, here are some .cfg files for supporting B9 Aerospace, FASA Gemini, FASA Gemini Real, and AIES command pods. Right now each supported pod contains 400 o2, 400 co2 storage, and 1 o2 candle per Kerbal.


Asmi, you can either just stuff these as-is into the official release if you like, or tweak the numbers as you see fit. The biggest change you might make is to the two B9 crew modules, since I notice you don't have o2/co2 support for things like the hitchhiker module. Up to you.

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Alrighty, here are some .cfg files for supporting B9 Aerospace, FASA Gemini, FASA Gemini Real, and AIES command pods. Right now each supported pod contains 400 o2, 400 co2 storage, and 1 o2 candle per Kerbal.


Asmi, you can either just stuff these as-is into the official release if you like, or tweak the numbers as you see fit. The biggest change you might make is to the two B9 crew modules, since I notice you don't have o2/co2 support for things like the hitchhiker module. Up to you.

Thanks a lot! I'll take a look tomorrow after work and make a release.

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