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[0.23]asmi's ECLSS Mod (current version - 1.0.15) - Life Support Mod


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Is there anyway to close the ECLSS map scene GUI? It's undraggable and unclickthroughable.

i think you right click the part that opened it or the command pod or maybe any LSS pod and use the gui there

Edit: Oops my bad I misunderstood which GUI... guess I shouldn't Kerbal from Barnes & Noble.

Edited by Starwaster
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That is correct. Normally you'd just use values between 0-1, but if you need to correct for resource compression (eg. compressed o2), you can set the number higher. The value I was given as a starting point was 50. Haven't tried it yet but will do so later today. I don't know how to calculate the correct value directly, so I'm going to trial-and-error it.

Ok so I played around with this a bit and actually looked at the resource file for ECLSS for the first time (I don't play with it on my main game install; only on a couple of my test installations) and the value is really low, maybe even lower than what people have been saying around here, especially if you're wanting to stick it into MFSC containers. (obviously. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you didn't already figure out for yourself)

So, firstly to use it in MFSC containers it needs to increase by 5. That gives you uncompressed gaseous O2 calibrated to MFSC measurements.

If you want to go the utilization only route that simplifies things, just set the resource density as follows:

@density = 0.00000715

For the utilization value, remember that 225 figure I quoted earlier? That was wrong for my atm conversion but I think it's the correct ratio to use for 300kg of O2 per cubic meter.

For the mass of the tank per unit you need to divide it by the same value used for utilization or the tank will become 225 times too massive.

(though actually that might drive it too low for any float accuracy.... gotta check that)

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I used the O2 volume from the mission life support requirements calculator. http://www.5596.org/cgi-bin/mission.php (which appears to have the O2 at ~200atm, still gaseous).

Interesting about utilization; I thought Talisar had working >1 utilization for the old Sphericals configs, but maybe not. Will fix.

Anyway, going by MFS volume measurements, the small tanks hold 35 units, the large ones 665. However, asmi gives the density of O2 in tons/liter at STP, so not only need we convert it to KVU, we also need to deal with the fact that it's pressurized. Per the density from the link above (300kg/m^3) I estimate that there's a conversion factor of approximately 1000 (x5 to go from liters to KVU, x200 to go to 200atm), so the resource quantities should be approx 665,000 and 35,000 of O2 for the stack and radial tanks respectively.

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I used the O2 volume from the mission life support requirements calculator. http://www.5596.org/cgi-bin/mission.php (which appears to have the O2 at ~200atm, still gaseous).

Interesting about utilization; I thought Talisar had working >1 utilization for the old Sphericals configs, but maybe not. Will fix.

Anyway, going by MFS volume measurements, the small tanks hold 35 units, the large ones 665. However, asmi gives the density of O2 in tons/liter at STP, so not only need we convert it to KVU, we also need to deal with the fact that it's pressurized. Per the density from the link above (300kg/m^3) I estimate that there's a conversion factor of approximately 1000 (x5 to go from liters to KVU, x200 to go to 200atm), so the resource quantities should be approx 665,000 and 35,000 of O2 for the stack and radial tanks respectively.

It's only the mass that's an issue, I put it through its paces pretty thoroughly last night. I tried to come up with various combinations of test resources that used 'compression' to see if I could break something.

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An amusing side-note that might make for a fun quote somewhere...

We burned O2 candles on a couple subs for extended durations while I was in the Navy. They stink. Very memorable smell. :P

Why do this instead of electrolysis? I thought the O2 candles were for emergencies only.

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I've made more optimizations which should deliver another 2-3 times performance boost, but I'm holding off release until 0.23 is out.

Does it also remove debris and unmanned probes from the map view's ECLSS display? It's annoying to scroll through spent upper stages, probes, fairings, fallen off parts and all this stuff just to find my station.

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I've been trying to get a rough idea of what present-day technology could really do with regards to recycling in a life support system.

The simplest method, although it would require a large amount of energy, would be you just use the "Bosch process" to recycle CO2 to oxygen, and you just distill the wastewater back to fresh. You dump the dry sludge at the bottom of the water distillation device and the carbon overboard.

From the atomic rocket numbers, that means that out of the " 0.98 kg water, 2.3 kg food, and 0.0576 kg Air per day" from the "bare minimum" numbers, you would only have to supply the food externally.

I'm not certain how much leakage would be. Does anyone have any realistic numbers on this? I know the in-game life support recyclers assume 50% losses, but that sounds ridiculous. Other than a tiny amount of air leaking from the spacecraft, it's a closed system. Where could material be lost from?


A slightly more advanced life support system might supplement the food with, say, 50% algae. That would mean you would only need to bring half the food, and perhaps 10% of the water and oxygen, to make up for losses, per day per crewmember.

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Two reasons possible.

  1. It was an emergency. (in which case you answered your own question)
  2. It was part of an exercise.

Or electrolysis has some hidden drawback that is not immediately apparent. For example, maybe the reactor on the sub has to be in a state that is noisy in order to produce enough electricity to do the electrolysis. Maybe venting the H2 overboard causes detectable noise.

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Or electrolysis has some hidden drawback that is not immediately apparent. For example, maybe the reactor on the sub has to be in a state that is noisy in order to produce enough electricity to do the electrolysis. Maybe venting the H2 overboard causes detectable noise.

Right. See #2

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Hey @asmi

I'm sure you will cover this when you officially release for 0.23, but this seems to be the only error I can find with it (when running 0.23). When going on EVA (with plenty of resources on the landing ship), the Kerbal dies instantly.

[LOG 14:12:18.671] [Minmus Lander]: ground contact! - error: 0.000m
[LOG 14:12:18.671] Unpacking Minmus Lander
[LOG 14:13:26.143] LifeSupportModule::OnVesselModified
[LOG 14:13:26.143] LifeSupportModule::WireChildModules
[LOG 14:13:26.144] Vessel 'Minmus Lander': 1 modules found.
[LOG 14:13:26.145] LifeSupportModule::OnVesselModified
[EXC 14:13:26.148] MissingFieldException: Field '.KerbalEVA.Fuel' not found.
[LOG 14:13:26.162] LifeSupportEVAModule::OnStart
[ERR 14:13:26.169] Can not find extensions container for vessel Jebediah Kerman
[LOG 14:13:26.170] Vessel extension is null - this is normal if this message is only displayed once
[LOG 14:13:26.195] Out of oxygen, checking if reserve candles present
[LOG 14:13:26.195] Out of air, kerbals will DIE!!!
[LOG 14:13:26.196] [LifeSupportController::ProcessVessel] killing crew
[LOG 14:13:26.197] About to kill vessel 'Jebediah Kerman'
[LOG 14:13:26.198] Killing EVA vessel 'Jebediah Kerman'.
[LOG 14:13:26.200] [kerbalEVA (Jebediah Kerman)]: Deactivated
[LOG 14:13:26.201] LifeSupportModule::OnVesselModified
[LOG 14:13:26.201] LifeSupportModule::WireChildModules
[LOG 14:13:26.202] Vessel 'Minmus Lander': 1 modules found.
[LOG 14:13:26.202] LifeSupportModule::OnVesselModified
[LOG 14:13:26.203] [09:59:12]: Jebediah Kerman was killed.
[LOG 14:13:26.212] LifeSupportEVAModule::OnDestroy

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I've got a strange bug with this mod since .23

Every time I go on EVA I can't get back in to the pod as it is occupied by a clone. confirmed it is this mod causing the odd behaviour.

Combined with the previous post looks like something has changed in the way EVA is handled... probably connected to KSP now transferring propellant to the kerbal?

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I'm going to switch to this Life Support mod for a while. Since I use other mods that need life support, if I delete the StockPods.cfg and use my own config that uses Module Manager 1.5, will this work correctly?

You shouldn't even need to delete StockPod.cfg - since your entries are marked :Final, they will take precedence anyways.

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