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How do you use your kerbal x?


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The first and last time I tried to fly the Kerbal X it came apart at the seams. (that was way back when I first started playing when it came out on steam). I haven't flown it since.

P.S. Speaking of coming apart at the seams, has anyone else had problems with your saved rockets not being attached to the launch clamps etc at launch since 0.22?

Edited by wolfedg
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I don't generally. It can be fairly easily improved on, though. Ditch the nosecones, replace the Poodle and LV-T45s with LV-T30s, stretch the tanks in the "boosters," add struts...

That said, apparently Maltesh got one to Laythe.

.22 fixed nose cones...they work now to reduce drag. So keeping them is a good thing.

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.22 fixed nose cones...they work now to reduce drag. So keeping them is a good thing.

Not quite, 0.22 improved nosecones in the sense that they now add stability, they do however NOT reduce drag.

As a demonstration/test I've used Kerbal X for a Minmus landing and return. Beyond that, once in orbit you have roughly 2500m/s delta-v to play with, so a Laythe landing as mentioned isn't out of the question.

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Not quite, 0.22 improved nosecones in the sense that they now add stability, they do however NOT reduce drag.

As a demonstration/test I've used Kerbal X for a Minmus landing and return. Beyond that, once in orbit you have roughly 2500m/s delta-v to play with, so a Laythe landing as mentioned isn't out of the question.

Huh, I thought I read they also fixed the drag issues...like they should. Oh well...may be next patch.

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I never did, which delayed my reaching orbit when I first started playing (back when the game first came out on steam). But I have to be honest, that feeling after several hours when a rocket I designed finally managed to reach orbit was fantastic. It's a shame you can't really repeat that experience...

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I used it to get a few mates hooked on kerbal. They thought the monstrosities I built were too unrealistic and sand-boxy. So I fired up the Kerbal X since it looks a bit more legit and parked it on Minmus.

I also used the kerbal x launcher as a midstage on one of my early super-heavy launchers. Mainly just because it was already assembled and im lazy.

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It just so happens that there is a challenge currently in progress to design an improved and noob friendly Kerbal X.


at the beginning i created this thread for posting how u USE the stock craft, not how u IMPROVE the craft. yet u can still post improvements

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at the beginning i created this thread for posting how u USE the stock craft, not how u IMPROVE the craft. yet u can still post improvements

In which case I would have replied that I have never used the stock craft, or any stock craft for that matter, as I think they can all be improved to actually make them useable and easier to fly.

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