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Here at the school my mother teaches at, I found a student...

Whirligig Girl

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Every thursday I come to school with my mother so that I can later be picked up by someone who's son I am tutoring in rocket science. People come to the librairy to help my mom, or check out books early in the morning.

I usually try to convert them to liking space by showing them a space book and it usually works. I tried to do that with a 5th grade girl, while I was drawing a picture of the Jool system. She told me it was a good drawing, and when I told her what it was, she told me that her father had once worked for squad, and that he had named Jool, NovaSilisko had a more star-wars-esqe name for jool, jooloquan or something. I don't remember what she told me her father's name was, and I can't access the KSP website to see what his name was.

Is this story true?

Edited by GregroxMun
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If its true... Amazing! You find a squad employee's daughter :P You could then get in contact with her father and find out more about what squad wanted to name stuff! If ts not true... Wouldn't surprise me and it would be a shame.

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