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Addicted Engineer


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I am new to the forum but have been playing for a couple months. My confession is that in my real job I am an aerospace engineer that builds rockets to send to space. However, I milked a slight cold for a few days so I could spend time at home to playing KSP sending virtual rockets into space ... I may have some kind of problem :)

Edited by AeroEngy
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Welcome to the community AeroEngy :)

So can you apply anything from your aerospace background to KSP? I don't recommend you try it the other way though ;)

Thanks! Some of my background helped a lot and some was a bit of a hindrance. I already had a working knowledge of orbital mechanics, Tsiolkovsky rocket equation, mass/DV budgets, etc. So I already new about Hohmann transfer, phasing orbits, efficient staging, and all of the various terminology (periapsis, apoapsis, ascending nodes, etc.). So it was very easy to jump in and head to the Mun, Duna, etc. However, I also know that for the most part in real life you stacked rocket stages vertically because of the aerodynamic implications ... which don't matter in KSP and made most of my early rockets wobbly and prone to unplanned dis-assembly.

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" However, I also know that for the most part in real life you stacked rocket stages vertically because of the aerodynamic implications ... which don't matter in KSP and made most of my early rockets wobbly and prone to unplanned dis-assembly. "

Eyup. So far, the aerodynamics simulation is *not* very realistic. Even so, KSP has many aspects similar to real life, like the Hohmann transfers and orbital mechanics and the like.

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Pretty cool to see someone with a job that'll really help in-game! I guess your hobby is your job already, to an extent... I hope to see you on the Spacecraft Exchange, I imagine as an Aerospace Engineer your builds may be better than others... Assuming KSP's physics is close enough for your education to make a difference!

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This is my 1st post, just wanted to say it's really cool to see info from anyone 'in the business', & that photo is amazing on many levels!!

My grandpa was a real-life rocket scientist, worked for NASA on the stealth bomber, space shuttle, etc.

I've been constantly fascinated by space since i was a kid.

Just bought the game after trying the demo a couple days, downloading full version now.

Been keeping my eye on it & after recent update news, i'm enthralled by it.

I'm a little disappointed to read the aerodynamics aren't very realistic, but it'll still be fun.

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Theres a mod for more realistic aero, FAR (ferram aerospace research) Works good, makes it harder to control rockets though, when you start to tip the nose over sometimes the pressure is too much and it just flips your rocket. Anyway hope you enjoy the game as much as the rest of us do! :3

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