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Lazareyes, Reporting for Duty!


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Hey guys, it's Lazareyes here! ... and I'm anything BUT new to the fourms, in all honesty, as i've been snooping around for quite some time now. I'd say, uhh, about a month now. In-game, I foucus on playing in a progressive sort-of style- First Sub-orbital, Full Orbit, Orbit the Mun, Land on the Mun, Ect, Ect, along with not abusing the transmissions, with a maximum of 5 per flight. I also never go two tiers beyond any incomplete tier on the tech tree. Example:I want to learn "Electricity". I look back two tiers, and find that I have not yet learned "General Rocketry", so I limit myself in that way.

... going off-topic in the original post... That's oughta be a first!:P

Anyways, look forward to seeing you later in in the forum world, and fly safe! Unless, of course, you WANT to fail.:P

EDIT: Nearly forgot to add this in the original post :P But how do you take/upload screenshots without using external sites like Imgur? I'd really love to do the epic challenges, and prove that i did them, but I would doubt myself if I diddn't post proof, let alone trust someone that i don't know at all.

Edited by Lazareyes
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Hello fellow kerbalnaught :D !

First of all congratulations on finally registering !

Secondly Imgur is your tool of choice for that here. Direct forum attachements aren't that well and plus the integration with Imgur lets you embed whole albums in your posts here and it looks quite cool!..


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Hello fellow kerbalnaught :D !

First of all congratulations on finally registering !

Secondly Imgur is your tool of choice for that here. Direct forum attachements aren't that well and plus the integration with Imgur lets you embed whole albums in your posts here and it looks quite cool!..


That still dosen't answer my question, as I want to avoid using external sites.
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indeed.. I'm curious though as to why you'd like to avoid external sites?.. I mean, they usually offer (I'm basing things on Imgur here btw) quite a bit of flexibility compared to pure bb forum code... If it's for not having to register to *yet another thing*, and I'd totally feel you on that one btw, Imgur is just one of those that are worth it IMHO. Anyway, I'm not an authority really on that matter, and maybe you *can* avoid using an external image site, although I doubt it.

hmm... 5:20 am, I hope I made sense? good morning and cheers! :D

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indeed.. I'm curious though as to why you'd like to avoid external sites?.. I mean, they usually offer (I'm basing things on Imgur here btw) quite a bit of flexibility compared to pure bb forum code... If it's for not having to register to *yet another thing*, and I'd totally feel you on that one btw, Imgur is just one of those that are worth it IMHO. Anyway, I'm not an authority really on that matter, and maybe you *can* avoid using an external image site, although I doubt it.

hmm... 5:20 am, I hope I made sense? good morning and cheers! :D

Where I live, It's actually 10 at night, so... Good morning?

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Thanks, and safe flying... but you really don't need me to say that, with your Heavy Drekevak Mk... Er... VI?(Hope i'm spelling that right:p)

Haha :D I know there are so many versions of it... the newest is the XIV-IIc (Fourteen-Two-Cee). And yeah you spelled it right :D nice

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Just got a new title and avatar, woohoo!

The Avatar is my first attempt at a Mun landing. At its current res, it's kinda hard to make out, but it inludes a decent-size and badly-designed rocket witch shouldn't be on the Mun on the first place, toppled over and out of fuel with its trusty pilot, Chuck Testa-Err, Kerman, who seems to be the new Jebediah in terms of how he is eternally happy... I know I wouldn't be happy if I were stranded on the Mun.

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