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Your Zombie Plan?


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actually my real plan is:

1. buy wildstar and loads of the game time card things.

2. board up house after finding stuff to eat.

3.play wildstar. and star citizen

You will die. Both of these games are useless without any other players. Plus, star citizen is very boring in its current state.

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realistic-ish zombie plan and my actual plan if i don't die

1. pack up what i need plus my laptop and a portable generator

2. board up my house for the first month after filling my bathtub with as much water i can as soon as the power goes out

3. when supplies run low, go out and locate nearby friends/relatives if alive and not willing to kill me

4. set up new outpost/base camp at nearby armored store that has been left alone after the initial chaos

5. board up along side relatives/friends while still doing scout missions in search for food and weapons

6. after locating sufficient materials, begin cleansing operation of nearby zombies in the area

7. locate bookstore that has World War and the zombie survival guide

8. confirm what has been done properly and has not based on knowledge in books

9. reclaim store and homes slowly and progressively as i bring in more survivors

10. create/re-discover new manufacturing techniques through the help of new survivors and available resources in order to stay stocked on munitions and guns

11. begin farming new food using available lots and wilderness

12. update defensive to include defensive walls and watchtowers to clean out remaining zombies

13. set up new ways to signal survivors via radio and other methods

14. defend self and settlement from incoming zombies and crazed survivors

15. create a new community within the walls of the settlement

16. train next generation to survive the new world as well as explore and know when not to trust people

17. rebuild civilization from scratch with a new found trust in humanity and that technology and science should never be feared no matter how it is misused

18. come into contact with other settlements and overthrow dictatorships and homicidal cults that have sprung up

19. bask in the realization that humanity survived because of my actions but hope that it isn't short-lived

20 now you have survived good luck

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  • 4 months later...
realistic-ish zombie plan and my actual plan if i don't die

1. pack up what i need plus my laptop and a portable generator

2. board up my house for the first month after filling my bathtub with as much water i can as soon as the power goes out

3. when supplies run low, go out and locate nearby friends/relatives if alive and not willing to kill me

4. set up new outpost/base camp at nearby armored store that has been left alone after the initial chaos

5. board up along side relatives/friends while still doing scout missions in search for food and weapons

6. after locating sufficient materials, begin cleansing operation of nearby zombies in the area

7. locate bookstore that has World War and the zombie survival guide

8. confirm what has been done properly and has not based on knowledge in books

9. reclaim store and homes slowly and progressively as i bring in more survivors

10. create/re-discover new manufacturing techniques through the help of new survivors and available resources in order to stay stocked on munitions and guns

11. begin farming new food using available lots and wilderness

12. update defensive to include defensive walls and watchtowers to clean out remaining zombies

13. set up new ways to signal survivors via radio and other methods

14. defend self and settlement from incoming zombies and crazed survivors

15. create a new community within the walls of the settlement

16. train next generation to survive the new world as well as explore and know when not to trust people

17. rebuild civilization from scratch with a new found trust in humanity and that technology and science should never be feared no matter how it is misused

18. come into contact with other settlements and overthrow dictatorships and homicidal cults that have sprung up

19. bask in the realization that humanity survived because of my actions but hope that it isn't short-lived

20 now you have survived good luck

This just sounds like you played the game rebuild a lot

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Stay away from zombies.

Look for food. Maybe make a greenhouse and fertilizer and stuff so I can grow some crops to help me out. Maybe potatoes, or some other good crops.

Perhaps build up a community. Safety in numbers, you know.

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I have a general idea zombie plan that can be adapted at certain points depending on the nature of the zombie apocalypse (does it happen sudden, or more gradual? What is the nature of said zombies? etc.)

In general tough:

Find a backpack or anything similar and fill it with whatever supplies you can find within one minute. Make sure you have some sort of melee weapon. I live in Europ where we have a serious gun restriction, so a reachable firearm or other ranged weapon is highly unlikely to be near, don't waste time looking for one. Speed is key, get your ass to the nearest shops or other supply point, get as much unspoilable foods as possible. Forget anything that will spoil easily or requires a lot of preparation.

Roads are a killer. In case of zombie apocalyps, EVERYONE will be trying to GTFO so roads are likle to be completely gridlocked. Get out, but don't use a car unless it can offroad (and even then, getting out of any city is gonna be mureder). Motorcycles are ideal because they can reach high speeds and maneuvre between obstacles/ traffic jams, but if you can't get your hands on one of those, even a bicycle might be preferrable to a car in case of a total traffic gridlock.

Guns are often a thing people will actively look for, but that might actually be a terrible idea. Simple reason being that almost every gun out there has an owner which knows where said firearm is being held. And when the apocalyps hits, all those owners will very quickly go for their firearms and be very unwilling to give them up. In fact, they might decide that that's a very nice backpack with supplies you have there, why don't you leave that with me here before someone gets shot? Zombies are (usually) rather slow. Melee weapons should be just fine if you play things smart and safe.

Go North (or south if you live in the souther hemisphere). Head to cold climates. Pretty much all zombies have one thing in common: they're dead. That means no body heat, and no defense angainst becoming frozen solid in sub-zero climates.

Try to survive out in the colder climates until the whole thing blows over, adapt as situations occur. Always make sure you have water, heat, shelter and camp at a vantage point.

EDIT: damn, didn't notice the necro...

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I wonder if it is ironic or appropriate that a thread about surviving zombie got revived from the dead.

Anyway, since I do have experience in archery and have a brother who is a survival nut, I think I will just stick with him and make it to a forest somewhere and live on the trees.

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My plan :

If zombies are really like in The Walking Dead, there is only one thing to do :

Day <0 (before zombies) :

Get 3 weeks worth of supplies, a few things not to get too bored, prepare barricades.

Day 1 :

Install barricades, wait for a few weeks for the zombies to decompose enough not to be not a threat anymore.

Day 20 : Come out, move to the countryside, if not already, and start cultivating soil. Maybe go to cities to gather some stuff. Try not to get killed by other scavengers.

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Ok for all you idiots out ther heading north dosn't work when every one dose it, there is very limited amount of food up north, for a reason the conditions are harsh, there is practically no food up north because there is little sunlight, the Benifit of no zombies dose not outweigh the harsh conditions the lack of food and worse of all the people, read world war z, heading north is the dumbest idea I have ever heard and if one more person says lets head north I will make it my plan to infect you, and then kill you because that's what's going to happen to you regardless how Mutch you plan.

Ok if you are in America, head to the Rocky Mountains, walk along the jhon meuer track, and live along there, there's plenty of fresh water, take a crossbow to hunt deer and because it is very mountainous you won't find any zombies also to your East side there is desert and to your west side there is California, you could possibly venture out once every 6. Months to get some gear and go back, also the track runs north south along america so you could travel it to the cold zombie less north if you want. I have tested this idea, there are tons of lakes along the track and there is lots of fish in them as long as you kept on the move and did not over fish every spot and went a rotation of spots you would not over fish or pillage the area so you could survive for ever in a group no more then 3 people, this plan is for those hikers and hunters out there who can hunt hike and know how to navagate.

- - - Updated - - -

This isn't fallout, you can't make power armour and if you read max brooks zombie survival guide you will be overwear ex in your armour and be crushed to death, suits of armour don't work because 1 you will be very slow 2 you will over heat or get too cold 3 armour breaks and rusts 4 you will run out of power for your "power armour" 5 because you are slow and clumbersome you will not die but a hord will sorting you and you will be crushed to death

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1) Predict zombie apocalypse before it happens

2) Get hired by NASA

3) Get assigned to the ISS

4) When apocalypse happens, laugh at Earth

- - - Updated - - -

If zombies have no brains, I don't think they'll be smart enough to make their own space program. And besides, they can't threaten us in space! Don't they know that the UN banned space weaponry?

Silly zombies. This is a good plan.

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Day one

Hour 1

Think I am dreaming

Hour 2

Think I went crazy(er)

Hour 3

Think of plan

Hour 4-running out of food

Hook up generator and stay inside until I run out of food

After running out of food

Hour one-week later

See if zombies go away after a week

Week after running out of food

Day one

Hour one-eight

To to basement and grab sledgehammer, break through wall and tunnel to neighbour who had a greenhouse but got arrested, leaving the house and greenhouse

Day two

Hour one-three

Look for the seeds in the freezer

Hour four

Plant seeds and look for the numbing supplies left in neighbour's underground greenhouse

Day three-ten

Hour one

Eat any seeds I cannot plant, making ration small enough to last a month

Hour two - 70 (decimal hours)

Sleep and tend plants, hope I do not get hurt

Day 11-30

Hour one

Get hurt, use the leftover numbing substance to get numb, while trying to not inhale it

Hour two-289 (decimal hours again)

Sleep and tend crops, while planting the ration for that day every third day

Hour 290

Harvest crops, have a feast

Day 31

Hour 1 - 5

Tunnel to neighbour's that have bamboo, eat bamboo or try to

Hour 6

Notice zombies at surface

Run back to tunnel, take some bamboo

Hour 7

Block up tunnel with larger bamboo

Hour 8

Make bamboo spears, but never intend to use it, just to not get cabin fever and to scare zombies

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