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I'm so excited you will never guess what just happened!


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I'm hyped up! I just built a plane (no excitement there) but what is so exciting I have just landed a plane safely!!!! On the island dirt runaway too!

Had the game since 0.18 and just now got around to landing over there on the island and just got around to landing a plane safely in general without chutes! :D

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It took me so many attempts to land a space plane on that island. After I managed it I made the healthy, informed decision to return to rocket design as soon as possible. There is nothing that could have been on that island that would have justified the time taken to get there.

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The only reason I can land planes is because I make them noobproof. TT Modular Multiwheels is a big help. Put wheels on the wings, the nose, the tail, impossible not to land. Without them I think Jeb would have been dead long ago.

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well done!! landing planes is no laughing matter. That island runway is even more tricky cos its that much narrower and shorter.

tip for landing space planes; lots of reaction wheels. helps deal with the shift in weight once they are low on fuel and their tendency to tumble when they reach the lower atmo.

Also park a small rover a couple hundred meters from the ends of the runway, then select it as a target on your approach, helps you get lined up long before you can see it.

Now if you want a additional plane landing challenge; land in IVA mode! it's awesome!!

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How long is the Island runway anyway? I noticed planes I could easily land on the KSC runway run out of strip incredibly quickly. Of course, the KSC runway is also plenty long. I once accidentally found myself at 20km directly above the start of the runway and somehow still managed to land safely. (I'm not suggesting this was a good decision, I got lucky, skill had nothing to do with it.)

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