Drew Kerman Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 I made a slight mistake reporting my empty GameData usage, I'm so used to seeing KSP at the top of my list (sorted by VRAM use) that's the line I was looking at. It was actually the second one down. Still not 700MB tho :/Then I reloaded the game with GameData loaded up with all the parts I need for my save game:After hitting the main menu in both cases I quit the game and saved the output_log. You can grab them here. I run with the -popupwindow argument. Just to see, I ran no args in fullscreen and that didn't make a difference. Not that I expected it to but some bugs can be pretty weird after all...SETTINGS_FILE_VERSION = 0.18.0TUTORIALS_EDITOR_ENABLE = FalseTUTORIALS_FLIGHT_ENABLE = FalseVAB_USE_CLICK_PLACE = TrueVAB_USE_ANGLE_SNAP = TrueVAB_ANGLE_SNAP_INCLUDE_VERTICAL = FalseVAB_CAMERA_ORBIT_SENS = 0.04VAB_CAMERA_ZOOM_SENS = 0.1FLT_CAMERA_ORBIT_SENS = 0.04FLT_CAMERA_ZOOM_SENS = 0.5FLT_CAMERA_WOBBLE = 0.1FLT_CAMERA_CHASE_SHARPNESS = 1.5FLT_CAMERA_CHASE_USEVELOCITYVECTOR = TrueFLT_VESSEL_LABELS = TrueSPACENAV_CAMERA_SENS_ROT = 30SPACENAV_CAMERA_SENS_LIN = 20SPACENAV_CAMERA_SHARPNESS_LIN = 8SPACENAV_CAMERA_SHARPNESS_ROT = 10SIMULATE_IN_BACKGROUND = TruePHYSICS_FRAME_DT_LIMIT = 0.06242124MAX_VESSELS_BUDGET = -1CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 3CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 6SHOW_PWARP_WARNING = FalseEVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE = TrueUSE_STAGING_CONTROLS_ON_DOCKING = TrueSPACENAV_FLIGHT_SENS_ROT = 5SPACENAV_FLIGHT_SENS_LIN = 1KERBIN_TIME = FalseCALL_HOME = FalseDONT_SEND_IP = FalseSEND_PROGRESS_DATA = FalseCHECK_FOR_UPDATES = TrueVERBOSE_DEBUG_LOG = FalseSHOW_CONSOLE_ON_ERROR = FalseAUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = 300AUTOSAVE_SHORT_INTERVAL = 30SHOW_SPACE_CENTER_CREW = TrueUI_SIZE = 768SHIP_VOLUME = 0.1004043AMBIENCE_VOLUME = 0.4999998MUSIC_VOLUME = 0.3476191UI_VOLUME = 0.5VOICE_VOLUME = 1SOUND_NORMALIZER_ENABLED = TrueSOUND_NORMALIZER_THRESHOLD = 1SOUND_NORMALIZER_RESPONSIVENESS = 16SOUND_NORMALIZER_SKIPSAMPLES = 0SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 1680SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 1050FULLSCREEN = FalseQUALITY_PRESET = 5ANTI_ALIASING = 8TEXTURE_QUALITY = 0SYNC_VBL = 1LIGHT_QUALITY = 64SHADOWS_QUALITY = 64FRAMERATE_LIMIT = 60FALLBACK_PART_SHADERS = FalsePLANET_FORCE_SHADER_MODEL_2_0 = FalsePLANET_SCATTER = TruePLANET_SCATTER_FACTOR = 1AERO_FX_QUALITY = 3SCREENSHOT_SUPERSIZE = 0INPUT_KEYBOARD_SENSIVITITY = 2dontShowLauncher = TruePITCH_DOWN{ primary = W secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}PITCH_UP{ primary = S secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}YAW_LEFT{ primary = A secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}YAW_RIGHT{ primary = D secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}ROLL_LEFT{ primary = Q secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}ROLL_RIGHT{ primary = E secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}THROTTLE_UP{ primary = LeftShift secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}THROTTLE_DOWN{ primary = LeftControl secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}SAS_HOLD{ primary = X secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}SAS_TOGGLE{ primary = T secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}LAUNCH_STAGES{ primary = Space secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CAMERA_MODE{ primary = C secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CAMERA_NEXT{ primary = V secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}PAUSE{ primary = Escape secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}PRECISION_CTRL{ primary = Backslash secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}ZOOM_IN{ primary = KeypadPlus secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}ZOOM_OUT{ primary = KeypadMinus secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}SCROLL_VIEW_UP{ primary = PageUp secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}SCROLL_VIEW_DOWN{ primary = PageDown secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}SCROLL_ICONS_UP{ primary = Home secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}SCROLL_ICONS_DOWN{ primary = End secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CAMERA_ORBIT_UP{ primary = UpArrow secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CAMERA_ORBIT_DOWN{ primary = DownArrow secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CAMERA_ORBIT_LEFT{ primary = LeftArrow secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CAMERA_ORBIT_RIGHT{ primary = RightArrow secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CAMERA_RESET{ primary = Backspace secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TIME_WARP_INCREASE{ primary = Period secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TIME_WARP_DECREASE{ primary = Comma secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}MAP_VIEW_TOGGLE{ primary = M secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}UIMODE_STAGING{ primary = Insert secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}UIMODE_DOCKING{ primary = Delete secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TRANSLATE_UP{ primary = K secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TRANSLATE_DOWN{ primary = I secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TRANSLATE_LEFT{ primary = J secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TRANSLATE_RIGHT{ primary = L secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TRANSLATE_FWD{ primary = H secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TRANSLATE_BACK{ primary = N secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}RCS_TOGGLE{ primary = R secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}FOCUS_NEXT_VESSEL{ primary = RightBracket secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}FOCUS_PREV_VESSEL{ primary = LeftBracket secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TOGGLE_UI{ primary = F2 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TOGGLE_STATUS_SCREEN{ primary = F3 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TAKE_SCREENSHOT{ primary = None secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TOGGLE_LABELS{ primary = F4 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}QUICKSAVE{ primary = F5 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}QUICKLOAD{ primary = F9 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}THROTTLE_CUTOFF{ primary = None secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}THROTTLE_FULL{ primary = None secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}LANDING_GEAR{ primary = G secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}HEADLIGHT_TOGGLE{ primary = U secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}BRAKES{ primary = B secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TOGGLE_SPACENAV_FLIGHT_CONTROL{ primary = ScrollLock secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TOGGLE_SPACENAV_ROLL_LOCK{ primary = None secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}EVA_forward{ primary = W secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_back{ primary = S secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_left{ primary = A secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_right{ primary = D secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_yaw_left{ primary = Q secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_yaw_right{ primary = E secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Pack_forward{ primary = W secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Pack_back{ primary = S secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Pack_left{ primary = A secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Pack_right{ primary = D secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Pack_up{ primary = LeftShift secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Pack_down{ primary = LeftControl secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Jump{ primary = Quote secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Run{ primary = LeftShift secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_ToggleMovementMode{ primary = LeftAlt secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_TogglePack{ primary = R secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Use{ primary = F secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Orient{ primary = Quote secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}EVA_Lights{ primary = L secondary = None group = 268435456 switchState = Any}Docking_pitchUp{ primary = S secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Rotation}Docking_pitchDown{ primary = W secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Rotation}Docking_yawLeft{ primary = A secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Rotation}Docking_yawRight{ primary = D secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Rotation}Docking_rollLeft{ primary = Q secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Docking_rollRight{ primary = E secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Docking_toggleRotLin{ primary = Space secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Docking_staging{ primary = None secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Docking_linFwd{ primary = W secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Translation}Docking_linBack{ primary = S secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Translation}Docking_linLeft{ primary = A secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Translation}Docking_linRight{ primary = D secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Translation}Docking_linUp{ primary = LeftShift secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Docking_linDown{ primary = LeftControl secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Docking_throttleUp{ primary = None secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Docking_throttleDown{ primary = None secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Editor_pitchUp{ primary = S secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Editor_pitchDown{ primary = W secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Editor_yawLeft{ primary = A secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Editor_yawRight{ primary = D secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Editor_rollLeft{ primary = Q secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Editor_rollRight{ primary = E secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}Editor_resetRotation{ primary = Space secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_PITCH{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_ROLL{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_YAW{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_THROTTLE{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_THROTTLE_INC{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_CAMERA_HDG{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_CAMERA_PITCH{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_TRANSLATE_X{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_TRANSLATE_Y{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_TRANSLATE_Z{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_WHEEL_STEER{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}WHEEL_STEER_LEFT{ primary = A secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}WHEEL_STEER_RIGHT{ primary = D secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_WHEEL_THROTTLE{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}WHEEL_THROTTLE_DOWN{ primary = S secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}WHEEL_THROTTLE_UP{ primary = W secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}axis_EVA_translate_x{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}axis_EVA_translate_y{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}axis_EVA_translate_z{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}axis_EVA_pitch{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}axis_EVA_yaw{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}axis_EVA_roll{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}axis_Docking_translate_x{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Translation}axis_Docking_translate_y{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Translation}axis_Docking_translate_z{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Translation}axis_Docking_pitch{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Rotation}axis_Docking_yaw{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Rotation}axis_Docking_roll{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Rotation}axis_Docking_Throttle{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}axis_Docking_Throttle_inc{ name = None id = None inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0.05 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL{ name = Mouse ScrollWheel id = Mouse ScrollWheel inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0 scale = 1 group = 0 switchState = Any}MODIFIER_KEY{ primary = LeftAlt secondary = RightAlt group = 0 switchState = Any}AbortActionGroup{ primary = Backspace secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup1{ primary = Alpha1 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup2{ primary = Alpha2 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup3{ primary = Alpha3 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup4{ primary = Alpha4 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup5{ primary = Alpha5 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup6{ primary = Alpha6 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup7{ primary = Alpha7 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup8{ primary = Alpha8 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup9{ primary = Alpha9 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}CustomActionGroup10{ primary = Alpha0 secondary = None group = 0 switchState = Any}TERRAIN{ preset = High version = 0.25.0 PRESET { name = Low PLANET { name = Kerbin minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = KerbinOcean minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Mun minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Minmus minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 5 } PLANET { name = Bop minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 5 } PLANET { name = Duna minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Eve minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = EveOcean minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Gilly minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 5 } PLANET { name = Ike minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Laythe minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = LaytheOcean minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Moho minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Tylo minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Vall minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Dres minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Pol minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Eeloo minDistance = 4 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } } PRESET { name = Default PLANET { name = Kerbin minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = KerbinOcean minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Mun minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Minmus minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Bop minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Duna minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Eve minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = EveOcean minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Gilly minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Ike minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Laythe minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = LaytheOcean minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Moho minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Tylo minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Vall minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Dres minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Pol minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } PLANET { name = Eeloo minDistance = 6 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 8 } } PRESET { name = High PLANET { name = Kerbin minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 10 } PLANET { name = KerbinOcean minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Mun minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Minmus minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Bop minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 6 } PLANET { name = Duna minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Eve minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 10 } PLANET { name = EveOcean minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Gilly minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Ike minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Laythe minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 10 } PLANET { name = LaytheOcean minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 7 } PLANET { name = Moho minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Tylo minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Vall minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Dres minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Pol minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } PLANET { name = Eeloo minDistance = 8 minSubdivision = 1 maxSubdivision = 9 } }}// KSP Game Settings Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Virtualgenius Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 are you using the opengl switch as well if not its a good memory saver Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mitiya Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 sarbian said: Launch without the -nolog and upload the KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit) somewhere.there's my log Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gristle Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 rbray89 said: There is a mod conflict... with stock + ATM it is fine...Doesn't seem to be a mod conflict. Having same symptoms with Stock + EVE + ATM. Does seem to only happen when resuming loading a career save. Starting a new save and I don't have the KSC issues.Here are the last few lines of KSP.log:[LOG 08:51:46.627] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/internal/PodCockpit'[LOG 08:51:46.640] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/SPP/Mk2CockpitStandardInternal/internal/mk2CockpitStandardInternals'[LOG 08:51:47.472] [LOG 08:51:51.285] Agent: Found 18 agent mentality types[LOG 08:51:51.287] AgentList: 27 agents parsed and loaded.[LOG 08:51:52.610] [CelestialBody]: Kerbin's solar day length is 1d, 0h, 0m long. sidereal day length is 5h, 59m, 59s long[WRN 08:51:52.671] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From LOADING to MAINMENU =====================[LOG 08:52:04.826] ScenarioTypes: List Created 9 scenario types loaded from 1 loaded assemblies.[WRN 08:52:04.830] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================[LOG 08:52:08.778] ContractSystem: Found 10 contract types[LOG 08:52:08.779] ContractSystem: Found 21 parameter types[LOG 08:52:08.781] ContractSystem: Found 5 predicate types[LOG 08:52:08.798] StrategySystem: Found 0 strategy types[LOG 08:52:08.800] StrategySystem: Found 3 effect types[LOG 08:52:08.811] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered[ERR 08:52:08.815] Cannot find a Module of typename 'DMScienceScenario'[ERR 08:52:08.816] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.817] Cannot find a Module of typename 'TSTProgressTracker'[ERR 08:52:08.818] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.818] Cannot find a Module of typename 'StnSciScenario'[ERR 08:52:08.819] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.820] Cannot find a Module of typename 'KerbalAlarmClockScenario'[ERR 08:52:08.821] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.821] Cannot find a Module of typename 'SCANcontroller'[ERR 08:52:08.822] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.942] ContractList: Contract type 'DMSurveyContract' not found[ERR 08:52:08.943] ContractList: Contract type 'StnSciContract' not found[ERR 08:52:08.944] ContractList: Contract type 'StnSciContract' not found[ERR 08:52:08.949] ContractList: Contract type 'StnSciContract' not found[EXC 08:52:08.957] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Contracts.Templates.PartTest.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.Contract.Load (Contracts.Contract contract, .ConfigNode node) Contracts.ContractSystem.LoadContract (.ConfigNode cNode) Contracts.ContractSystem+.MoveNext ()[WRN 08:52:13.950] BorderedTilingSpriteMesh: Mesh has 300 or more vertices and might not be dynamically batched![WRN 08:52:13.952] BorderedTilingSpriteMesh: Mesh has 300 or more vertices and might not be dynamically batched![WRN 08:52:13.953] BorderedTilingSpriteMesh: Mesh has 300 or more vertices and might not be dynamically batched![LOG 08:52:15.636] Flight State Captured[EXC 08:52:15.641] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () Game.Updated () GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) RDSceneSpawner.onRDDespawn () EventVoid.Fire () RDController.CloseButton (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr) UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex) UIManager.DispatchInput () UIManager.Update ()[LOG 08:52:17.103] Flight State Captured[EXC 08:52:17.105] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () Game.Updated () GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) RDSceneSpawner.onRDDespawn () EventVoid.Fire () RDController.CloseButton (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr) UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex) UIManager.DispatchInput () UIManager.Update () UIManager.DidAnyPointerHitUI () SpaceCenterCamera2.InputCamera () SpaceCenterCamera2.Update ()[EXC 08:52:19.568] NullReferenceException SpriteMesh.CreateMesh () SpriteMesh.get_mesh () SpriteRoot.Delete () UIListItemContainer.Delete () UIScrollList.RemoveItem (Int32 index, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing) UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing) UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy) ApplicationLauncher.RemoveApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button) ContractsApp.OnDestroy () Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbray89 Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 Gaiiden said: I made a slight mistake reporting my empty GameData usage, I'm so used to seeing KSP at the top of my list (sorted by VRAM use) that's the line I was looking at. It was actually the second one down. Still not 700MB tho :/http://i.imgur.com/I8eh9f1.pngThen I reloaded the game with GameData loaded up with all the parts I need for my save game:http://i.imgur.com/qyR7t5V.pngAfter hitting the main menu in both cases I quit the game and saved the output_log. You can grab them here. I run with the -popupwindow argument. Just to see, I ran no args in fullscreen and that didn't make a difference. Not that I expected it to but some bugs can be pretty weird after all...So you are saying that even with an empty Gamedata folder you see this? That means you probably have a memory leak somewhere. Try a fresh install of KSP (not just clean GameData) and keep a very careful record of memory+mods. Infact, one thing you could try is to add all the mods back in, but slowly delete MOD *.dlls (save things like module manager for last though) to see which one is causing your memory to spike. This should help you find which mod is eating memory. mitiya said: there's my logYou have a LOT of BIG mods. Any one of them could have a memory leak in them. The advice I gave to Gaiiden applies as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbray89 Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 Gristle said: Doesn't seem to be a mod conflict. Having same symptoms with Stock + EVE + ATM. Does seem to only happen when resuming loading a career save. Starting a new save and I don't have the KSC issues.Here are the last few lines of KSP.log:[LOG 08:51:46.627] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/internal/PodCockpit'[LOG 08:51:46.640] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Squad/SPP/Mk2CockpitStandardInternal/internal/mk2CockpitStandardInternals'[LOG 08:51:47.472] [LOG 08:51:51.285] Agent: Found 18 agent mentality types[LOG 08:51:51.287] AgentList: 27 agents parsed and loaded.[LOG 08:51:52.610] [CelestialBody]: Kerbin's solar day length is 1d, 0h, 0m long. sidereal day length is 5h, 59m, 59s long[WRN 08:51:52.671] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From LOADING to MAINMENU =====================[LOG 08:52:04.826] ScenarioTypes: List Created 9 scenario types loaded from 1 loaded assemblies.[WRN 08:52:04.830] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================[LOG 08:52:08.778] ContractSystem: Found 10 contract types[LOG 08:52:08.779] ContractSystem: Found 21 parameter types[LOG 08:52:08.781] ContractSystem: Found 5 predicate types[LOG 08:52:08.798] StrategySystem: Found 0 strategy types[LOG 08:52:08.800] StrategySystem: Found 3 effect types[LOG 08:52:08.811] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered[ERR 08:52:08.815] Cannot find a Module of typename 'DMScienceScenario'[ERR 08:52:08.816] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.817] Cannot find a Module of typename 'TSTProgressTracker'[ERR 08:52:08.818] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.818] Cannot find a Module of typename 'StnSciScenario'[ERR 08:52:08.819] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.820] Cannot find a Module of typename 'KerbalAlarmClockScenario'[ERR 08:52:08.821] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.821] Cannot find a Module of typename 'SCANcontroller'[ERR 08:52:08.822] ScenarioModule is null.[ERR 08:52:08.942] ContractList: Contract type 'DMSurveyContract' not found[ERR 08:52:08.943] ContractList: Contract type 'StnSciContract' not found[ERR 08:52:08.944] ContractList: Contract type 'StnSciContract' not found[ERR 08:52:08.949] ContractList: Contract type 'StnSciContract' not found[EXC 08:52:08.957] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Contracts.Templates.PartTest.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.Contract.Load (Contracts.Contract contract, .ConfigNode node) Contracts.ContractSystem.LoadContract (.ConfigNode cNode) Contracts.ContractSystem+.MoveNext ()[WRN 08:52:13.950] BorderedTilingSpriteMesh: Mesh has 300 or more vertices and might not be dynamically batched![WRN 08:52:13.952] BorderedTilingSpriteMesh: Mesh has 300 or more vertices and might not be dynamically batched![WRN 08:52:13.953] BorderedTilingSpriteMesh: Mesh has 300 or more vertices and might not be dynamically batched![LOG 08:52:15.636] Flight State Captured[EXC 08:52:15.641] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () Game.Updated () GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) RDSceneSpawner.onRDDespawn () EventVoid.Fire () RDController.CloseButton (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr) UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex) UIManager.DispatchInput () UIManager.Update ()[LOG 08:52:17.103] Flight State Captured[EXC 08:52:17.105] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () Game.Updated () GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) RDSceneSpawner.onRDDespawn () EventVoid.Fire () RDController.CloseButton (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr) UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex) UIManager.DispatchInput () UIManager.Update () UIManager.DidAnyPointerHitUI () SpaceCenterCamera2.InputCamera () SpaceCenterCamera2.Update ()[EXC 08:52:19.568] NullReferenceException SpriteMesh.CreateMesh () SpriteMesh.get_mesh () SpriteRoot.Delete () UIListItemContainer.Delete () UIScrollList.RemoveItem (Int32 index, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing) UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing) UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy) ApplicationLauncher.RemoveApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button) ContractsApp.OnDestroy ()I can pretty much guarantee you that there won't be an issue with EVE + ATM. Why are you getting the null reference exception...? Added/removed a mod that alters contracts? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onlinegamesz Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 I'm using this mod for the first time but I don't know which version I have to download there is x86-Release-basic and just x86-Release, what is the different and which do you recommend?Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbray89 Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 onlinegamesz said: I'm using this mod for the first time but I don't know which version I have to download there is x86-Release-basic and just x86-Release, what is the different and which do you recommend?ThanksBasic isn't as aggressive at re-sizing textures, so you'll notice better visuals, but as the tradeoff, you save less memory. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gristle Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 rbray89 said: I can pretty much guarantee you that there won't be an issue with EVE + ATM. Why are you getting the null reference exception...? Added/removed a mod that alters contracts?Possibly....a lot of mods now include custom contracts for their parts and capabilities, Tantares and Orbital Science are two I use that do this for sure, maybe a couple of others. However, I do have the KSC issue when all mods are installed so I doubt the contract issues are relevant. Is there any specific data or test methods I can do that would help you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbray89 Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 Gristle said: Possibly....a lot of mods now include custom contracts for their parts and capabilities, Tantares and Orbital Science are two I use that do this for sure, maybe a couple of others. However, I do have the KSC issue when all mods are installed so I doubt the contract issues are relevant. Is there any specific data or test methods I can do that would help you?Just the one above that I sent Gaiiden: "Try a fresh install of KSP (not just clean GameData) and keep a very careful record of memory+mods. Infact, one thing you could try is to add all the mods back in, but slowly delete MOD *.dlls (save things like module manager for last though) to see which one is causing your memory to spike. This should help you find which mod is eating memory." I'd modify this and install KSP + EVE + ATM to verify that they aren't the cause first, then continue with the other mods, one-by-one. It is slow, but that is one of the prices of modding if you want a stable game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nori Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 So I'm running a bunch of mods with the -force-opengl switch and I'm thinking I need to reduce memory usage just a little bit more (at about 2.5GB and want to get down a couple hundred). So quick question. Does ATM still offer memory savings with the opengl switch on? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gristle Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 Nori said: So I'm running a bunch of mods with the -force-opengl switch and I'm thinking I need to reduce memory usage just a little bit more (at about 2.5GB and want to get down a couple hundred). So quick question. Does ATM still offer memory savings with the opengl switch on?Why? You've got almost 1GB of overhead before KSP gets wonky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nori Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 Gristle said: Why? You've got almost 1GB of overhead before KSP gets wonky.Sadly no. My system starts throwing NRE at about 3.25GB. Though I sometimes notice issues as low as 3GB. Thus I like to start the game to about 2.2GB giving me some nice breathing room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kendoka15 Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 I was distraught when I found out the x64 version was buggy as I had 60-70 mods and now even with this mod I struggle to reach 35 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mitiya Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 rbray89 said: You have a LOT of BIG mods. Any one of them could have a memory leak in them. The advice I gave to Gaiiden applies as well.Ok. I delete all files and folders except ActiveTextureManagement,NASAmission,Squad.ksp + ATM = 1.48ksp = 0.982my new logfile Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbray89 Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 mitiya said: Ok. I delete all files and folders except ActiveTextureManagement,NASAmission,Squad.ksp + ATM = 1.48ksp = 0.982my new logfileNow try with a NEW KSP install. Not just "cleaned" because I still see artifacts from other mods in your log. For all we know, they modified the filesystem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigD145 Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 kendoka15 said: I was distraught when I found out the x64 version was buggy as I had 60-70 mods and now even with this mod I struggle to reach 35 Do you even use all those mods or just a few parts here and there? You can delete parts and textures you will never use. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarbian Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 (edited) For reference here are my test. All with TEXTURE_QUALITY = 0 in settings.cfg with the 2 release of ATM and a third settings (max_size = 0 / max_size_normals = 0 / scale = 1 / scale_normals = 1)DirectXKSP Empty GameData : 1.079.024 KKSP Stock GameData : 1.718.112 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM : 1.375.316 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM Basic : 1.582.432 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM NoRescale : 1.796.584 KKSP 0.24 Empty GameData : 877.500 KOpenGLKSP Empty GameData : 652.200 KKSP Stock GameData : 796.028 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM : 865.688 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM Basic : 876.696 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM NoRescale : 869.728 KIf you get widly different result then something is most likely wrong with your install. For OpenGL the result may change with how much memory your graphic card has and what process use it (An open google map in WebGL eat your GPU memory like candy). Process Explorer can show you how much GPU memory is used by a program (Right click on columns name, "Selects Columns", "Process GPU" tab and check "GPU Commited" Edited October 17, 2014 by sarbian Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nori Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 Aww, so ATM doesn't really reduce OpenGL space... Guess I might just have to wait till all of RoverDude's mods switch to PNGs from TGAs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jazzman13 Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 I'm not using open GL and the new release of ATM dropped my usage about .5Gb. So thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbray89 Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 sarbian said: For reference here are my test. All with TEXTURE_QUALITY = 0 in settings.cfg with the 2 release of ATM and a third settings (max_size = 0 / max_size_normals = 0 / scale = 1 / scale_normals = 1)DirectXKSP Empty GameData : 1.079.024 KKSP Stock GameData : 1.718.112 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM : 1.582.432 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM Basic : 1.375.316 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM NoRescale : 1.796.584 KKSP 0.24 Empty GameData : 877.500 KOpenGLKSP Empty GameData : 652.200 KKSP Stock GameData : 796.028 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM : 876.696 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM Basic : 865.688 KKSP Stock GameData + ATM NoRescale : 869.728 KIf you get widly different result then something is most likely wrong with your install. For OpenGL the result may change with how much memory your graphic card has and what process use it (An open google map in WebGL eat your GPU memory like candy). Process Explorer can show you how much GPU memory is used by a program (Right click on columns name, "Selects Columns", "Process GPU" tab and check "GPU Commited"Why is basic using less memory? That is strange. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mitiya Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 rbray89 said: Now try with a NEW KSP install. Not just "cleaned" because I still see artifacts from other mods in your log. For all we know, they modified the filesystem.Done.ksp + ATM = 1.42ksp = 0.9logKSP.exe -popupwindow -force-opengl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarbian Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 (edited) Nori : it does reduce it, but in OpenGL all the texture are on the graphic card so ATM lower the memory use on the card. Here is an OpenGL test with the GPU memory added : KSP 834.024 K 1.668.660 KKSP + ATM 890.940 K 1.275.444 Krbray89 : I may have switched them. Let me redo itEdit : yes they were inverted. I edited the post. Edited October 17, 2014 by sarbian Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nori Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 @Sarbian - Ah ok. Is KSP still limited to a overall usage of 4GBish? I'm asking because I just got a new Nvidia card that actually allows me to play with the opengl switch (my previous AMD card crash on trying) so I'm just trying to see what I'm able to install and still have work.My basic testing yesterday showed a usage of about 2.5GB (from task manager for the mods I have). I'm assuming that doesn't include GPU memory. So that part would still be limited to the 4GB address space (which for my computer means 3.25GBish). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarbian Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 Yes, the normal memory is still limited. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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