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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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Update to the latest version. Both of these issues have been fixed.

No, the fuzzy-toolbar issue hasn't been fixed. Toolbar icons (both toolbars), remain exceptionally fuzzy, to the point that you're basically guessing as to what you're clicking on.

Curiously, the problem only afflicts certain toolbar icons. Afflicted icons include RCS Balancer, FAR, KER. Unaffected icons include Alternate Resource Panel, Transfer Window Planner. (edit: it should be noted the unaffected icons are both TriggerTech mods)


Edited by Entropius
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Clear your cache and up your KSP.exe graphics setting? Are the afflicted icons larger than the cutoff for ATM's small icon exception?

If the cache you're alluding to is the one in the ATM folder, then yeah, clearing that does nothing.

And I've fiddled/reset my KSP.app (not .exe, since it's a Mac) graphics settings plenty lately.

As for the icons being larger than a certain cutoff (which is an unfamiliar thing to me),

  • FAR's icons (blizzy & squad) are respectively 503 bytes and 602 bytes.
  • KER's icon is 1 KB.
  • RCS Balancer's are 1KB.
  • Transfer Window Planner's is 1KB.
  • Alternate Resource Panel's are 162 bytes (biggest).

So I'm not really seeing any correlation between icon size and ATM's behavior here.

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In the Graphics Settings, what Texture Quality do you have?

Half res & quarter res are both affected.

Other texture qualities might be affected too, but if so I wouldn't know since I haven't tried them.

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If the cache you're alluding to is the one in the ATM folder, then yeah, clearing that does nothing.

And I've fiddled/reset my KSP.app (not .exe, since it's a Mac) graphics settings plenty lately.

As for the icons being larger than a certain cutoff (which is an unfamiliar thing to me),

  • FAR's icons (blizzy & squad) are respectively 503 bytes and 602 bytes.
  • KER's icon is 1 KB.
  • RCS Balancer's are 1KB.
  • Transfer Window Planner's is 1KB.
  • Alternate Resource Panel's are 162 bytes (biggest).

So I'm not really seeing any correlation between icon size and ATM's behavior here.

That's not the size I'm talking about. How many pixels by how many pixels are they? BoulderCo has the configs. Perhaps you didn't replace those? Still, an output log is likely needed.

I use Alternate Resource Panel without any problems. Its icons are 32x16 on up to 38x38 at the largest. FAR's are 36x36 at the largest. They should not be having issues, but I don't use FAR.

Half res & quarter res are both affected.

So KSP is working as expected then?

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Half res & quarter res are both affected.

That'll do it. You can get pretty much the same memory savings by editing the ATM config:

###  Resize the texture by the scale specified. Use powers
### of two for best efficiency. 1 is no scalling, 2, is 1/2
### 4 is 1/4, etc.
scale = 2

For ATM aggressive, the default scale is 2 (= Texture Quality Half Res). Change it to 4 or 8 and set the Texture Quality to Full Res.

Since ATM caches the reduced textures, you should also get faster loads as a nice side effect. :)

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Half res & quarter res are both affected.

Other texture qualities might be affected too, but if so I wouldn't know since I haven't tried them.

there are known issues with KSP's built-in texture scaling, which is part of the reason ATM exists at all. set the textures to full res and retest. it should be fine with minimal memory loss (in fact, almost exactly the memory lost by those small button textures that ATM intentionally excludes).

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@BigD145: I definitely replaced all the folders' contents with ATM's reinstallation. In fact I can still see the empty folder from the compressed archive that I moved them out of. Nothing was left out. If needed a log is available here. In the BoulderCo folder I did notice that neither KER, FAR, nor RCSBalancer have any config file in BoulderCo, while TriggerTech does (and that's the set of addons that aren't affected by the icon bug). Maybe that has something to do with the problem. And Alternate Resource Panel is a Trigger Tech addon, which I pointed out were not affected by this bug, so the fact you don't see a problem with that addon doesn't actually disagree with my observations.

Master Tao: Setting scale = 4 while keeping KSP's texture quality at normal ends up using way too much RAM for me, 3.00 GB by the time I get to the main menu (which frankly I can't work with). Meanwhile I was around 2.1 GB with the KSP texture quality setting set lower. I know for certain back in KSP 0.24.2 with ATM, I could set KSP's texture quality to half or quarter, get reduced RAM usage, AND not corrupt toolbar icons. The RAM reduction and Toolbar icons both worked. But not now.

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The stretched ground textures are a side effect of the new terrain rendering in 0.25. It looks beautiful from above, but once you get close up they're all smeared out. Additionally, it looks like they just applied yellow colored grass textures to the deserts. Hopefully this will be corrected in 0.90, or at least by 1.0.

All surface textures are in fact black and white; the coloration is provided by vertex colors on the terrain. Textures are applied based on the angle of the surface; flat get "land", 45 degree angle gets "hill", sharper gets "rocky mountains". The colors are controlled either by noise alone (Minmus), or by a vertex color map (Duna), or by the LandClass mod (which classes land based on elevation, latitude, and longitude, and also adds the terrain scatter objects).

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The stretched ground textures are a side effect of the new terrain rendering in 0.25. It looks beautiful from above, but once you get close up they're all smeared out. Additionally, it looks like they just applied yellow colored grass textures to the deserts. Hopefully this will be corrected in 0.90, or at least by 1.0.

MY Mun texture looks perfect in my stock install, and looks perfect in my modded install… unless I have this mod installed, though.

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Master Tao: Setting scale = 4 while keeping KSP's texture quality at normal ends up using way too much RAM for me, 3.00 GB by the time I get to the main menu (which frankly I can't work with). Meanwhile I was around 2.1 GB with the KSP texture quality setting set lower. I know for certain back in KSP 0.24.2 with ATM, I could set KSP's texture quality to half or quarter, get reduced RAM usage, AND not corrupt toolbar icons. The RAM reduction and Toolbar icons both worked. But not now.

0.25 is not 0.24.2. Things have changed.

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Sorry these are in very different lighting conditions, but I took the first a while ago game time on the MUn.

Below is modded 9DRE/FAR/KIDS/etc.


Same lander, same mods, but with ATM basic (same issue with aggressive, or perhaps aggressive was spread even more).


Stock 0.25 looks just fine.

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Sorry these are in very different lighting conditions, but I took the first a while ago game time on the MUn.

Below is modded 9DRE/FAR/KIDS/etc.


Same lander, same mods, but with ATM basic (same issue with aggressive, or perhaps aggressive was spread even more).


Stock 0.25 looks just fine.

Now, you see this is very interesting, as this mod DOESN'T and CAN'T touch those textures. I'm very curious as to what is going on with your install. I bet you if you run with ONLY ATM, you wouldn't see this issue. There is another mod somewhere that has to be conflicting somehow.

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Oh, that's very helpful! I can try removing stuff one by one. I will try stock plus ATM and report back. Other than DRE/KIDS/FAR/KJR, I have some part mods, nothing environmental.

You are correct, stock plus ATM is fine, so it must be a conflict.


Edited by tater
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What does the BoulderCo folder do? Yanked it, no difference, put it back.

Nothing except the base MM 2.5.1 in there has any non-"parts" textures. Odd.

yeahhh..you wanna leave that and it's content there (it contains cfg's for ATM and/or EVE) without those cfg's ATM wont be able to reduce memory usage so again leave it do not touchy touchy! :)

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@tater: I'm experiencing the same problem with a stock install, it's not related to any mod. I've already seen this somewhere else, but I can't find anything related in the "support" section of he forum.

I didn't find a confirmed pattern to reproduce it, but generally it happens after a reentry, or after changing SOI. Going back to space center/switch to vessel seems to fix this most of the time (quite random bug, I've experienced it several time without being able to determine what's causing it).

I don't use ATM, so I can confirm it's not caused by this mod.

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