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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Anyway, I digress - loading with ATM takes a LOT less time than without, so what do I need to change in what config to not rescale or downsize anything, but still take advantage of the drastically decreased loading time, if possible at all?

Didn't want this to get lost and buried, is all..

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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I have a question, I haven't used active texture management since after i downloaded a 64 bit 0.24 ksp, but when I was using 0.24 32 bit ksp, with aggressive, The textures did not have a noticeable blurriness. Now, with 32 bit 0.25, using the download (not basic) The decouplers from vanilla ksp and some tanks and engines from KW rocketry that I have unlocked so far have really blurry textures. For example, the medium sized KW tank has a red splotch on the side that used to be less blurry something else. Wold basic do this too, or should I download Basic?

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  The Engineer said:
I have a question, I haven't used active texture management since after i downloaded a 64 bit 0.24 ksp, but when I was using 0.24 32 bit ksp, with aggressive, The textures did not have a noticeable blurriness. Now, with 32 bit 0.25, using the download (not basic) The decouplers from vanilla ksp and some tanks and engines from KW rocketry that I have unlocked so far have really blurry textures. For example, the medium sized KW tank has a red splotch on the side that used to be less blurry something else. Wold basic do this too, or should I download Basic?

Basic is a way to trade off some compression (blurriness) for memory (more crashes). it's behavior is otherwise identical to aggressive (which is the default). in short, if you have memory and want things to look nicer, use basic. if you don't for either, then use aggressive.

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I am using the basic version for 32 bit in .25, and I noticed it didnt even slow down loading, yet when using it in .24.2 it would stall for 30 seconds or so (which I know was what it is intended to do). Am I missing something here?

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Hey all. Got a problem. At what point in the load process should I see the white screen?

I've tried both veriosn of X86 and whilst the texture cache directories are created, no files are created in them. I also have lost the ability to see contracts and some of my toolbar icons are black (FAR for example)

Everything looks OK from an instal point of view I just never see the white screen freeze...

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  ThePumpkinGod said:
Getting a null reference exception when ATM is installed. (I cannon close menus or change scenes.)

I only currently know of Action Groups Extended doing that in 0.25. We still need a log here.

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I'm in the same boat as Gaiiden. KSP uses 3.2 Gb at the menu screen with ATM installed, 2.0 GB without. On the "without" install TextureReplacer is taking over texture unloading. I'm guessing that ATM isn't actually unloading textures for some reason.

Edit 2: I had a chance to do some more testing on a fresh install. For test purposes I installed a clean version of KSP; ATM 3-8 Basic; TextureReplacer with 105 MB of planet textures (PNGs); and KW Rocketry. The only DLLs in play are ATM and TR. KSP itself is using default settings but was launched using '-popupwindow'. Each scenario was tested three times with the results averaged and rounded. Results at the main menu screen:

OpenGL no DLLs 1,070,000 K
OpenGL ATM+TR 1,200,000 K
OpenGL ATM 1,214,000 K
OpenGL TR 830,000 K
DirectX no DLLs 2,518,000 K
DirectX ATM+TR 2,387,000 K
DirectX ATM 2,445,000 K
DirectX TR 2,222,000 K

Logs from one of the OpenGL rounds are here

Edited by somnambulist
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  Reaperxcii said:
Which version is the aggressive version? As Im currently running out of RAM cause I still use the 32 bit.exe launcher since 64 is SO buggy. Im currently using just the x86 version. not the basic.

There are two versions, basic and aggressive. If you aren't using basic then you're using aggressive.

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  Deflep said:
Hey all. Got a problem. At what point in the load process should I see the white screen?

I've tried both veriosn of X86 and whilst the texture cache directories are created, no files are created in them. I also have lost the ability to see contracts and some of my toolbar icons are black (FAR for example)

Everything looks OK from an instal point of view I just never see the white screen freeze...

I've never seen the white screen either while using ATM. I do however get a black screen when ATM is doing its initial texture compression and caching run.

Are you absolutely sure there are no files in the cached directories? Try looking in some of the cached Squad directories. Alternately, try right clicking on the textureCache directory, selecting properties, and seeing how much disk space is being used. For me it's 41.3MB.

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  Verios44 said:
After I installed ATM, I found all my toolbar icons are blurred out. I run on half res ( to help with my many mods). I personally do not care, but thought I should mention it anyways.

KSP running at half res will do that.

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  BigD145 said:
KSP running at half res will do that.

It's never been this bad. I mean there was always a noticable graphics change but they are so distorted they are barely recognizable. Now! Let me be clear I would rather be able to play the game the way I want to play it than have clear icons. Still it would be nice to have the icons look a little more recognizable.

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did some testing today. i started the game and loaded up an empty sandbox save to the KSC screen. then, logged the memory usage (in MB). all with the latest ATM Basic X86

1.811 : fresh stock install

1.835 : + functional, no part/textures mods

2.340 : + part mods like KWRocketry, KAS, Orbital Science..

2.550 : + Texture Replacer and Joolian Rings from Better Atmospheres pack

2.550 : + ATM

... ATM does nothing?? here is my .log

crash : -ATM, + EVE with city lights and clouds from better atmospheres (too much, as expected)

3.120 : everything + ATM. playable, but crashing after some time.

1.750 : stock + ATM






DMagic Orbital Science

























Edited by Umlüx
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I'm thinking that there must be a memory leak with the openGL texture mechanisms. The logs indicate that everything should be good, (resized and compressed as they should be) but they don't seem to be. I'll have to look into it more. Could be that with openGL the textures aren't being made non-readable, but I doubt it.

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  lincourtl said:
I've never seen the white screen either while using ATM. I do however get a black screen when ATM is doing its initial texture compression and caching run.

Are you absolutely sure there are no files in the cached directories? Try looking in some of the cached Squad directories. Alternately, try right clicking on the textureCache directory, selecting properties, and seeing how much disk space is being used. For me it's 41.3MB.

Looks like there are some in the ASM texturecache, but only some 10.6Mb worth of disc space used. KW Rocketry is only 3.26Mb and Squad 6.75 Mb for instance. When I uninstalled ATM, my contract screen is fine again and so is the toolbar. I'm guessing there is some kind of kind of conflict somewhere so I'll juts run without.

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