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Our .23 Wish List for Santa


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Tis' almost tha season for a new Kerbal update! To get the gifts we want we need to agree on what we want. Post any improvements, clarifications, or elements that you think can reasonably be implemented or answered by the time of the yet to be announced update day. I'll start, I wish taking surface samples was not instant and had an animation that draws the action out a little like planting a flag. It would add realism and danger! (I had a kerbal get crushed by a larger stages debris that deorbited behind him while he was planting a flag :confused:)

Edited by LittleBigWig
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What I don't want is a "What do you want to see in 0.24" thread before 0.23 is released.

But what i wouldn't mind, is maybe just a some new parts is all im fine with, maybe a Soyuz-ish command pod or something like that.

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Hight tables to see how tall the Kerbals are as well as a way to see the ground floor of the rocket building area. Mainly for the reason I want my rockets to be close to the ground as possable when using clamps. True I could just have the clamps hold the rocket well above it. But, that to me is a tad bit cheating. =^.^=

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The 2.5m nerva would be a great addition, as well as stock procedural tanks, though I would like to see something new again.

More science topics would be cool. Studying the sun reaaaal close, or measuring Kerbol's magnetosphere, and making my space stations more useful. Some long term experiments simulated in the background, for example.

However, ever since the first time I installed Kethane, I wanted to see it being integrated into the game. Especially now: it gives kerbals in the sandbox something to do, especially since they were interdicted to do science.

And kerbammit get those anomalies fixed and some more added. There're fun!

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Ok, as a step towards resources how about ice asteroids at the Joolian trojan points?

that sounds fun since I only play stock builds! I haven't dabbled into kethane yet. I also think that sandbox mode research center should be open and instead house a collection of all the science experiments you have done since data is otherwise pointless. You could show off that you've obtained surface readings of Dres!

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id like a bit more immersive EVA experience. maybe making it possible to take off your helmet, or get it knocked off, crack it, etc.

have it be possible for the kerbal to die without just going poof, like just a limp ragdoll

more hands-on experiments

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More extensive EVA, such as a Kerbal can equip an experiment instead of a flag and deploy that

Another gas giant to do more exploration :D (idk why for me honestly, i can only maneuver around the planet Kerbin because I'm scared of interplanetary space :C )

A 2 man command module. Im tired of just having to have only 2 Kerbals in the 3 man pod or just using the lander can, GIVE ME A COMMAND POD THAT CARRIES 2 BUT ISN'T AS HEAVY AS THE 3-MAN AND IS AN ACTUAL POD!!!!

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