AndreyATGB Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 JT2227 said: Does anyone have the remote tech config files for this? Like, real world tracking stations or just from the launch centers.Any help would be nice.Look at the second post on the front page, there's a RT2 config there for all ground stations in RSS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThorBeorn Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 (edited) Speaking of RemoteTech2, should we still set ConsumptionMultiplier to 0.1 and RangeMultiplier to 10 in "RemoteTech_Settings.cfg"?Edit: Oh and while we're at it. Can someone explain "Rangemodeltype = additive". I know it handles how ranges between antennas are calculated, but not how.Because it's supposed to be "additive" and not "root" nowadays right? Edited June 16, 2014 by ThorBeorn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndreyATGB Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 You shouldn't need to, the RT2_RO file seems to change the ranges and usage accordingly. Isn't additive the stock RT2 config? If it is, that means to connect 2 vessels for example 50Mm away, both must have antennas with at least that range for a connection to work. Root is Nathan's algorithm and it is more like real life, where for example a huge dish can connect to a weak antenna far away, like the deep space network works. So a big dish can connect to a small vessel far away. Only issue with that right now is that you don't really know how far it'll work, compared to additive where it's straight forward. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JT2227 Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 Installed the mod, + the reach for the skies engine pack, but none of the engines can gimbal, this is getting really annoying... Another problem, no matter what I try, the power runs out, with solar panels! Lots of them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hattivat Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 Some of the engines should not gimbal. However, if none of them can gimbal, that probably means you lack some plugin (like ExsurgentEngineering that reaching for the stars requires, or the Klockheed Martian plugin). As far as running out of power is concerned - are you using multiple antennas or the extremely-long range ones? They are very power-hungry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JT2227 Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 (edited) Got gimbal and the electricity working, thanks!EDIT: Now there is way too much gimbal, and the slightest move flips the entire craft... MAKE IT STOP!!! Edited June 16, 2014 by JT2227 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BombastixderTeutone Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 Javascript is disabled. View full albumI recently updated to precedural parts and the new real fuels and this happened. No earth just plain old Kerbin in the menu and once I load my save there is no planet at all. Does anybody know the cause? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hattivat Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 JT2227 said: EDIT: Now there is way too much gimbal, and the slightest move flips the entire craft... MAKE IT STOP!!!Does this happen with every engine? Perhaps you use stronger engines than necessary - you should aim for a sea-level TWR of 1.2 at launch (KER reading of TWR is incorrect, only MechJeb provides correct sea-level TWR figures). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedAV8R Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 BombastixderTeutone said: recently updated to precedural parts and the new real fuels and this happened. No earth just plain old Kerbin in the menu and once I load my save there is no planet at all. Does anybody know the cause?It's not PP or RFs fault...except maybe you just overdid it on memory requirements. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JT2227 Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 It's working more or less now! Thank you everyone! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reign Of Magic Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 (edited) Ok, quick question again: (I find these issues as I play through the game and use mods or parts I haven't used yet)In ScanSat there are 4 scanners in the base game. So far in my campaign (and in my hacked game where i gave myself 10,000,000 science for testing purposes), you only ever get access to 2 (Radar Altimetry low altitude and SAR high altitude. Are the multi-spectral and been there done that not implemented into the RPL Tree? If they are not (which they aren't as far as I can tell) What do you suggest I change in the scansat configs to add them to specific tech nodes?Thanks again!Reign Edited June 16, 2014 by Reign Of Magic incorrect words used... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedAV8R Posted June 16, 2014 Share Posted June 16, 2014 Reign Of Magic said: Ok, quick question again: (I find these issues as I play through the game and use mods or parts I haven't used yet)In ScanSat there are 4 scanners in the base game. So far in my campaign (and in my hacked game where i gave myself 10,000,000 science for testing purposes), you only ever get access to 2 (Radar Altimetry low altitude and SAR high altitude. Are the multi-spectral and been there done that not implemented into the RPL Tree? If they are not (which they aren't as far as I can tell) What do you suggest I change in the scansat configs to add them to specific tech nodes?Thanks again!ReignWhy is this in the RO thread...shouldn't this be in the ScanSat thread??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThorBeorn Posted June 17, 2014 Share Posted June 17, 2014 AndreyATGB said: You shouldn't need to, the RT2_RO file seems to change the ranges and usage accordingly. Isn't additive the stock RT2 config? If it is, that means to connect 2 vessels for example 50Mm away, both must have antennas with at least that range for a connection to work. Root is Nathan's algorithm and it is more like real life, where for example a huge dish can connect to a weak antenna far away, like the deep space network works. So a big dish can connect to a small vessel far away. Only issue with that right now is that you don't really know how far it'll work, compared to additive where it's straight forward.Thanks. I think stock RT2 Rangemodeltype would be "standard". But I'm not sure, that cfg is not in the latest 1.4 release. Yesterday my probe with a 500 or 1000 km omni was connected with my LEO network all the way up to 60 Mm. I didn't go any higher though. Perhaps "additive" means just additive then, i.e. add the two maxlenghts of your antennas to calculate max range of communication?If anyone knows please share. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vigelius Posted June 17, 2014 Share Posted June 17, 2014 JT2227 said: Now there is way too much gimbal, and the slightest move flips the entire craft... MAKE IT STOP!!!This is a painfully familiar problem. I've built a huge moon-landing stack, reasonable proportions, just about solid enough not to Kerbalise on the launchpad, apparently with the right TWR and dV in the stages etc etc. It even lifts off, at least far enough to clear the launch clamps.Trouble is, as soon as I try to exert any sort of control, the extreme gimbal snaps it at the top of the first stage. I've tried:- MechJeb launch. Clears the pad with the correct end toward space, quickly picks up a fire-end oscillation and snaps.- SAS launch. Behaves much the same as a MechJeb launch.- Unaided launch. Clears the pad in a random direction, accelerates rapidly in that direction. Attempts to correct result in the whole stack reorienting, and vigorously returning to ground fire-end first.- Mixed launch. SAS allows it to clear the pad in the direction of space. Turned off when the oscillations begin, begins to fall over. Turned on again, overcorrects, oscillates violently, snaps.If I strut this thing any more it's going to start looking like a suspension bridge. I'm getting desperate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reign Of Magic Posted June 17, 2014 Share Posted June 17, 2014 Vigelius said: This is a painfully familiar problem. I've built a huge moon-landing stack, reasonable proportions, just about solid enough not to Kerbalise on the launchpad, apparently with the right TWR and dV in the stages etc etc. It even lifts off, at least far enough to clear the launch clamps.Trouble is, as soon as I try to exert any sort of control, the extreme gimbal snaps it at the top of the first stage. I've tried:- MechJeb launch. Clears the pad with the correct end toward space, quickly picks up a fire-end oscillation and snaps.- SAS launch. Behaves much the same as a MechJeb launch.- Unaided launch. Clears the pad in a random direction, accelerates rapidly in that direction. Attempts to correct result in the whole stack reorienting, and vigorously returning to ground fire-end first.- Mixed launch. SAS allows it to clear the pad in the direction of space. Turned off when the oscillations begin, begins to fall over. Turned on again, overcorrects, oscillates violently, snaps.If I strut this thing any more it's going to start looking like a suspension bridge. I'm getting desperate!That hasn't happened to me. Gimbling for me works just fine (I am using RftS pack). Maybe you installed a dll incorrectly, left one out, or a setting got changed along the way to make them more powerful. Not sure, but My guess is that what you are experiencing is not an intended effect. I would go back to the first RO post and make sure you got everything (it is so easy to miss a dll here and there) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mbartelsm Posted June 17, 2014 Share Posted June 17, 2014 Hi, I have procedural parts and the recommended RO mods with a few others, however, none of my procedural fuel tanks have anything other than the traditional fuels available in the modular fuels window (LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, Xenon, Monopropellant and Kethane) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hodo Posted June 17, 2014 Share Posted June 17, 2014 mbartelsm said: Hi, I have procedural parts and the recommended RO mods with a few others, however, none of my procedural fuel tanks have anything other than the traditional fuels available in the modular fuels window (LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, Xenon, Monopropellant and Kethane)Do you have Real Fuels? Because modular fuels or what ever it was called is dead dead dead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mbartelsm Posted June 17, 2014 Share Posted June 17, 2014 Hodo said: Do you have Real Fuels? Because modular fuels or what ever it was called is dead dead dead.Yes, it was split into two mods "Modular Fuel Tanks" and "RealFuels", I have both of them as recomended Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hodo Posted June 17, 2014 Share Posted June 17, 2014 mbartelsm said: Yes, it was split into two mods "Modular Fuel Tanks" and "RealFuels", I have both of them as recomendedOnly use one, Real Fuels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedAV8R Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 mbartelsm said: Yes, it was split into two mods "Modular Fuel Tanks" and "RealFuels", I have both of them as recomendedIt was split, however use [RealFuels] OR [Modular Fuel Tanks]. Not both. Second sentence of the OP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MathigNihilcehk Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 I have a few questions regarding the real engine pack, Real Solar System, part pack making, Real Fuels and Realism Overhaul.Regarding the Real Engine Pack1: Where are all the engines! I've spent a few hours looking around and downloading stuff, but the curse site that is supposed to host some of them isn't hosting certain ones, and some are outdated.2: Do any of the sizes take the size of the VAB into account. That is, are some parts so large that they don't reasonably fit on the launchpad or VAB, whereas there real-world equivalent would've?3: Will Kethane and/or Interstellar break the pack entirely?4: Does it require RealFuels?Regarding Real Solar System is CustomBiomes required for the biomes to work according to the planet, or is it optional? Do the two have conflicts or over-riding features? It looks like they both mess with biomes, and one with the biomes of many of the planets and moons.Regarding creating part packs(like the Real Engine pack, except compatible with Kethane and Interstellar) can I just put all the part folders into one big folder, along with the real engines cfg's(potentially modified to include Interstellar and Kethane resources), and it will work, or do I need a plugin. If so, which plugin? What does km_Gimbal_2.0.dll do?Does RealFuels conflict with Interstellar?Lastly, what does Realism Overhaul actually do? I get what most of the mods do that are required for it, but what does Realism Overhaul do in and of itself?Some background for these questions follows: I want a mod set (private, for now) that allows for near future technology and complex intricate base construction. Namely, Modular Kolonization system and Interstellar plus Realism. I understand I'll probably have to create a new tech tree and part pack if I want those two mods, but I'm running into several issues. Namely, I'll NEED a part overhaul if anything is to work. Second, the whole biome thing went over my head, so I'm confused about all of that. Third, I don't know whether I should include Realism Overhaul, or if it will do more harm than good. If I have to use the required mod set, then there may be a conflict resulting in the Kerbalizing of my computer. (It will explode). But if Realism Overhaul offers vital tweaking to fix the game, then I should find a way to incorporate at least that part into my set.I understand some of this may be in the wrong place. Please point me to the correct location, and ignore the misplaced sections if that is the case. Thanks all for your time and help! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hattivat Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 (edited) MathigNihilcehk said: I have a few questions regarding the real engine pack, Real Solar System, part pack making, Real Fuels and Realism Overhaul.Regarding the Real Engine Pack1: Where are all the engines! I've spent a few hours looking around and downloading stuff, but the curse site that is supposed to host some of them isn't hosting certain ones, and some are outdated.Some of these packs only give you a couple of engines, others give you dozens. The ones that give you most of the engines (and therefore are a priority) are: KW Rocketry, Nova Punch, AIES, and Bobcat's Soviet engines. MathigNihilcehk said: 2: Do any of the sizes take the size of the VAB into account. That is, are some parts so large that they don't reasonably fit on the launchpad or VAB, whereas there real-world equivalent would've?If you mean a single part, then no, I've never seen anything like that. If you mean a complete rocket the top of which sticks out of the VAB's roof then yeah, that's something to get used to. MathigNihilcehk said: 3: Will Kethane and/or Interstellar break the pack entirely?They both work, but they both cost you precious RAM space, so the only real danger here is one of frequent crashes due to running out of RAM. If I may suggest something: you could start playing with history-focused part packs (FASA, Kosmos) and once you progress beyond that stage in the career mode, delete most or all of them and replace them with futuristic part packs (Near Future, Kethane, Interstellar, Constellation Essentials). This is a very viable solution, because you are unlikely to ever use FASA and Kosmos parts once you progress beyond moon landings, and just as unlikely to use any of the futuristic mods before you reach that stage. MathigNihilcehk said: 4: Does it require RealFuels?Not sure, but why wouldn't you want to use RealFuels? They are awesome. MathigNihilcehk said: Regarding Real Solar System is CustomBiomes required for the biomes to work according to the planet, or is it optional?Yes, it is required, otherwise you get science according to Kerbin's and Mun's original biomes, which have no relation to how they look in RSS (you can get "in space just above kerbin's highlands" while flying over an ocean, for example). MathigNihilcehk said: Do the two have conflicts or over-riding features? It looks like they both mess with biomes, and one with the biomes of many of the planets and moons.I'm not sure, but I don't think RSS does anything to the biomes. What it changes are the models. MathigNihilcehk said: What does km_Gimbal_2.0.dll do?Enables adjustable gimbal for engines and I think (unsure) overall makes gimbals work better. MathigNihilcehk said: Lastly, what does Realism Overhaul actually do? I get what most of the mods do that are required for it, but what does Realism Overhaul do in and of itself?It resizes all of the supported parts to real-world sizes. In other words, makes everything bigger. Playing RSS with FAR without RO resizes would be pretty hard, I think. Other than that, it also updates the parts to work with the required realism mods (Engine Ignitor, for example). MathigNihilcehk said: Some background for these questions follows: I want a mod set (private, for now) that allows for near future technology and complex intricate base construction.I like the idea, but if plausible near future technology is what you're after, then the mod called (nomen omen) Near Future Technology is your friend. Most of what Interstellar provides is of the far-future kind. MathigNihilcehk said: Third, I don't know whether I should include Realism Overhaul, or if it will do more harm than good. If I have to use the required mod set, then there may be a conflict resulting in the Kerbalizing of my computer. (It will explode).Only the realism-enhancing mods are truly required, and these don't weigh much (most are under a megabyte) so there is no risk of your computer exploding. Also, as far as part packs are concerned, you can often safely delete many of the parts in them (especially fuel tanks) to conserve space. And Active Texture Manager (aggressive version) is absolutely recommended (don't worry, the game still looks good with it). Overall, if you have never played Realism Overhaul before, my suggestion is to take it easy and avoid spending too much time thinking about the futuristic mods. It will be a while before you start using them, first you have to re-learn how to get into orbit. Edited June 18, 2014 by Hattivat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MathigNihilcehk Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 You've answered most of my questions, thanks! Some remaining questions follow:RealFuels and Interstellar both create similar new resource systems. Interstellar has fuels such as: Liquid Fuel (H2), Methane, Oxydizer, and Monopropellent that are all intricately woven into a production chain. Real Fuels has fuels like: Liquid H2, Liquid Methane, LOx, Hydrazine, and Solid Fuel that are not involved in any apparent production chain. How do I combine the two? Do I simply change the part cfg's and cfg's in Real Fuels to allow for the resource types in Interstellar?Also, how might I add Nitrous Oxide, HTP, and solid fuels into some production chain?2:/Realism Overhaul. I looked in some of the cfg's for Realism Overhaul. Would I be correct in saying that it resizes everything except the engines to fit with real life, and the new engine pack? Stock is 0.625 to 3.75 the Real Engine pack is 1m to 12m, focused on 1m-4m(diameters).To restate my remaining questions:1: Where is Bobcat's Soviet Engines?2: Do resource types merely consist of cfg's or is there another element to them? IE: If I install both Real Fuels and Interstellar, and fix the cfg's in the parts so that the resource types mesh, will it work, or will something in the dll's and other such files cause an issue?3: How might I add Nitrous Oxide, HTP, and solid fuels into some production chain to mesh with Interstellar?4: Does the Realism Overhaul mod merely adjust non engine parts to match real life and the Real Engine pack? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reign Of Magic Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 (edited) MathigNihilcehk said: You've answered most of my questions, thanks! Some remaining questions follow:RealFuels and Interstellar both create similar new resource systems. Interstellar has fuels such as: Liquid Fuel (H2), Methane, Oxydizer, and Monopropellent that are all intricately woven into a production chain. Real Fuels has fuels like: Liquid H2, Liquid Methane, LOx, Hydrazine, and Solid Fuel that are not involved in any apparent production chain. How do I combine the two? Do I simply change the part cfg's and cfg's in Real Fuels to allow for the resource types in Interstellar?Also, how might I add Nitrous Oxide, HTP, and solid fuels into some production chain?2:/Realism Overhaul. I looked in some of the cfg's for Realism Overhaul. Would I be correct in saying that it resizes everything except the engines to fit with real life, and the new engine pack? Stock is 0.625 to 3.75 the Real Engine pack is 1m to 12m, focused on 1m-4m(diameters).To restate my remaining questions:1: Where is Bobcat's Soviet Engines?2: Do resource types merely consist of cfg's or is there another element to them? IE: If I install both Real Fuels and Interstellar, and fix the cfg's in the parts so that the resource types mesh, will it work, or will something in the dll's and other such files cause an issue?3: How might I add Nitrous Oxide, HTP, and solid fuels into some production chain to mesh with Interstellar?4: Does the Realism Overhaul mod merely adjust non engine parts to match real life and the Real Engine pack?To answer the first question about fuels. Each fuel type from Noth mods is added separately and you can add these fuels to the corresponding fuel tanks or stretchy tanks. kethane is nifty with the new fuels. Either the mod itself is smart or some part of the realism overhaul mods already adds the new fuels into it. Example being the small converter can do some of the new fuels while the large one can do all of the new fuels.2. Not sure of exact ratios but you have the concept down.3. I am not sure you can with the isru refinery. I haven't bothered because if you want to mine fuels then kethane is the go to mod for that except for somethings like the aluminum hybrid solid rocket. Interstellar will be able to refuel it's own stuff no problem.4. RO. Does what has been stated previously. Real engines is a part pack which adds irl engines with their corresponding thrusts masses and isps and fuel mixtures to the game.5. Regarding specific mod locations. Check out the first and second post of this thread. Should have links to the corresponding mods. If any are broken due to spaceport I might have them and could send them to you (assuming that is kosher) Edited June 18, 2014 by Reign Of Magic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedAV8R Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 RealFuels updates Kethane converters to allow real fuels to be converted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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