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Destruction and Resources


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Mesh deformation may be possible in Unity, but I'm not sure about that. Nonpermanent terrain mesh deformation was part of the fun of Bungie's Myth series. It was like rippling terrain:

Examples start at about 1 minute 30 seconds into the video, when the first large Wight explodes:

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I don't know about terrain, but there has been in the list of upcoming features that buildings and structures will become vulnerable to damage. In career mode that can make early gravity turns a necessity so your first stage doesn't come crashing down on the launchpad, necessitating a costly repair before the next launch. Fly-by's can also carry a hefty price tag. One goof on a bridge underpass and you might just kiss some research goodbye.

-Rockomax Fuel Tank crashed into and damaged R&D skybridge.

-600 Science lost.


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I don't know about terrain, but there has been in the list of upcoming features that buildings and structures will become vulnerable to damage. In career mode that can make early gravity turns a necessity so your first stage doesn't come crashing down on the launchpad..

Only if you don't get 2.5km from the space center before your debris lands...

I asked if they were going to make debris persistent in atmosphere (with an additional bonus of allowing parachuted debris to land safely for recovery later) in the AMA but they sadly did not answer it.

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If I'm not mistaken (and I frequently am) the recent X-Com release uses Unity and features destructible terrain.

It's got destructible cover, but the terrain itself is not destructible. Don't know about the use of Unity or not.

I seem to recall watching a dev interview about the new procedural craters on Mun, and they mentioned they could use a lot of the same techniques to add craters to just about any surface in response to dynamic events like crashes.

They didn't say they were going to, or that they were planning to, just that they could.

At least, that's how I recall a half-remember interview clip from some time ago. Or it might have just been a dream...

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I don't know about terrain, but there has been in the list of upcoming features that buildings and structures will become vulnerable to damage. In career mode that can make early gravity turns a necessity so your first stage doesn't come crashing down on the launchpad, necessitating a costly repair before the next launch. Fly-by's can also carry a hefty price tag. One goof on a bridge underpass and you might just kiss some research goodbye.

-Rockomax Fuel Tank crashed into and damaged R&D skybridge.

-600 Science lost.


Or when they add money, you can either ignore the damage and play without SPH (eg.), or you can pay for it.

Another idea: if you wreck the KSC, you can fly planes from the island runway.

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Well there is also the concept going around that you will be able to build bases elsewhere on Kerbin and even the Mun where you can assemble craft and launch from there, or at least store them for use from those bases. I don't know if Squad has floated this, but I would really love to be able to jumpstart missions from a Munbase. Would save tons of dV, for one.

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