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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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The new parts are looking great! I can't wait for the next release.

While waiting for the new parts to build my base I've been figuring out what components I'll need to launch and I ran into a bizarre problem that I haven't seen referenced anywhere. I've launched the launchpad, landed it, and built something with it. When I go to the space center the first time, it shows up in the tracking station and everything is normal. But once I go to pilot the launchpad or any other ship and back to the space center again, the launchpad simply disappears from everything. It doesn't show up in the tracking station, there's no debris anywhere, it's simply gone as if it never existed.

Has anyone seen this problem before?

Hmm, where was your pad landed? Somewhere with atmosphere? Which pad?

Pardon me, but the orbital dock from version 3.6 does not seem to be visible within the editor. The part.cfg appears to be normal, and the part seems to load normally. According to the debug menu, the part's assets are all present within the game. In addition to EL 3.6, I have FAR, KW Rocketry, KAS, Kethane, Mechjeb, and KSP Interstellar installed. Thank you in advance for any help.

It should be there in the utilities tab, assuming you have Advanced Construction unlocked. If you have it unlocked, but updated EL after unlocking, you might need to "purchase" the part.

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Hmm, where was your pad landed? Somewhere with atmosphere? Which pad?

It happened first on Minmus, with the pad landed somewhere relatively level. Then I tested it again with the pad deployed on the KSC launchpad. And then tested it again with the pad flown a short distance. All had exactly the same result in that going to the space center a second time made it disappear.

Those were all with the Launchpad 2, however I was also able to reproduce the same effect with the original launchpad part deployed at the KSC launchpad.

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That little green box in the map view screen has little arrows to both sides of where it presumable says "Kethane". Clicking the one on the right should switch it to showing ore. Orange is low, yellow is lots. As far as I know you can't show both at once, but at least you can see it now.

Oh thank you very much! Very helpful :D

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I have an issue with using this mod. I finally got a self-sufficient base up on the mun, using kethane and the ores to supply the launchpad I brought over, but all my fuel lines and struts do not connect when i try to build something. which is a pity since my desire to build disposable probes from there does rather rely on fuel lines. they parts all connect nicely in the vehicle assembly building but I only have the starting bit for the fuel lines if I build it on the mun. I'm running version 3.6, for which the changelog sais it fixed the fuel lines.

anyone else having this?

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I have an issue with using this mod. I finally got a self-sufficient base up on the mun, using kethane and the ores to supply the launchpad I brought over, but all my fuel lines and struts do not connect when i try to build something. which is a pity since my desire to build disposable probes from there does rather rely on fuel lines. they parts all connect nicely in the vehicle assembly building but I only have the starting bit for the fuel lines if I build it on the mun. I'm running version 3.6, for which the changelog sais it fixed the fuel lines.

anyone else having this?

as a work-around, you could use kas mountable fuel lines

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I have an issue with using this mod. I finally got a self-sufficient base up on the mun, using kethane and the ores to supply the launchpad I brought over, but all my fuel lines and struts do not connect when i try to build something. which is a pity since my desire to build disposable probes from there does rather rely on fuel lines. they parts all connect nicely in the vehicle assembly building but I only have the starting bit for the fuel lines if I build it on the mun. I'm running version 3.6, for which the changelog sais it fixed the fuel lines.

Did you build from VAB/SPH, or from Subassembly? VAB/SPH should work, but Subassemblies are known to be broken when it comes to fuel-lines. Mind you, all my testing was in Kerbin orbit or at KSC.

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VAB, and when I go back to the VAB all the fuel lines line up just fine. I am running fairly mod-heavy though, so it may just be a compatibility issue. though when I tried building a vessel with only stock parts I get the same result.

I'll play around a bit more.

as a work-around, you could use kas mountable fuel lines

you mean the pipes? or does KAS now have actual fuel lines going for it?

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VAB, and when I go back to the VAB all the fuel lines line up just fine. I am running fairly mod-heavy though, so it may just be a compatibility issue. though when I tried building a vessel with only stock parts I get the same result.

I'll play around a bit more.

I have a suspicion as to what's going on: I suspect I need to transform the strut/fuel-line direction vectors. However, I'm neck deep in MFT at the moment.

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Is it possible to make more compact models?

Smelter (the large one), Rocket Workshop (unreasonably tall, imho. can be animated unfolding if prefered), Runway is ok for VTOLs only (too short), etc.

In general, nice idea with great potential. Keep it up!

Btw. HexCans are just perfect choice. Wish the rest of parts were made with the same approach & feel of style.

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Is it possible to make more compact models?

Smelter (the large one), Rocket Workshop (unreasonably tall, imho. can be animated unfolding if prefered), Runway is ok for VTOLs only (too short), etc.

In general, nice idea with great potential. Keep it up!

Btw. HexCans are just perfect choice. Wish the rest of parts were made with the same approach & feel of style.

Hello heretic, i didn't reallise you where into anything other that war.

anyway, if you look back through the last 2 pages of this thread you can see some of the new models they're working on.

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Who said I'm all into war only? :cool:

Thanks for the hint. Sometimes it really a pain to look through the whole thread, so I was just lazy to do it, so I'm sorry for that.

Looking forward to new models.

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When some other parts are done. I've got Aeon's parts to integrade, a new EL gameplay related part to create, and a couple of other things to do.

[edit]I should add: the new gameplay thing seems to fix explosions: I built a ship on quite a slope (~10 degrees) on Mun with no trouble. Struts seem to be ok, too.

Edited by taniwha
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OK, so I've come across an issue. I have Bob and Jensey in orbit over Minmus, where I wanted them to scan for ore and Kethane. As it turns out, I forgot my Kethane and Ore scanners at home. No big deal, they're in an orbital factory. I'll have them make one. Make a kethane detector, dock it to one of the spare docking ports. Then I go and put the small ore detector as its own little subassembly. Build that, and it explodes. OK, this is like the ninth time I've had to re-do this (Due to various needs to go and reload) and it's the first time it's just exploded. Go to build another... and the only option is release. Which is doing nothing. I figure maybe quicksaving and reloading will do the trick.

Nope! It doesn't! And now I can't revert to the quicksave before I attempted it. Any solutions?

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The only time I've had an explosion with orbital construction is when something else was already there. The rest kind of makes sense because if the built ship exploded, it probably took its root part with it and EL might be generating an exception when it tries to release something that isn't there.

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When I build the stock sky crane and other things I tested it's built 1/2 inside the launch pad (launch pad 2) then explodes, also when I look at it in the vab afterwards it's moved partway into the floor.

Edited by evonix
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The only time I've had an explosion with orbital construction is when something else was already there. The rest kind of makes sense because if the built ship exploded, it probably took its root part with it and EL might be generating an exception when it tries to release something that isn't there.

Any fix for it? Any way to reset the orbital constructor? As said, this was the first time it happened to me.

It's largely irrelevant for me now - I've moved the ship to a Kerbin orbit and am in the process of recovering the crew and dumping the ship into the atmosphere (I need a better one with more storage) - but it would be nice for future incidents if they occur

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Go into the persistence (or quicksave) file, find the ExLaunchPad MODULE node, and remove the DockedVesselInfo node from there.

name = ExLaunchPad
DockedVesselInfo // delete v
some stuff
} // delete ^

Note that things will go horribly wrong if anything of the previously built ship is remainging.

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Citizez Joe: they should not be, but... However, I have some changes for the next version that should fix it (I was able to build a ship on Mun on a 10 degree slope). I need only to create a part to support the game-play side of the changes. I also need to integrate Aeon's parts.

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