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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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hello there!

Awesome stuff! I just can't imagine KSP without EPL anymore, it's such an integral part

That being said, I have run into a snag. On my new save, I've noticed my orbital station was not advancing the construction of anything... and upon further inquiry, I found out why: rightclicking the workshop while in orbit (simulating via KCT), the productivity was showing as negative

Is it a known problem? Maybe some incompatibility? If requested, I can provide player.log and everything else


Edit: to specify, I've tried with both a fully crewed blue workshop, 1 crew only (Bill), or the construction drone from Civilian population with 1 crew (Bill)

Edited by zeropositivo
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zeropositivo: Unfortunately, until level 2 (or 3 in general), or quite a chunk of workshop experience (if KerbalStats is installed), Bill is a pretty useless engineer for EL: his stats give him 0 productivity (or really, -1e-8 thanks to floating point math). Also, engineers with no experience cannot work in anything less that the workshop (big blue thing) or the workbench (four-seater tower in pods). Taking everything into consideration, kerbal productivity can range from -2 to 3.08 (2.11 without KerbalStats).

There is a bit of a mini-game of finding good engineers, giving experience to bad engineers, and keeping other crew out of the way if they're too stupid.

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zeropositivo: Unfortunately, until level 2 (or 3 in general), or quite a chunk of workshop experience (if KerbalStats is installed), Bill is a pretty useless engineer for EL: his stats give him 0 productivity (or really, -1e-8 thanks to floating point math). Also, engineers with no experience cannot work in anything less that the workshop (big blue thing) or the workbench (four-seater tower in pods). Taking everything into consideration, kerbal productivity can range from -2 to 3.08 (2.11 without KerbalStats).

There is a bit of a mini-game of finding good engineers, giving experience to bad engineers, and keeping other crew out of the way if they're too stupid.

Ohhh I see. Well this might put a little bit of a snag in my orbital dock plan. I guess I'll have to prioritize interplanetary missions now, to get that sweet sweet XP that I need (is solar orbit all you need for level 2?)

An additional question: how would I go on to add productivity factor to other capsules from mods that currently don't have any? I assume it's a matter of config editing, but could you please direct me to what I would have to add/change?


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Land on Mun, plant a flag on Minmus, hit solar orbit, return home and get 3 stars. 4 needs Duna or Eve, Jool and moons will get you 5.

If the part is a command pod (ie, had ModuleCommand and a non-zero crew capacity), the workshop module is added automatically (with a productivity factor of 0.25). Take a look in ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/EL_MM.cfg. The workshop and workbench configs are ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Parts/Workshop/part.cfg and ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Parts/rocket_builder/part.cfg. Look for the ExWorkshop module.

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nice works, i love this mod, but i have a problem with BDArmory. Or maybe it's not, but i think it's boring.

so, i built an outpost on minmus to craft some vessels there. But when i'm crafting something requiring ammo, the ammo storage came empty.

so is it normal ( i think so ) and if it is, does it exist some kind of part to build ammo ? that could be nice. I will check this on the BDArmory forum too

forgive me for my english.


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nice works, i love this mod, but i have a problem with BDArmory. Or maybe it's not, but i think it's boring.

so, i built an outpost on minmus to craft some vessels there. But when i'm crafting something requiring ammo, the ammo storage came empty.

so is it normal ( i think so ) and if it is, does it exist some kind of part to build ammo ? that could be nice. I will check this on the BDArmory forum too

forgive me for my english.


I haven't messed with BDArmory, but im assuming Ammo is considered a Resource?

If so then yes, it is normal. As EPL doesnt build the resource along with the part (I.E. you build a fuel tank, it will start empty, not full , unless you transfer fuel to it via another tank or an ISRU-unit producing fuel)

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I'd think it should use some SolidFuel along with the Metal.

Guns don't work without gunpowder (unless it's a railgun / coilgun / gauss gun / MAC, etc.)

Of course solid fuel has it's share of handling difficulties. Maybe just use some LFO or Monopropellant instead (close enough i guess).

Also, there should be some loss, if for no other reason than to discourage on-board ammo fabrication for fighter aircraft and small/medium bombers.

Basically only large craft (carriers), stations, and bases should be able to make their own ammunition.

Edited by SciMan
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Hey, was wondering if you had anymore documentation on the Recipes feature, (i know you posted a few pages back saying you are working on it. )

Working on integrating Recipes into CivilianPopulation going off the examples you posted on page 305, but having issues actually getting any results. (for all i know im doing it wrong :P )

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Sorry, I don't have more docs, but if you post what you have somewhere, I'd be glad to take a look.

I've been rather busy with Progeny, and I'm making good progress, too: I've got a lot of survival analysis based design worked out for the various parts of a kerbal's life. I'm currently bolting things together in preparation for some serious testing.

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Sorry, I don't have more docs, but if you post what you have somewhere, I'd be glad to take a look.

I've been rather busy with Progeny, and I'm making good progress, too: I've got a lot of survival analysis based design worked out for the various parts of a kerbal's life. I'm currently bolting things together in preparation for some serious testing.

Great! Good to hear with Progeny. When im at my home computer ill play with the recipes a bit more, and if i'm still having issues i post up what i got :)

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Quick question: did the update break UKS's integration? That is, should UKS users update now or wait for UKS to make a compatibility update?
Whovian: It should be ok as the default is still to use RocketParts for building and to recycle to Metal, but I have submitted an issue to RoverDude's repo to ensure he's aware. Really, if it does break UKS's integration, I would consider that to be a bug and want to know.
I doubt it. There are no hard dependencies between the two. UKS has a slightly different path to rocketparts and the EPL modules are basically MM configs of the EPL workshops.

Something weird is going on with the latest update to EPL and UKS, if I use both mods, UKS shows up and works, but I get no functionality of EPL, If I remove UKS, and nothing else, EPL starts to work, so I am 99% sure I have them installed correctly, as EPL works without UKS, has anyone else seen this behavior?

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Something weird is going on with the latest update to EPL and UKS, if I use both mods, UKS shows up and works, but I get no functionality of EPL, If I remove UKS, and nothing else, EPL starts to work, so I am 99% sure I have them installed correctly, as EPL works without UKS, has anyone else seen this behavior?

Some specifics might help. I just tested and it works fine. I'm using the very latest of both mods EPL 5.2.90 and UKS 0.31.10. I tested using the MKS Pioneer module as a survey station and successfully built a craft to completion.

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Some specifics might help. I just tested and it works fine. I'm using the very latest of both mods EPL 5.2.90 and UKS 0.31.10. I tested using the MKS Pioneer module as a survey station and successfully built a craft to completion.

Okay, let me do a re-install again and retest, if I still see it, I'll dig up logs and such and post them.


well, after a fresh download and re-install, the problem is gone, so maybe my first download was corrupted somehow, sorry to have wasted your time on this

Edited by vardicd
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Hey, I'm just wondering...

Would you be able to get this to work with Stock Ore?

I'm interested in this as well. I was hoping to not have to deal with the extra resource of MetalOre and just use the one stock resource.

EDIT: On the original post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89774-1-02-(-50)ExtraPlanetary-LaunchPads-Extended-Part-Pack-(and-extras!), there is an extra that converts the MetalOre to use the Stock Ore.

The link to that .cfg file is at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19908938/ELStockOre.zip

Edited by Kesselya
Found a solution
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The way I play, it's more of a question of "where to mine" instead of "where to build".

I got fed up with not having high concentrations of "fuel"-dirt and "metal ore"-dirt in the same place.

So I run two mining operations, and ship the products to an oribtal shipyard instead.

MKS is pretty much essential to run this kind of setup because of the Orbital Logistics Module, which allows transfer of resources between any two ships in the same SOI, but it takes fuel to do so. Same effect as a cargo ferry without the tedium and/or lag of actually flying it myself.

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