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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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I have released version 4.3.0 of Extraplanetary launchpads. It will not work in 0.24.2 (though it can be made to do so).

64-bit Windows is NOT supported due to it being an unstable mess.

Nobody will stop you from modifying it to work, but you will get NO support. Anybody distributing a modified version of Extraplanetary Launchpads (for any reason, actually) must make it prominently clear that it is not Extraplanetary Launchpads as released by me. This is actually one of the requirements in the GPL.

Also, by releasing a modified version, you agree to accept all responsibility. This is the reason for the attribution rule in the GPL: so your victims come crying to you rather than to me.

Changes from v4.2.3:

  • Updated for KSP 0.25. This includes adding compatibility checker and locking out 64-bit Windows KSP.
  • Workshops detect intra-ship crew transfers (the new feature in 0.25) and update accordingly.
  • Surveyed Builds. See below for details.
  • Dependency on KSP API Extensions greatly reduced, but still present.
  • The smelters can now be surface attached.
  • Various part joint strengths improved.
  • Attach nodes of recycling bins fixed: surface attachment works as expected.
  • Stock launch clamps extended to work with surveyed builds.
  • Separate toolbar dll has removed.
  • Deprecated spherical tank configs have been removed.

Ok, about the surveyed builds...

Firstly, they are still a work in progress: they are working as intended and most of the planned features seem to be working, but two important features are not yet implemented and there may be more bugs lurking in the code (over 800 lines).

Secondly, surveyed builds flat out require Kerbal Attachment System: the survey stakes cannot be attached to any part via any means (node attach, surface attach, KAS attach). They can, however, be attached to planetary surfaces, carried around by kerbals (<2kg), and put in KAS storage containers. Stakes are used to determine the placement of the build craft: both location and optionally orientation.

Thirdly, to make use of the survey stakes, your build vessel needs to have a survey station. Currently this is a clone (via MM magic) of the stock hitchhiker can. I will create a new part for this once I've had a break and will ensure it is physically compatible, but I suggest avoiding surface attachments as the exact shape may differ, or parts may be animated. Use of the survey station is exactly the same as a pad, except it must be landed for it to work.

Finally, craft built via a survey station will not be loaded with any resources. Probes with neither ox-stat solar panels nor RTGs (or similar mod parts) will be DOA. Resources can be transfered by connective via either docking or KAS.

And now a little bit about actually using the stakes...

  • Stakes have "usage modes". These can be seen via the right-click menu from EVA. The possible settings are: Origin, +X, +Y, +Z, -X, -Y, -Z.
  • Stakes can be renamed via Rename Stake in the right-click menu. The dialog is the same as for Rename Vessel, but the ship type has no meaning. The name defaults to "<kerbal name> Base". Stakes of the same name will be considered to be part of the same survey site. Multiple survey sites is one of the not-yet fully implemented features. Multiple sites within range of the survey station may result in interesting outcomes.
  • Stakes in Origin mode determine where the built craft will be placed (the root part). If the site has multiple Origin stakes, then their positions will be averaged. This is a very useful feature :).
  • Stakes in +/- XYZ mode determine the orientation of the built craft. The default is for the starboard size of the craft to face east (same as a normal launch). +X is starboard, -X is port. I have not done sufficient testing, but +Z is forwards for craft built in the SPH (this I have tested).
  • Multiple stakes with the same orientation mode in the one site are averaged.
  • Mixing orientation modes in a site may result in interesting outcomes.
  • Moving stakes around does not reset their modes. Putting them away in a KAS container probably does (not tested, but I doubt KAS preserves the information).
  • Launch clamps work well enough with surveyed builds, but the spawed craft has its bottom about 20cm above the ground (for default orientation). Results may vary on uneven ground.

Essentially, surveyed builds make it a little easier to get bases going as you don't need to fly in an awkward launchpad.

Edited by taniwha
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Hiya, I've Been thinking about trying this mod, but It's confusing if it's currently ready for those who use karbonite and ORSx ? It seems like the EPL mod and the karbonite add on for EPL are done by different people? Just confused if it's only ready if you use kethane.

Edited by Hevak
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They are indeed done by different people (I Have nothing to do with the karbonite addon). That said, the carbonite addon should still work with EL so long as it works properly with karbonite: I didn't change anything related to resources. You're best off asking in the EL-karbonite thread.

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Flying in awkward launch pads was half the fun. :C

Actually, using Bahamut's folding launchpad was tons of fun.

Nothing is stopping you from flying in awkward pads :) Also, pads still have their advantages.

So the survey function allows you to build anywhere? Awesome!

Pretty much. You need to be landed and within 100m of the site.

Does this remove asteroids?

You're kidding, right? EL will never remove asteroids.

Has anyone experienced nodes on the bins being out of position.. I get nodes about .3 of meter from the model for ore, metal, parts bins.

Ach, I looked at the config files and thought they'd be ok. I guess I either mis-read or missed those files.

found it. my problem was i have a part-sorter, and i was looking for EL parts, but since it is basically a clone of the hitchhiker can, it wasn't showing up

Ah, cool :)

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Nothing is stopping you from flying in awkward pads :) Also, pads still have their advantages.

Pretty much. You need to be landed and within 100m of the site.

You're kidding, right? EL will never remove asteroids.

Ach, I looked at the config files and thought they'd be ok. I guess I either mis-read or missed those files.

Ah, cool :)

ok but when i put in EL no asteriods spawn

Edited by Mzxs
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No 64 bit. Just knocked a mod off my must have list. too bad. I enjoyed this one. I wish somebody else would do a orbital construction mod. I don't know any programing.

Does it mean it doesn't support 64 bit, or does it disable itself on 64 bit?

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Does this remove asteroids?

I just got back to this thread lol, but Mzxs I don't see that problem.. are there any asteriods or just no new asteriods spawn after the initial new game? I'm not seeing either behavior, and my mods in use is quite extensive.. but I shy away from part heavy mods if I can. mostly plugins.

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Ach, I looked at the config files and thought they'd be ok. I guess I either mis-read or missed those files.

I pulled the cfg files for these and I can't find the problem.. I jumped the gun earlier, metal bin does show up properly, but ore and parts don't I don't use the hexcan bins, I actually delete them. I compared the metal bin to the ore bin, and aside from the expected differences all model scaling and nodes were defined identically. I'm going to try replacing the ore bin model with the metal bin model and see if the behavior follows the model.mu instead of the cfg file.

EDIT: The issue does not follow the model.mu file.. almost seems like something in the plugin or some other mod is doing it? somehow. I check the module manager files that affect this mod, I don't see anything but that doesn't mean much. I'm running 31 mods so I'm not sure where even to begin.. but its' the only mod with a problem like this too..

Edited by gl0ryh0und
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It looks like the MSV-500/1000/2000 Ore and Rocket Parts Containers have their attachment nodes in the wrong position (the green spheres in the VAB). They seem to attach correctly, there is just empty space between where they are attached and the graphics for the modules.

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It looks like the MSV-500/1000/2000 Ore and Rocket Parts Containers have their attachment nodes in the wrong position (the green spheres in the VAB). They seem to attach correctly, there is just empty space between where they are attached and the graphics for the modules.

I've noticed and mentioned the same thing.. if you'll notice, its' the scale of the container that is the problem, not the node.. they are about 30% smaller than they should be, but fore reasons that escape me adjusting the cfg file to scale the model doesn't work. At least for me it doesn't

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M/O/RP storage size problem confirmed. However, it is purely cosmetic: the nodes themselves are actually correct.

I've pushed fixes already and a fix should be out soonish, but in the meantime, to fix it yourselves:

  1. go to GameData/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Parts/aeon
  2. edit ELTank*/part.cfg (except ELTankLargeMTL/part.cfg: it is correct and doesn't use MODEL)
  3. in the MODEL node of each file, change all three of the scale = values: change 0.8 to 1.0 and 0.4 to 0.5.

The problem is caused by the rescaleFactor bug introduced many moons ago finally being fixed and me failing to spot the problem when I looked at the cfg files, and I don't use the aeon tanks.

Note, also, that I have decided to bite the bullet and deprecate them: tweakscale/FS texture switch/MFT. Similar for hexcans. Means I can "add" ScrapMetal containers too without exacerbating the part spam.

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I'm using the orbital dock for building things on the Mun, and i've just built a little survey module ship, but i can't get it to actually detach, when i rightclick on the dock nothing shows up, and i tried using a decoupler, and that didn't do anything. am i doing something wrong?

edit: yes, i was doing something wrong. I was hitting close rather than release

Edited by mkire
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