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kerbal style mun landing.


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finally managed to land on the mun:D...on my rocket's side of course:(...I need to practice landing:confused:...yeah used the kerbal X:cool:...when i tried to take off everything exploded except the command pod;.;...so now I get to land on the mun to rescue them:huh:...hope I don't have the same problem:mad:

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Try to get your horizontal velocity negated then all you have to worry about is your vertical velocity. If you keep it under 7m/s (lower is even better) you should be golden, just be prepared to chase the circle with an X in it...yeah I do not know that term for some reason :sticktongue: . Feather the throttle, chase the node, and use crtl+L to ensure you do not decouple anything on accident. The last one was one I did once or three times before figuring that out...

Also I have a video, though a bit lengthy, showing my landing on Mun and Minimus, and my Mun mission I actually landed on my side but got the ship back upright without engine assist. If you want to see it I will post it here if you ask...I don't want to post it and it wasn't warrented.

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One tips is to make your lander wide, so many try to land with an high 1.25 meter rocket. Use side tanks and fuel pipes.

Also land on Minmus first, far easier as the gravity is much lower and things happen slower. After a couple of successful Minmus landing you can try the Mun.

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My first landing on the Mun on its' side too. I've done it twice so far actually. And both times I managed to take off just fine (I was so surprised too). I used the torque in the capsule to lift the nose off the ground just enough so I wouldn't be launching into the ground or the next mountain. If you can, also try to roll around so you're pointing up hill.

Edited by GuiltyBystander
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One tips is to make your lander wide, so many try to land with an high 1.25 meter rocket. Use side tanks and fuel pipes.

Also land on Minmus first, far easier as the gravity is much lower and things happen slower. After a couple of successful Minmus landing you can try the Mun.

which works well, if the surface is flat enough :)

Which is rather hard since the new craters were added of course.

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Agreed, when landing, my lander is typically as wide, or wider as it is tall. Athetically they look pretty good since the outer wide parts are my lander engines and part of the connectivity for my launch engines.

For picking landing spots, with the new terrain, I have started attaching scout probes to my rockets. On zero atmosphere, I make a hopper style that just pulses fuel until I find a nice spot. With atmosphere, mini probe planes. These then serve as excellent landing beacons.

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which works well, if the surface is flat enough :)

Which is rather hard since the new craters were added of course.

Few places outside the Mun poles is more hilly than the Dress rift.


As for avoiding the crater rims, keep some horizontal speed and cancel this then its flat enough below.

I did not know this then that Dress landing was done.

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Here is how I land:

1. Deorbit yourself so you're at a very wide sub-orbital arch.

2. Burn horizontal so you kill as much lateral velocity as possible.

3. Once you're going straight down, burn retrograde so you remain at a safe 50 m/s or so. (Depends on on how powerful of an engine you have)

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In order to get to the Mun and back with the Kerbal X - you need to modify it a little bit.

Get rid of those tiny booster stages and step up to a 6-pack of Rockomax with Asparagus staging. That should give you plenty of rocket to reach orbit and head to the Mun before dropping the main rocket. Then the command pod should have enough juice to land, take off, and plot a reentry course from Mun.

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Few places outside the Mun poles is more hilly than the Dress rift.


As for avoiding the crater rims, keep some horizontal speed and cancel this then its flat enough below.

I did not know this then that Dress landing was done.

I actually landed in this same spot I think....with 26 Kerbals!

As seen here:


thanks for all the tips:)

Did you get them all home safe, or still working on the rescue mission??

Edited by Liowen
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