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Miki Station - My first space station


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Hello! I have been playing KSP for a while, and I have already landed on most of the planets in the Kerbol System. However, docking and rendezvous were "taboos" for me. It looked really hard, and I thought I would never manage to dock two vehicles together. After travelling around the space, I thought it would be finally time for trying to send up a space station, made of at least 2 seperately-launched parts.

So here I present my first station, the "Miki Station".:)


The station orbits at an almost constant height, around 100 and 102 kilometres above Kerbin. It's only ~17 tons, because I tried to make it really light (as I always fail with more complex lifter rockets, and hate to repair my designs with asparagus staging :P). I know that most of skilled space-engineers can build rockets which lift 17 tons into orbit with no difficulties.


This is the station itself. It has 3 modules (yet):

Core module

The upper part is the core module, which I've put into orbit first. It has a cabin for a crew of 4, and a cupola module. The module generates and stores the power, and it has a large RCS tank with thrusters for fine-manouvers.

Science and module

This module contains the space station's sensors and houses the experiments. This is the part of the station which allows the further extensions of the station to dock. It makes up the lower part of the station.

Communications module

This the a module which had to be docked after an "accident" :). I have forgot to put antennas on the mentioned modules :D. That's why I attached a seperate module for communications. It's the small cross-shaped thingy on the lower left.

Two more pictures:


I wonder why he's worried :D


A kerbenaut doing repairs on the comms module with his feet.

-To do list:

  • Dock a fuel tank for long-range ships
  • Add a "Mass-relay" device :D
  • Do an actual mission involving the station

This concludes the details of the "Miki Station." Every comment is appreciated. Thank you for reading. :)

Edited by jmiki8
grammar :P
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Good work!

You may want to add another communication node (exactly like the one you've already added), but put it on the other side - this means it should be symmetrical, so that if you end up putting an engine on the lower node it's easier to thrust in line with the centre of mass.

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The size and/or weight of your station doesn't matter. Most important is you've figured out how to rendezvous and dock. After actually getting into orbit this is, for most people, the biggest milestone in the entire game. Well done!

For some reason i cant see your post..

He edited his post and since he's a new user it had to be re-approved. Therefore it was invisible for a while.

Edited by Tex_NL
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I approve of this station! Size is not important - as long as there are docking ports it can always get bigger!

Sadly for myself, I have gone down a bad path building stations. I send up parts which are huge in an attempt to reduce part counts. I need to get back to the construction and launch smaller modules.

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