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RockSkipper Speed Boat: Up to 100m/s!

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As it turns out, putting a boat on top of air intakes creates an extremely fast, stable, maneuverable, and fuel efficient speed boat! So hear it is: The RockSkipper boat/rover!


Basically, the air intakes lining the bottom provide next to no water resistance, allowing this boat to travel many kilometers every minute!:D As a plus, it works at 4x physical time warp.


As said, it can reach around 100 m/s, but I only recommend that if you want a bunch of dead Kerbals and 20 air intakes bouncing up and down for eternity...:rolleyes: So keep it at half throttle (50 m/s) for maximum safety (remember, it works at 4x warp). The RockSkipper includes all 4 of the original stock sensors, and 2 of the atmosphere scanning things (the old avionics package). As for roving, it's not very good at it, so don't go to fast and keep the SAS on at all times. The boat also has 2 Jr. docking ports on top for refueling (it was designed for a Laythe base). I am not exactly sure about its range, but I calculated about 300 Km, though I could be wrong.

Action Groups:

1: Toggle Jet engine

2: Toggle Antennae

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From what I've seen, here, the circular intakes might be better as flotation devices. Personally though, I prefer winglets so as to seem at least somewhat realistic (hydrofoil-like).

A simple amphibious plane using winglets for flotation:




boats are fun.

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