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[YouTube] Mun Rover's Adventures

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So after landing on the Mun multiple times with the similar ships, I decided to tackle the next challenge: Landing a Munar Rover that can travel on the surface, then jettison a return capsule back to Kerbin (with precious Munar soil, mostly useful for booster fuel of course).

NEW video:

Journey begins with a good ol\' rocket, with the Munar Rover on top:


Landing site: Sea of Instability, nice flat ground for testing of the rover


Successful landing of the descent stage!


Rover carefully deployed with a push from the RCS, soft landing on the Munar surface


Testing out the RCS surface controls, working smoothly over the rough terrain


Leaving the descent stage behind..


Rover turns easily on the ground, aiming for the closest hill a visit


Firing main engine, and we are now cruising the Munar landscape


Traveling quite the distance on a full tank of gas


30 Minutes later.. we\'ve traveled to the nearest hill, and you can see far on the top right.. our original landing site


From the descent stage, you can barely see the Rover far away


End of surface exploration activities, time to line up the rover for the ascent stage\'s liftoff home


Failed liftoff, Kerbals survived! Time to tweak the design again..


After I refine the design, my next landing site will be near the mountains to test the rover\'s capabilities over rougher terrain.

Hope you enjoyed the story, this is a great game!

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That is awesome! 8)

Though dang shame about the failed return trip failure. At least the crew can be recovered with luck :)

Better luck next time! And remember to leave room for the first crew in the capsule!

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Second Mun Rover mission!

This time, my target landing site was the rim of one of the larger craters:



Nice view of Kearth



Successfully tilted the rover with RCS for an ascent stage launch


Back home we go!


(more pics soon)

I will post the craft file here soon, I am writing up a few notes as instructions to include in the pack, hope you enjoyed the stories :)

This is a cool experience every time, it feels like the Mars Exploration Rover missions. The next missions will aim to land on higher peaks of the Mun..

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Please may somebody tell me which mods I will need to have installed for this .craft file to work? I presume I can\'t just download it?

If you actually did bother to download it, you would find a readme file explaining the mods required.

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first try

ehhhhm :-[ :-[

'One does not simply land into Mun..'

Good luck next time :$

This is a hard craft to pilot due to lack of SAS module on the lander, but it compensates with extra landing fuel. To anyone trying this craft, practice in Kearth orbit all the stages to become familiar because the difficulty of landing this ship is hard. But the reward of roving the Mun makes it all worth the mission (and adds the realistic difficulty of landing a rover on another planet)

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Here is a rover I designed. Unfortunately, the RCS I currently have on it are too weak for any real control. I\'m going to have to switch them out for the heavy RCS or something, but that would significantly cut down on my time on the surface.

My only picture off the rover on the Mun, I need to do some slight modifications to make it more controllable, but it is a fairly solid design.


I accidentally jettisoned the wheels while still on the surface, but still managed to get back into orbit to head back to Kerbin.


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I\'m having a lot of fun with this, here is my Lander + Rover.


If it topples over at a low speed, you can easy flip it back up.


Low fuel due to only one RCS tank, anymore and the rover will be unstable.

Cannot exceed 15M/S without toppling over dangerously.

One way rover, there is no way to return to Kerbin.

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