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Most kerbals to the Mun and back

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  matskuman5 said:
No, just a picture with the ship landed.

+ It would have been a pain to EVA 58 kerbals :D

Oh now you tell me that LOL Heck I stopped at 26 due to evaing being a pain, even after finding out that the keys ][ will switch to different Kerbals >sigh< Of course this has given me an idea for a Youtube mini series, moon tours! Load up the Kerbals and visit different moons.

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  British_Rover said:
Bah I EVAed all 35 of mine last night. Hmh not sure I want to try and do a redesign to beat 58.

Well knowing now I do not have to eva them out I might....maybe, maybe not LOL My current design would need more fuel I think as I ran out making my last burn to Kerbin. Lucky it was just enough to get down low enough and let aerobraking do its thing.

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  GuzWaatensen said:
I think you could use something like this:


Maybe call it the full thrill ride experience...

I would so love to see this fly...

I'd join in my own self but the rules specifically say "no mods"...I've got KER default on all my craft these days; it's there whether I want it or not.

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I think I can complete this challenge with a little flight optimization, but getting a few hundred dV more would also be nice. If I use MechJeb for testing but do my "official submission" run totally stock, does it still count?

I've managed to get 104 Kerbals on the Mun* but not quite home again. :D


*Ship was actually Unkerbal'd for safety during testing

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  GuzWaatensen said:
yeah, the kraken doesn't want this one to fly:


Yeah he didn't like my first attempts either, I had clamps going through the booster tanks during the loading of the ship. I think it took 5 reverts just to clear that up and a few more after that to correct "pilot" error.

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Okay, officially entering my run: 104 Kerbals. 26 Crew Capsules with a small probe core for control.





Video is still being uploaded/processed. It's 12:30 AM and I'm not waiting for it!

This picture was taken from a different, failed run (not enough fuel to get them back - note different fuel tank config) but since it takes ~3 hours (at 4 FPS) to unload 104 Kerbals and get them loaded back up again, well... forgive me for recycling >.>


830 parts, 2970 ton on the launchpad :cool:


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Ok I was going to do one more attempt, but I think I have been bested by Smidge204. I am not sad though I did more with this mission than I thought I could and that made me happy. Congrats Smidge204! My only question would be whats next? :cool:

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  Smidge204 said:
Okay, officially entering my run: 104 Kerbals. 26 Crew Capsules with a small probe core for control.



Are you by any chance related to Whackjob?

I would enter but I would probably melt my motherboard trying to beat you Smidge. Grats man. Pfft...my poor Athlon x64 7550; old school tech. No way I am even getting past 500 parts on one ship.

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Hello fellow Kerbonauts.

I stumbled upon KSP last week on Youtube (Scott Manley's chan). It looked like tons of fun and I decided to give this space sim a try. I must say : it's even better than I thought ! :D

So here I am with my very first submission to a KSP challenge : 138 Kerbals went to the Mun and came back alive to tell.

34 crew capsules, one Mk2 lander can and a command chair for Jeb, our daring helmsman for this trip.

Total mass : 2960 tons on the launchpad. The lander : 376 tons wet / 168 dry.

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Fly safe ! :sticktongue:


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