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Krags PlanetFactory. Updated Jan 22


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New version coming this weekend that will fix the 0.23 issues. Ultrawarp is broken until then. :(

I have removed the Autoload save stuff in the next version of PF. Use Sirkuts DevHelper instead. Its better.

Is this fix out yet? I dont want so stress, but i cant rly see if its out because all fixes were uploaded as DEC 3 ^^

Also i think my english isnt very good so sorry for that.

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Sorry, new version isn't quite done yet. Lots of changes mean lots of bugs. Plan is to release a WIP version of the plugin called PlanetFactory CE (creator edition). Once it is stable I will do a new PF release that will consume the user defined systems.

Re: Orbits: I tried making planets that were not orbiting the Sun and they had various problems. Might be possible but I haven't the time to figure it out.

Re: Realism: Not a primary goal with these systems. Going for fun and interesting. New version will allow you to make your own more realistic systems.

In new version you will be able to select what systems load at runtime. So you can disable Serious/Sentar if you want.

If you want to get a head start on making planets learn SpaceEngine. The controls are wonky but it is incredibly powerful. And you can export in a PF friendly format.


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Re: Realism: Not a primary goal with these systems. Going for fun and interesting. New version will allow you to make your own more realistic systems.

What ? Does that mean your plugin will include a mod/tutorials to make planets directly ?

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Just a thought, Krag, for the planets outside of Kerbol's orbit, since planets have set in stone orbits can't you have them outside the SOI of the sun, and have their velocity set to 0 m/s?

The suns SOI is actually infinite so the planets or stars would fall into kerbol.

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JavaProphet: Its not that. Lots of kerbal code assumes only one Sun and that at the "root" of a system.


Borisbee:Maybe. Might be able to make the solar panels work right with a simple plugin addition.

Mother of god... It will be awesome !

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Well, instead of rewriting all of that code, why not just make it a multiple-root system, and implement a custom SOI transfer node. What if the planet is in an orbit sufficient as to where it would be escape velocity? As in at the apoapse, you would be traveling < 0 m/s?

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Ummmm, when i installed the dll to plugin data and the planet factory folder to plugins, Serious is engulfing kerbin, and all of the planet factory planets are using default skins of the planets that they are based off of. Any help?

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Ummmm, when i installed the dll to plugin data and the planet factory folder to plugins, Serious is engulfing kerbin, and all of the planet factory planets are using default skins of the planets that they are based off of. Any help?

Its strange i had the issue

Also Dont die now!!!!!

Edited by Dooz
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I don't really like Serious, why not include Joker in a Pluto-equivalent orbit instead of having a Star orbit another star? In my opinion, it does not really make sense.

Sense is on Serious's side it do make sense! Did you ever seen the Alpha Centauri system?

There are Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B orbiting each other as binary system and Proxima Centauri orbiting them.

(Proxima Is A STAR)

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works fine for me, even with the alternis kerbol mod.

It works with Alternis Kerbol? Great.

Hello Kragrathea, when is your new version coming out? I'm also interested in your planet factory creator edition.

Never. Ask. For. Release dates. Seriously, just don't. Many modders find it extremely annoying, and I'm sure Krag will give us an ETA when (s)he's willing to do it.

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If anyone knows about it, when you try to build the C# source into a DLL just as it is, you get about 88 fatal errors, does anyone know how to fix this? I have almost no experience using Visual Studio, let alone C#, so If anyone can help me, that'll be great!

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If anyone knows about it, when you try to build the C# source into a DLL just as it is, you get about 88 fatal errors, does anyone know how to fix this? I have almost no experience using Visual Studio, let alone C#, so If anyone can help me, that'll be great!

Maybe stupid question but why are you trying to build the .dll if you have no experience doing that sort of thing? That's unnecessary if you just want to use the mod.

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