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Krags PlanetFactory. Updated Jan 22


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Everybody really needs to stop demanding that Kragrathea add/modify/remove X, Y and Z like entitled children. She's got an awesome mod going and if you think you can do it better, write your own FFS. Suggestions are fine but all the "do this" and "you have to change that" is really rude.

Krag, this is awesome, keep it up.

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Everybody really needs to stop demanding that Kragrathea add/modify/remove X, Y and Z like entitled children. She's got an awesome mod going and if you think you can do it better, write your own FFS. Suggestions are fine but all the "do this" and "you have to change that" is really rude.

Krag, this is awesome, keep it up.

Waitwaitwaitwaitwait... Krag's a she? And I fully agree that you people should cut Krag some slack, (s)he is doing this work for free.

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The username sounds like a variation on Agatha so I assume so. I've also seen other people refer to Krag as such. Doesn't matter much, try not to act so surprised.

Yep, back in the original thread this came up. She's a good egg, be nice to her :)

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Does Erin have an oxygen atmosphere? I'm working on a Sentar grand tour. Gonna land a probe on every moon. Plus a land and return with 3 kerbals to Erin... And a rover. Lol this is my biggest project yet and I don't want to use jets for Erin ascent and find theres no O2. I'd send a probe, but I don't want spoil the surprises Sentar has to offer with a petty mission. If im burning over 5k Dv to get there im doing it in style lol.

There is also one more thing. That new Dv calculator for Planet Factory.. is it accurate? With a ballistic trajectory its a 5k DV burn to get there, but only 1.3k Dv to get back? There's no way..

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Does Erin have an oxygen atmosphere? I'm working on a Sentar grand tour. Gonna land a probe on every moon. Plus a land and return with 3 kerbals to Erin... And a rover. Lol this is my biggest project yet and I don't want to use jets for Erin ascent and find theres no O2. I'd send a probe, but I don't want spoil the surprises Sentar has to offer with a petty mission. If im burning over 5k Dv to get there im doing it in style lol.

There is also one more thing. That new Dv calculator for Planet Factory.. is it accurate? With a ballistic trajectory its a 5k DV burn to get there, but only 1.3k Dv to get back? There's no way..

Not sure what calculator you mean but Mechjeb 2.0's calculator works flawlessly with this mod. I'm on my phone right now so I can't check the dV values for your right now

Edited by The Ideal Gas Lawyer
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Does Erin have an oxygen atmosphere? I'm working on a Sentar grand tour. Gonna land a probe on every moon. Plus a land and return with 3 kerbals to Erin... And a rover. Lol this is my biggest project yet and I don't want to use jets for Erin ascent and find theres no O2. I'd send a probe, but I don't want spoil the surprises Sentar has to offer with a petty mission. If im burning over 5k Dv to get there im doing it in style lol.

There is also one more thing. That new Dv calculator for Planet Factory.. is it accurate? With a ballistic trajectory its a 5k DV burn to get there, but only 1.3k Dv to get back? There's no way..

Depends on where you intercept it due to its high inclination. If I remember correctly I think when I intercepted it it was about 3.8k Dv but this was when it got released sometime in october.

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Waitwaitwaitwaitwait... Krag's a she? And I fully agree that you people should cut Krag some slack, (s)he is doing this work for free.

In her dev thread she mentioned her name was Kimberly. And uh, miss Astronut Kimberly Phillips, can you please answer my questions on how you fixed Sentar?

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You can already do that by including them in the RealSolarSystem.cfg file.

Here's a configuration of the stock planets and the Planet Factory planets to look like the real solar system. It looks like this. (includes Universe Replacer and Clouds and City Lights textures, but if you don't want new textures just don't extract those folders or the Planet Factory folder)

How come Saturn's rings aren't inclined with respect to its axis?

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Quick development update as I am short on time. Still focused on the configurable planets, but in the course of events I have made a new sample solar system using just cfg files (and texture maps from SpaceEngine). Here is a preview (nothing final).

WARNING. If you dislike impossible planets and/or silly names then this one ought to appall you. Enjoy!


Edited by Kragrathea
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Barney has some great coloring, I really like it.

So Berry's a black hole?

Edit: just saw the gravity listed at 2,900,786 g.

So I suggest the first person to land on it gets a solid Neutronium trophy. :)

Edited by Tommygun
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Here's a configuration of the stock planets and the Planet Factory planets to look like the real solar system. It looks like this. (includes Universe Replacer and Clouds and City Lights textures, but if you don't want new textures just don't extract those folders or the Planet Factory folder)

I'm intrigued. Is this scaled like the Real Solar System or like the 1-to-9 size that normal KSP is? I hope the latter, I'm not yet pro enough to be flying an order of magnitude further to get anywhere

Quick update as I am short on time. Still focused on the configurable planets, but in the course of events I have made a new sample solar system using just cfg files (and texture maps from SpaceEngine). Here is a preview (nothing final).

WARNING. If you dislike impossible planets and/or silly names then this one ought to appall you. Enjoy!


Oh man I cant wait to play this. Stupid real life. Gotta go to my job and $#!+.

Tonight I'm going to be all over this.

Edit from said stupid job:

...just saw the gravity listed at 2,900,786 g.

So I suggest the first person to land on it gets a solid Neutronium trophy. :)

I'm thinking I'm going to give it a shot with a just a Stayputnik mated to a 3m Jool V engine. If nothing else, that will make for one heck of a gravity assist :P

Krag, is this new version available for download yet? The one on Spaceport looks like its from a week ago.

Edited by The Ideal Gas Lawyer
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how do I remove kerbin from the center of serious, whenever I make a new game, I find kerbin is dead center in serious, and I cannpt leave the system and get to eve, or inaccesible, or any other planet than kerbin

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how do I remove kerbin from the center of serious, whenever I make a new game, I find kerbin is dead center in serious, and I cannpt leave the system and get to eve, or inaccesible, or any other planet than kerbin

How did you install it into KSP? if you put the plugin in the plugin folder and the plugin data in hte plugin data folder, this is usually the result. The way it is normally installed is:

1. dowload

2. unzip

3. move file from downloads/planetfactory/gamedata to ksp/gamedata wherever you have it on your computer

reference: "dangerand adrenaline" had this bug over on twitter and this fixed it for him. The how-to-install mods tab in the space port that has the standard instructions were outdated as of KSP .20

IDK why they did not update that yet to match the new file sorting system.

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How did you install it into KSP? if you put the plugin in the plugin folder and the plugin data in hte plugin data folder, this is usually the result. The way it is normally installed is:

1. dowload

2. unzip

3. move file from downloads/planetfactory/gamedata to ksp/gamedata wherever you have it on your computer

reference: "dangerand adrenaline" had this bug over on twitter and this fixed it for him. The how-to-install mods tab in the space port that has the standard instructions were outdated as of KSP .20

IDK why they did not update that yet to match the new file sorting system.

kay, ill give it a shot, on that note, where is serios supossed to be


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how do I remove kerbin from the center of serious, whenever I make a new game, I find kerbin is dead center in serious, and I cannpt leave the system and get to eve, or inaccesible, or any other planet than kerbin

Have you changed the cfgs at all? Setting the referenceBody to something that's not the sun is a very quick way to break planetfactory.

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