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Stuck with the above posters avatar (Redux)

Tidus Klein

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Well I was going through the old forum games and this one spoke to me so I revived it!

Link to old thread for reference:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48259-Your-avatar-is-stuck-in-an-elevator-with-the-above-poster-s-avatar-what-do-you-do

But this time we gots rules.

The game is simple your stuck in a very slow moving elevator with the above persons avatar,in a 200 story building and all the floors have been pressed.

What do you do with the person now stuck next to you?

Small talk? Trolling. What ever

Once you reach the next floor you get off and the next person gets on.

Once we reach the top we go back down and so on till the thread dies.

Now the rules!

  1. you must include the floor number.
  2. your posts must be limited too two sentences long
  3. you can only move up one floor at a time
  4. your posts must be relevant to the game (no wondering off in to chat, you will be reported if you do.)
  5. follow all the forum rules
  6. Have fun!!

Let me kick off with a prolog.

"In character"

I walk in to a building and head for the elevator and press 3. Soon realizing it is extremely slow, wanting to be a troll I open the button box and make the elevator run in a never ending loop. I reach the second floor and the door opens.....

"Out of character"

Let the game begin!

Edited by Tidus Klein
Forgot to add some stuff, and also made the directions more clear.
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I get in the lift from the second floor, it looks empty but I realise there is an invisible guy, I press for floor 50 since I want to jump out of the window or something, I detect something wrong with the elevator/lift controls but I don't have the tools to fix it, i soldier on and see what happens

Edited by Spearka
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Get on the lift at the third floor, see this guy staring at me. Stare him down and keep one hand on my sword at all times. I temporarily disable him before I leave on the fourth floor. Can't have potential enemies attacking me from behind.

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I get back on the lift at the fourth floor after taking the stairs and see a dude laying on the ground of the elevator, I open the emergency hatch and throw hem down the elevators shaft.(because you cant be in it twice in a row)

I then wait to get off at the next floor.

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I happily skip through the opening doors on the fifth floor, smiling and cheerful as I notice another person in the lift. Smoothing out and errant wrinkle in my nice dress, I slowly move almost behind the other person in the lift and whisper gently "I love eating garlic for lunch."

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( my avatar is me wearing my creeper jacket zipped up and with a beard and hat on top. I call it the old trucker creeper!)

I get on the lift again and see the exterminater never killed the worm thing.

I thusly explode killing the worm and me. Slightly charing the inside of the elevator.

Who's next?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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