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[1.2.0] Toolbar 1.7.13 - Common API for draggable/resizable buttons toolbar


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Hi there,

I've just read the FAQ in the OP to determine how to delete a folder.

It says to right-click on the folder button and select the appropriate option on the context menu.

Although this works in flight and in the tracking station, whenever I right-click on the toolbar in the Space Centre scene, my mouse (instantly) moves to the centre of the screen and no menu is offered.

This right-click aversion has always been the case with previous versions of the toolbar. I had thought about reporting it as a bug in it's own right, but given it was (at worst) a mild behavioural inconsistency, I figured I wouldn't mention it on the assumption it was some quirk of how the game handled right clicks.

Alas, I'm now stuck with an empty folder that I can't get rid of. Any ideas?

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Although this works in flight and in the tracking station, whenever I right-click on the toolbar in the Space Centre scene, my mouse (instantly) moves to the centre of the screen and no menu is offered.

This behaviour is independent of the Toolbar Plugin and does even appear in stock KSP. I can't do anything about it.

To delete your folder, you could edit the toolbar-settings.dat file.

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Hi i dont know if you could be of any help or if im in the right section but im using infernal robotics and in the VAB and SPH the gui is there however when im outside of the launchpad it isnt does anyone know the problem


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"The server at blizzy.de is taking too long to respond."

I've been trying several times a day at different times of day for several days now and I can't use any mods because every mod ever has this one as a dependency.

I will be very grateful if someone mirrors blizzy's files somewhere.

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breakthrough said:
"The server at blizzy.de is taking too long to respond."

I've been trying several times a day at different times of day for several days now and I can't use any mods because every mod ever has this one as a dependency.

I will be very grateful if someone mirrors blizzy's files somewhere.

As the file is under a license that allows redistributing, I have uploaded the file I downloaded to [defunct site link removed by moderator]. If the original link that Blizzy provided fails for you that should work. Note: I tested Blizzy's link right now and it's fine.

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Yeah, it's usually extremely reliable. You should check your provider/connection/firewall/???.

Maybe I'm just unlucky, but I successfully download from blizzy.de less than 10% of the time. I can reliably view and download from Kerbal SpacePort, mediafire, imgur, youtube, and their rule34 equivalents so even if it is an ISP problem I wouldn't get any support.

edit: I was so happy to get my must-have mods I totally forgot to thank 5thHorseman. Thank you very much.

Edited by breakthrough
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I've done something dumb.

I activated the "Auto-hide at screen edge" option. And now I can't figure out how to get it back. It's bad cuz it's the one on the main flight screen all the others are still there.

is there something I can do in config to get it back?

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I activated the "Auto-hide at screen edge" option. And now I can't figure out how to get it back.

Just hover over the little toolbar nudge at the edge of the screen. If it isn't there, there aren't any buttons to display anyway.

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Ok, it isn't there, I suspect it's because I uninstalled FAR which may be the only button that was available in that scene. Would there be a way to still add buttons to it, since it's no the only button I want available now.

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Hello all, I want to start by saying I am a complete NOOB at this, that includes C#... I have been trying to add toolbar to the protractor module and I am positive I have borked things pretty bad. When I run debug it pops one error message about

class ProtractorButtton : MonoBehavior

regaurding the MonoBehavior...

I created a fork at https://github.com/mrwizerd/protractor

My first goal was to get toolbar in and working, then figure out how to remove the old toolbutton. Any help would be appreciated.

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can some one help me.

if installed toolbar and infernal robots.

but have no button when i fly.

i can see the toolbar but see no infernal robots controls

You may need to right click on the little white dot on the right hand side, and configure which buttons are visible. Also IR is broken in the latest version of KSP. So it will only work in .23 not .23.5

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So i got Toolbar installed into my Gamedata folder and run KSP, but it doesn't show up whatsoever.

When i move it to another folder it tells me i've placed it in the wrong folder, so it looks like its loading when KSP starts up.

I've tried using a fresh install of KSP and my version is v0.23.5.464 so i guess that shouldn't be a problem either.

I'm lost to whatever may cause the problem.

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So i got Toolbar installed into my Gamedata folder and run KSP, but it doesn't show up whatsoever.

When i move it to another folder it tells me i've placed it in the wrong folder, so it looks like its loading when KSP starts up.

I've tried using a fresh install of KSP and my version is v0.23.5.464 so i guess that shouldn't be a problem either.

I'm lost to whatever may cause the problem.

Sure you installed it correctly? The Gamedata folder should be 000_Toolbar, not Toolbar-X.X.X.

EDIT: for clarity - KSP\Gamedata\000_Toolbar\stuffandthings

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Sure you installed it correctly? The Gamedata folder should be 000_Toolbar, not Toolbar-X.X.X.

EDIT: for clarity - KSP\Gamedata\000_Toolbar\stuffandthings

Yes i have it installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\000_Toolbar

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