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Optional MechJeb Modules for FAR, NEAR & km_Gimbal 2/3 (July 16)


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The lack of icons annoyed me. I made icons for the ones from my KSP.log (searching for "No icon for")















I also ran the existing icons through ImageOptim (basically a fancy wrapper around PNGcrush), which reduced their file sizes a little (~900 bytes -> ~500 bytes each).

Here's all of them together: https://mega.co.nz/#!5E5DALCZ!B4jl2ibwPULAymPiEAtKBEx9iWkYfcJvppQUGF2U2cc

I'm not an artist, so they're terrible, except Delta-V_Stats which is okay, and Warp_Helper which is awesome. However, I figure any icon is better than just a row of question marks.


Thanks man!

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I know the FAR plugin is WIP, and probably not ready to be added to the main MechJeb modules, but is there any way you can get the toolbar support added to the main mechjeb system, and even allow it to hide the main window completely?

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I made myself an updated version of the orbit one and a new custom one that I use for the Target Info




Edited by brusura
added Maneuver_Planner
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I made myself an updated version of the orbit one and a new custom one that I use for the Target Info



Those are quite nice! If you could make one for dV, Maneuver Planner and Rendezvous Planner, I could "borrow" those two and have custom icons for most of the modules I use most frequently. :D

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Those are quite nice! If you could make one for dV, Maneuver Planner and Rendezvous Planner, I could "borrow" those two and have custom icons for most of the modules I use most frequently. :D

I did one for Maneuver_Planner , it should be a little sextant :D , but for dV e Rendezvous I lack a good idea to represent them :huh:


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I did one for Maneuver_Planner , it should be a little sextant :D , but for dV e Rendezvous I lack a good idea to represent them :huh:


That's a great little icon as well! Thanks. I really like the style you use.

For a rendezvous, how 'bout two curving lines of different radii intersecting, like the close-up view of a Hohmann trajectory at the point where it begins approaching the target orbit?

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delta-v http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60066-0-23-0-Toolbar-Plugin-1-4-2-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar?p=886278&viewfull=1#post886278

Common term in calculus. Usually represented by Greek letters delta (d) & upsilon (u - looks like a v in Greek) (delta for change, upsilon for velocity. Often seen as capital Delta (triangle) and lower case upsilon (v [never as an upper case upsilon looks like a Y]). Sometimes seen as lower case delta (looks like lower case o with a hook on the top - represented in English text by letter d which works because I associate d with difference or differential). dv/dt is derivative of v with respect to t (velocity/time).

Anyway, nobody cares why they are what they are but the Greek letters pop into anyone's head who has done higher math.

here's a tiny zip with the icons https://www.dropbox.com/s/hngw6rqtbtro0og/icon_examples.zip?dl=0 (updated to dropbox location 7-25-2015)

I've been trying to get Nothke to release a PSD of a text icon so we could see his font, colors, and layer effects to match our own icons to his set but he died. Let's agree to do two color sets, one for smoke and one for old-school (though I'd never give up my smoke for the old menus). It's easy to create a second color set of the same icons instead of using colors that aren't the best for the skin you're using. We can agree on the best color set and effects and match it. With a few of us banging out the icons we use most, we'll have a complete matching set in no time.

Edited by Oinker
no credits need ever be given for using my stuff. pack my images, icons, and configs into your own distributions if you like.
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Yea, New Icons would be fantastic. Would it actually be possible to make icons selectable? IE: when clicking the T to add to toolbar, it pops up an option to select Icon? That would be awesome. Fantastic work integrating this though. This is great :)

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I think I found an unexpected/unwanted behaviour with this. While in early career mode, with only the first MechJeb module available, but after having it used and configured in another savegame, if I do a quick save and reload (F5 > F9) the toolbar displays all the MechJeb buttons I've added in the other save, not only the ones I am supposed to have. I can upload any files asked, as I'm not sure about what ones can be involved in this cross-save happening.

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How do I insert the icons people have been posting? Would be nice to not have a ? for some of them :P

Download the icons from a link in the post or right-click..save image as.. so icon(s) are on your computer.

Rename the icons(s) to the name of the icon you wish change. Copy the icon over the existing icon in the plugin's icon folder. For MechJeb Optional Icons it's ...\mechjeb2\plugins\icons.

hab136 temp icons to get rid of "?" - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60933-Optional-MechJeb-Modules?p=858477&viewfull=1#post858477

brusura's MechJeb icons: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60933-Optional-MechJeb-Modules?p=909663&viewfull=1#post909663

Oinker's Delta-V (and Kerbal Engineer and Crew Manifest) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60933-Optional-MechJeb-Modules?p=920031&viewfull=1#post920031

MechJeb Optional Module icon names (the on/off icons haven't been implemented yet... just the single icon):















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So strictly speaking... for Toolbar support (don't care about FAR), do we need a dev version of the MJ dll? I'd rather just stick with the released version if it's compatible.

Awesome work on this btw! I think it'd be great if more mods integrated into the toolbar. Actually, it would be most ideal if Squad would implement the toolbar itself. Currently, the main drawback against the toolbar is that "the devs may abandon it" or "future KSP releases might break it." For people running a bunch of mods though, this thing is awesome!

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I am finding that many, or even most, of the buttons fail to appear in the toolbar. I have tried toolbar versions 1.5.3 and 1.6. In the flight scene I get the main MJ window and Landing Guidance for example but I don't get the Docking Autopilot (again for example). The contents of my toolbar-settings.dat look correct. I even tried deleting that file and regenerating it with the clean upgrade install but it made no difference.

Edited by Kaa253
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I am finding that many, or even most, of the buttons fail to appear in the toolbar...

Extract this icon pack to the MechJeb icons folder. Open the Main MJ menu. Select every window available and any custom Windows you have. Click the "T" on the top. The icon is now available for you to add to the toolbar by "configure visible buttons". Your icons for the custom windows must be named Window_Name.png (substituting underscores for the spaces). Close any open windows with the new buttons. Have any windows left? Click the T and try again.

Edited by Oinker
updated link to dropbox
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... Click the "T" on the top. ...

Ahhh! That little T!

I wondered what that was for. Thanks a lot Oinker, its working fine now. I had already downloaded and installed your wonderful icon pack.

@sarbian: This is a very useful addon to MJ.

(Oh, and that's as I rely on MJ 90% of the time, because besides, who ever heard of a space program without flight computers? At the same time of course, I have bothered to properly train on taking on full manual control in the ever frequent emergency situation.)

I would love to see the in-atmo landing guidance integrate better with FAR, but I also appreciate the difficulty & time required. Just my one vote for it. Thanks so much for all your work on MechJeb and ModuleManager.

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Yes, the MJ toolbar integration is broken with the current toolbar. I'll work on adding the toolbar integration in stock MJ soon.

While you're at it - I found that the current integration seems to retain references to old buttons, calling IButton.Visible on them, but those buttons have been destroyed before (or replaced by newer buttons with the same IDs.) I tried to figure out what's going on in your code, but eventually gave up. Here's to hoping there will be a debuggable KSP version some day :(

To reproduce, I just had to start with an empty editor, then place the MechJeb pod with the eye. That alone triggered it.

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