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Optional MechJeb Modules for FAR, NEAR & km_Gimbal 2/3 (July 16)


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I use both optional modules with KSP 0.23 and I have encountered some problems:

Toolbar Support - main MJ button works fine but I have no Toolbar config window. E: oh, didn't notice the T.

FAR Support - using time warp causes KSP to lag a lot. As soon as I turn off time warp everything works fine (I'm not talking about physical warp). Oh, and everything is fine if a vessel has no MechJeb attached.

Edited by El wonso
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The lack of icons annoyed me. I made icons for the ones from my KSP.log (searching for "No icon for")















I also ran the existing icons through ImageOptim (basically a fancy wrapper around PNGcrush), which reduced their file sizes a little (~900 bytes -> ~500 bytes each).

Here's all of them together: https://mega.co.nz/#!5E5DALCZ!B4jl2ibwPULAymPiEAtKBEx9iWkYfcJvppQUGF2U2cc

I'm not an artist, so they're terrible, except Delta-V_Stats which is okay, and Warp_Helper which is awesome. However, I figure any icon is better than just a row of question marks.


Edited by hab136
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I may be missing something on the install, but I can't seem to get these plugins to work. I'm not getting any FAR support (terminal velocity is still exponentially growing and completely wrong), and I also don't have a toolbar config option. (toolbar issue has been sorted, so the plugin is working, but I am most definitely not getting any FAR support as far as I can tell)

The optional modules are extracted right into the directory like you would assume. KSP\Game Data\MechJeb2\Plugins\ and that's where I have 3 separate plugin files. Mechjeb2.dll MechjebFARExt.dll and Mechjebmenutoolbar.dll --- theres also a plugin config folder and an icons folder.

I'm using the latest version of the toolbar on the forums 1.3.0

Latest version of module manager 1.5.6

and the latest dev version of MJ2 (150)

any thoughts on what might be going wrong?

Edited by CleverLikeMe
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Hey, I'm sure you get a lot of requests, but would it be possible to create a module for mechjeb that would use a few seconds of RCS to ullage the tanks prior to a burn? That would make mechjeb reliable in the game game where I'm using the engine ignition mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51880-0-23-Engine-Ignitor-%28V3-1-Released-Dec-27-2013%29 .

As it is, I have to manually ullage right before each automatically programmed burn, sometimes resulting in a loss of accuracy (not much, but I'm a perfectionist with stubby finger motions).

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I second that heartily. Also maybe activating and deactivating engines before/after burns? (for engines with minThrust >0)

That would be quite useful, yes.

Perhaps though, if all flight operations need different behaviour for ullage, engine thrust, and ignition concerns, a different mechjeb would be needed in general, one that would do the necessary steps for a more realistically modded KSP.

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CleverLikeMe : No idea. It looks like your install is ok. Post a log so I can see if there is a relevant error message.

J_Davis / NathanKell : I'll think about it but it won't be high on my list for now. I Had to do a quick search to understand why you would need that. I learn things everyday here :)

ullage is done with RCS on real rockets ? Or do they use some special engine ? I remember some talk about ullage engine on a thread about the Ares.

The problem with enabling/disabling engine is that I would need a way to know which engine I can touch and which I should left offline. And the lack of common engine interface will again lead me to some code duplication nightmare...

I think we can manage both realistic and normal mode in the same code base. I just need to avoid quick dirty fix.

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