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Optional MechJeb Modules for FAR, NEAR & km_Gimbal 2/3 (July 16)


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Not sure if this is the place, but it seems that the author of FAR & NEAR points to Mechjeb for not being able to land with FAR/NEAR.

Trying to land in an atmosphere with chutes or direct descent puts my landing way off target. Is there something I need to do to get a close landing? ie. base building Anything is the range of 5km? Or should I just give up on NEAR? My landings are more important than my ascents.

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The FAR module causes game crash on craft load fo me.

Says that is "no FARBasicDragModel module found on part definition. Skipping..."

P.S. Using FAR, DR, RSS, RO, RF, KoS, MechJeb v.319 and 335.

Solved by deleting both of plugins.

Edited by MaxP
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my 0.25 rockets seem a lot more wobbly in atmo then they were on 0.24.2 (with the plugin), so i suspect the NEAR plugin does require some tweaks. Either way it does some good to practice manual control every now and again. :)

PS: its less than 24 hours after version launch, this community is so damned demanding! admittedly for the most part its for information "does this work on..." but other sections of the community tend to demand updates to mods immediately! modmakers work so hard as it is, and any change to the stock game could mean a complete rewrite of sections of or the whole of the mod. patience is a virtue! ta for the continued effort keep it up... at whatever pace suits you!

Edited by shand
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  MaxP said:
Aha )) My mods will never fit to 3.5 GB...

Then you need to use Linux x64 KSP. It's the only real way to go in order to play a heavily modded KSP. OpenGL and Active Texture Management will only get ya so far on Windows x32 and Win x64 isn't worth the hassle in its current state. Lots of mods will even disable themselves on 0.25 if it detects it's running on KSP Win x64. The Linux versions of KSP with OpenGL aren't as pretty as Windows KSP with DirextX, but running 5GB and more of mods stable makes up for that IMHO.

Oh, and @Sarbain, the latest FAR, FAR\MJ plugin, and Mechjeb 337 build don't like each other on 0.25. Haven't tested a whole lot, but with Smart A.S.S's Kill Rot enabled, my ships like to rotate more and are hard to control making me have to use the jerky stock SAS. Playing on Linux Mint 17 x64 using 64bit KSP. I see that you're aware of some of these issues; let me know if you need Linux logs and/or testing for this and I'd be glad to help.

Haven't used any actual autopilot features because I like to fly on my own, but, other than SASS that I have used, course plotting, build weight, delta v, and everything else seems to be just fine.

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It's not exactly the post topic but Linux works as well if not better than windows for KSP. A combination of the Advanced Texture Management mod and the -force-opengl option may let you play in win 32 too.

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  sarbian said:
It's not exactly the post topic but Linux works as well if not better than windows for KSP. A combination of the Advanced Texture Management mod and the -force-opengl option may let you play in win 32 too.

I'm playing perfectly fine with -force-opengl and ATM mod. On install with only some mods it lowers my RAM usage to around 900 megs. On Win 32-bit.

Edited by Net-burst
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is MechJebFarExt development dead/stalled? I know there's a newly compiled version but ... spaceplanes with mechjeb autoland still wobble and crash, sometimes they shake themselves apart as soon as I push the button... using stock SAS they're fairly stable, but mechjeb with 'use stock sas' is far worse, and with normal attitude control, with Auto-Tf or not, is generally highly unstable still even with this plugin. I've even gone back to x32 since 0.25 hit, I'm not really seeing the benefit from the plugin.. am I missing something or is it just not done yet? Thanks in advance :)

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No it's not stalled but it's not on the top of my list just after a KSP release.

If "mechjeb with 'use stock sas' is far worse" then I guess you have an other problem because it calls the stock SAS functions. I did not have the time to test the recompile but it seemed to work fine. Could you post a log, so I can see if it at least load properly, and tell me the exact version of FAR you use.

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I have to say, i've had trouble with spaceplanes in NEAR (and FAR) with mechjeb - even in the last version. but spaceplanes i tend to fly joystick for better analogue control anyway.

but its working fine on traditional rockets! except of course where i mess up the aero, then even a human/kerman can't fly the bugger!

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yeah I just started using joysticks too.. thurstmaster t.flight HOTAS. Anyway, @sarbian - I'm using (the latest) with Mechjeb2 current dev build (338) plus your latest MechJebFarExt.dll. You want the entire log or just part of it? I'll do a flight later up to a 100km orbit and back down to the runway, or at least an attempt at that, and then put the log up here.

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Spaceplane guidance and NEAR just dont like each other it just tries to kill me all the time by plunging me into the ground, on either a runway approach or to hold a certain altitude and thats using the B9 supplied craft files. Here is the log i hope it helps


Edited by Virtualgenius
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Is there an ETA to support F.A.R. v0.14.3? the current version is throwing errors:

[Error]: MechJeb module MechJebFARExt threw an exception in OnStart: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'FerramAerospaceResearch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

File name: 'FerramAerospaceResearch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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