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[0.25] 6S Service Compartment Tubes - "Design smooth!"


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@nothke: I've been using this mod for quite awhile. Love it! I would like to suggest two additional parts.

Make a double-high version of each in order to store taller things in them. Yes, I know I can place one atop the another. However, that creates two access doors. The double-high unit would have only a single access door, as seen in this image


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  Apollo13 said:
Make a double-high version of each in order to store taller things in them. Yes, I know I can place one atop the another. However, that creates two access doors. The double-high unit would have only a single access door, as seen in this image...

I made these a while back - can't say I've checked them for compatibility but should still work fine. Grab them here

@nothke If/when you update this to be .24 career-balanced feel free to include official taller tubes :wink:

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Hi, first of all great mod! We needed something like this to make our rockets smoother. Second, I'm having a bit of a problem. It seems that the 1m compartment will always open up by itself while in the VAB aswell as soon as I load up the rocket for launch. The 2m compartment will not open at all in any stage. I've tried as the info says to open the 2m compartment and close the 1m compartment but no result. I don't even get an option upon right clicking the compartments. I use other mods such as KAS and Universal Storage. Is anyone having this same issue? Could you please help me so that I too would start enjoying this mod?


Edit: Ok I found out what the problem was. I had recently installed the MKS mod which uses Firespitter too (not sure if I have any other mod using Firespitter aswell - but I got a nice list of them anyway). I replaced the Firespitter.dll with the one that came with the 6s mod. The irony is that the 6s mod Firespitter is older than the one I had... so it seems there's a limit to how updated Firespsitter can be for this mod to work!

Edited by Kreu
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  Kreu said:
Edit: Ok I found out what the problem was. I had recently installed the MKS mod which uses Firespitter too (not sure if I have any other mod using Firespitter aswell - but I got a nice list of them anyway). I replaced the Firespitter.dll with the one that came with the 6s mod. The irony is that the 6s mod Firespitter is older than the one I had... so it seems there's a limit to how updated Firespsitter can be for this mod to work!

I also have a newer firespitter.dll. I think I will hold off on updating 6S until this is fixed. I don't think going back to old versions of stuff will be good for whatever included the dll.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is probably one of the greatest ideas for a simple, just a few additions mod to KSP. It certainly makes playing with Ferram installed easier as my RCS tanks are no longer bricks in the wind.

Could you make versions of this that double as radial-size adapters, please? Like a version of the Rockomax Brand Adapter that was a Service Compartment. At least KW Rocketry made their size adapters either fuel tanks or interstage.

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From the description of the 6S Service Compartment tube: "Hide the stuff you would normally attach to the hull inside here for a nice smooth aerodynamic look. Beware of stowaways!" I tought that was a joke, until i found Patcas Kerman was there!


Obviously, i placed poor Patcas there. But how about making the tubes have a Kerbal stowaway in them sometimes? Like 1 in 100 times :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if the OP is still interested in updating this, but wondering what it would take to make some 3.75 and 5m parts, probably double thick for them would be required, or just scale them up all the way around? I'm not very good in blender and haven't been dedicated to learning it lately, as I have about a billion other interests that consume my time when I'm not at work. Is it possible to just scale up in the config files?

--Nevermind, I was scrolling through and saw that a___gun has resolved this. Thanks a___gun

Edited by Geckgo
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  Geckgo said:
I don't know if the OP is still interested in updating this, but wondering what it would take to make some 3.75 and 5m parts, probably double thick for them would be required, or just scale them up all the way around? I'm not very good in blender and haven't been dedicated to learning it lately, as I have about a billion other interests that consume my time when I'm not at work. Is it possible to just scale up in the config files?

--Nevermind, I was scrolling through and saw that a___gun has resolved this. Thanks a___gun

You can just scale 'em up.

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  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
Even after replacing the old DLL with the new one, the tubes don't show up in the VAB. I double checked the installation and it's fine. Anybody have the same problem?

If you installed the mod after researching 'General Construction' you may need to go back to the R&D center and buy the parts from that node

If the parts don't show up even in a sandbox game then something probably went wrong with the installation

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  hawk_za said:
hi there was just wondering if this plug inn is still under development

any plan to integrate this mod into 25 with there own the devs version of firespitter

Nothke seems to have been focusing on bigger projects like Kerbin City when he's had time to work on KSP stuff. His last post on this thread was just after 0.24. The license allows redistribution of modifications, so if I come up with a stock-animation config that works I'll post a repack here.

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Might want to look at the last page of KWRocketry. Configs were posted there to fix an issue with placement nodes in the wrong spot (MM config). I haven't tried to use this part in .25 yet though I have the mod installed, and I'm not turning ksp back on tonight, going to bed.

lol, ksp was still open for testing KW. Tried the part in sandbox and worked fine. using nix.x86_64

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  johnwayne1930 said:
For me those parts work as they should in 0.25, except that they were slightly wrong scaled.

So I made a fix, inspired by the KWRocketry-fix from ejwith9953, to ajust the scale as they were before 0.25.


(right click and save as to download)

Cool, where does this go?

I'm seeing the same thing in .25. They seem to work fine, nodes look good, doors open, stuff can be stored inside etc. Just the scaling issue. Not bad for a mod from .23. Three cheers for simplicity! =)

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