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Kerbin Year?

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Blizzy, thanks for the info, but what I'm actually looking for is: when does the calendar in the Tracking Station click over to year 2, day 1? Just for mission planning purposes...

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On 13.2.2017 at 6:17 PM, CheeseMonger said:

Incorrect! The thingy does chanvge from yar 0 to 1 at day 426


13 hours ago, carlorizzante said:

True, I was looking this video today and I was wondering the same thing. You may see that a Kerbal year doesn't skip forward at 365 days.



Note that this thread that @CheeseMonger just exhumed from its grave is from 2013. :P

Back in the days, KSP showed time only in Earth days, with 24 hours and 365 days. "Kerbin time", where a day has only six hours and a year has 426 days, was added only later in the game's development. That was also when the timekeeping in general got straightened out and little inconsistencies were fixed, such as sidereal vs synodic rotation period and so on.

Edited by Streetwind
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