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[0.22] Johnsonwax Module Hacks [Dec 12]


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Rather than create modules, I prefer to take everyone else's hard work and just hack them up in subtle ways to suit my own needs. I've posted a few these in various threads and have decided to concentrate them all in one place.

Module Manager 1.5 Configs

These all require Module Manager 1.5. To use them, place them anywhere in your GameData folder and install Module Manager 1.5. I recommend creating a new directory using your name and putting these files there to prevent them from being overwritten by some update.

AIES Tech Tree [Dec 11 1.0.0]: Adds science support and tech tree to AIES module. Requires AIES module.

AIES RT2 Support [Dec 11 1.0.0]: Adds RemoteTech 2 support to AIES module. Requires AIES and RemoteTech modules.

LLL RT2 Support [Dec 12 1.0.0]: Adds RemoteTech 2 support to LLL module. Requires LLL and RemoteTech modules.

Python Scripts

Module Manager Template Maker [Dec 11 1.0.0]: Python script will walk through each part config file in a module and construct a Module Manager template for all parts in the module. File can then be edited as needed. Much faster than copy/pasting part names from 100 different config files. Only tested on OS X. Recommend you have some experience with python/unix to use this - not very user friendly.


Everything is share alike, so feel free to use as desired. Hopefully more players can learn how to build MM configs and contribute back. The real effort was done by the part makers - conceptualizing, modeling and texturing, testing and supporting the community. If you have improvements


  • Techtree support for THSS as well as addition of Kethane tanks
  • Minor part rescale for THSS to make struts a uniform multiple of 1.25m lengths
  • An assortment of THSS and FusTek welds and rescales to make station building easier with these sets
  • Fix the above items as soon as .23 drops and breaks them

I'm also working on some MATLAB scripts (mainly to learn MATLAB) that I would be open to posting. I'm fixing up the mapping ideal satellite scripts that were posted here by cxg2827. I also have a script that helps with setting up geostationary satellite networks around any body. Is there any interest in MATLAB code/libraries here?

Edited by johnsonwax
Added RT2 Support for LLL
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  johnsonwax said:
Is there any interest in MATLAB code/libraries here?

Absolutely! I use MATLAB a lot.

  ModZero said:
Yes please. Especially if you have some atmospheric descent/ascent related things, esp. with FAR, which I'd love to even just read.

I was hoping to work some sort of descent script up once I finish my dissertation. My knowledge of fluid and aerodynamics is trivial right now but I'm learning in what little spare time I have. Once I have a bit of a grasp on things I was going to ask Ferram4 nicely if he can give me some insight into what exact effects he models in his plugin so I can attempt some sort of prediction. I'd be very much open to a collaborative/community effort though!

Also - I've never really seen any dedicated MATLAB/etc threads - I'd assume that MATLAB being so popular and this here being a forum full of science/math enthusiasts that there would be a few threads dotted around.

EDIT: Your AIES MM configs both link to the same file :)

Edited by Milkshakefiend
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  ModZero said:
Yes please. Especially if you have some atmospheric descent/ascent related things, esp. with FAR, which I'd love to even just read.

I don't use FAR, so I'd at least need some direction on that one. The stock model is pretty straightforward so I was going to do that, and then on top of that add a model for RealChute. It's not worth firing up Windows to use the exe stupid_chris created, but I'll see about getting his algorithm and putting it into MATLAB. At least the code will be visible and can then easily be ported.

I was also considering a delta-v calculator. It's easy to do as a table, but more fun to crank through the calculation. It gives you a nice library of functions for Hohmann transfers and ascent/decent, etc. Lots of little fiddly bits to hammer out. We can use this as a MATLAB thread to get things going. I've done a lot of programming but I've just started picking up MATLAB in the last few days and it's, well, it's a mess. Some really useful stuff in there, but some real nightmares as well. I may port some of this stuff to NumPy.

I fixed that AIES link. It should all be working now.

Edited by johnsonwax
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Just a heads up to save you some work, LLL already has an MM config for RT2, has for quite a while now. Just uses the stock RT2 values though (except for the omni) and MM is a bit squiffy on if it loads it or not, so it's usually best to just copy it into the RT2 folder.


Here's a pastebin link for it:


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  Lack said:
Just a heads up to save you some work, LLL already has an MM config for RT2, has for quite a while now. Just uses the stock RT2 values though (except for the omni) and MM is a bit squiffy on if it loads it or not, so it's usually best to just copy it into the RT2 folder.

Yeah, I have that file. I approached AIES as an engineer that already had the stock parts and was trying to fill in gaps and specialized needs - particularly around the constraints that RT2 imposes. So there's a dedicated ascent antenna, there's a few that are light/low power (seemingly overpowered) to serve as fallback comm links, but can't transmit science. There's a small moderate power deployable omni antenna that has exceptionally long range (can do Mun-Kerbin) but shows up very late in the tech tree, so when you're building your big geostationary nets and doing more interesting things, you don't need to put quite so much effort into same-SOI communications. It's too late to make Mun missions easier, because they'll already be easy, but it makes setting up that Jool relay easier.

I'll be looking at the LLL parts with the same eye. They're typically better suited for ground use or large manned craft, so I'll probably look more at high power consumption/high science throughput. We'll see what .23 does to that part of the game next week. I know some players choose their antenna more for aesthetics, but I think it's good to have a variety of functionality to choose across as well. I don't want that big ground station at the north pole limited to science transfer at the same rate as some ship sending data back from Pol that presumably is very sensitive to power throughput. They're very different applications and would have very different design trade-offs.

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  Milkshakefiend said:
Also - I've never really seen any dedicated MATLAB/etc threads - I'd assume that MATLAB being so popular and this here being a forum full of science/math enthusiasts that there would be a few threads dotted around.

MATLAB sounds like a wonderful tool and I have been looking at it, since I do a lot with custom written programs and spreadsheets and this sounds possibly like a better solution. The availability and apparent complexity have put me off though.

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I've added an LLL RT2 file. I started with the one Lack posted above but made a number of changes:

1) I procedurally added RT2 and command station support to all LLL command pods. This should also catch the ones in extras as it looks for 'manufacturer = Lack Luster Labs'. All of the LLL command pods seem large enough to warrant command station support. This wasn't working right, so I changed it to modifying individual command pods. Adds station support only to the 2x1 and 4x2 probes.

2) I added support for the Omni Radar, which was missing in the above file. It has very high science transmission rates and pretty long range for an omnidirectional antenna.

3) I removed the atmospheric damage from all of the parts. That's more suitable for deployable items, not fixed ones.

4) I kept the ranges and power levels more-or-less as is but mostly differentiated the dishes by science utility.

Edited by johnsonwax
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  Camacha said:
MATLAB sounds like a wonderful tool and I have been looking at it, since I do a lot with custom written programs and spreadsheets and this sounds possibly like a better solution. The availability and apparent complexity have put me off though.

There’s also quite a few students (an upcoming Coursera course will also include free or cheap Matlab access, btw). Furthermore there’s clones, so Matlab scripts are also useful for reference for people willing to roll their own in something else.

Also, KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool is an MCR based utility.

Edited by ModZero
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  Camacha said:
MATLAB sounds like a wonderful tool and I have been looking at it, since I do a lot with custom written programs and spreadsheets and this sounds possibly like a better solution. The availability and apparent complexity have put me off though.

I despised MATLAB in my undergrad, but I find it an invaluable tool now. I don't do any other coding/programming so I can't comment on ease of use/similarity to other languages but I have been told it resembles C. No idea how accurate that is though. To be honest I have a bit of an irrational hatred of spreadsheets (I have no idea how to use them to any good effect) but I've never encountered a problem I couldn't solve/manipulate in MATLAB. If you know any students the student version of MATLAB is very good and is about £50 in the UK. No idea about other countries though.

I think there are free alternatives to MATLAB though - I've been told Octave is useful.

  ModZero said:
There’s also quite a few students (an upcoming Coursera course will also include free or cheap Matlab access, btw). Furthermore there’s clones, so Matlab scripts are also useful for reference for people willing to roll their own in something else.

Also, KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool is an MCR based utility.

I use Coursera for a DSP module and it was excellent, so if their MATLAB sessions are anything like it I'd recommend them!

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  Milkshakefiend said:

I use Coursera for a DSP module and it was excellent, so if their MATLAB sessions are anything like it I'd recommend them!

The kit is a part of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Laboratory course, it includes:

This lab would not be possible without the strong involvement of our industrial partners. National Instruments makes the myDAQ interface equipment as well as the LabView and ELVISMX software system that emulates measurement instruments. DigiKey Corporation gathered the diverse collection of electrical and electronics parts into a course-specific parts kit. Mathworks is supplying the Matlab software environment for this course without charge for the course's duration.

The kit will cost money, apparently, so no magical free stuff (and Matlab is only temporary - first shot free!), but I still hope it will be available for the people on the other side of the pond.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  blackheart612 said:
AIES/Deadly Reentry? :D

not sure what you mean here, I use AIES and DR and haven't had issues, maybe I'm missing something.

I love the idea of the program to help create these, there are a bunch of part packs that need added to the tech tree (trihex struts and fustek as examples) [at least till the mod authors get them updated anyway]. Editing cfg's by hand, even with copy paste / find replace is tedious and boaring , alais I'm on windows and have no python experience :(

Edit: AIES is in need of fixes for .23 Specifically there is something that needs to be done about the engines that have alternators, and apparently some of the solar array's that are supposed to track the sun don't now. If these fixes could be incorporated into the Module Manager configs that would be sweet. I've also noted this on the AIES main thread as well.

Edited by rottielover
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  rottielover said:
not sure what you mean here, I use AIES and DR and haven't had issues, maybe I'm missing something.

I love the idea of the program to help create these, there are a bunch of part packs that need added to the tech tree (trihex struts and fustek as examples) [at least till the mod authors get them updated anyway]. Editing cfg's by hand, even with copy paste / find replace is tedious and boaring , alais I'm on windows and have no python experience :(

Edit: AIES is in need of fixes for .23 Specifically there is something that needs to be done about the engines that have alternators, and apparently some of the solar array's that are supposed to track the sun don't now. If these fixes could be incorporated into the Module Manager configs that would be sweet. I've also noted this on the AIES main thread as well.

Does the AIES heatshields function as DR's? I didn't know. And I thought those panels were supposed to be fixed and not tracking the sun? lol

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  blackheart612 said:
Does the AIES heatshields function as DR's? I didn't know. And I thought those panels were supposed to be fixed and not tracking the sun? lol

I'm not sure on the panels, I don't use them and I was parroting back what someone said in the main AIES thread.

AIES has heat shields? Nice. I've used the engines fuel tanks decouplers fairings and antenna. But that's it.

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I havent used AEIS or LLL much yet, but I know your "hacks" would come in handy, as I use RT all the time....

ALSO, as to future plans....

YES!!! DEFINATELY do the THSS hacks....I LUV that mod, and use it a lot, despite the annoying length differences...So yeah, the hacks you have planned for it would be AWESOME!!

I also use FusTek with it a lot...so, again,... AWESOME!!

PS...Whenever I see or hear "Johnson Wax", it brings back memories of when I was in the USMC, and weekly barracks inspections where we "unofficially" used Johnson Paste Wax to shine our decks (floors)...lol

Edited by Stone Blue
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