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Fresh pilot meat, ready for explosions .o7


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Hey there brave adventurers, hobby astronauts and pilots!

I'm pretty new (to the game), but seeing/reading how incredibly helpful and friendly you guys and girls seem to be here, I decided to just give it a chance and maybe take part in the forum-life a bit. Seriously though, it has been a really long time since I encountered a forum and community as friendly and helpful as this one. (from what I gathered from all kinds of threads after having lurked for some time)

I've started only some weeks ago and have pretty much gone through most of the science tree already with the help of quite a lot of missions to the Mün and on Kerbal. Minmun is my next target and after that manned missions to Duna. Already brought a science drone into orbit around Duna and I'm currently preparing one for Eve as well.

I'm quite a modfreak and have enjoyed using mods in all kinds of games. And, well, KSP is no exception.

I'll be glad to hear about your suggestions and tips. And I'll be thankful when you point me in the right direction should I happen to violate any rules. (I've read them and will try my best to adhere to them of course)

And maybe help some other little newbies somewhere in the future.

Random bit of information about my KSP habits:

I "version" my rockets.

Every major new design which serves the same purpose is a new "mark". Every iterative change a new version.

So my main rocket, at the moment, is the "Explorer Mark III V2", with a subversion of "Explorer Mark II V2 KProbe" and "-SProbe". Respective with a Kethane scanning remote satellite and a science satellite.

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