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Alternis Kerbol - Development thread


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Is Kerbin tidally locked to Jool now?

Yes, but there's some libration, it's got a bit of eccentricity and inclination now. As does Jool itself, so interplanetary stuff is a bit different now.

I wonder if you could instantiate new celestialbodies without using PQS... just some static asteroid models used for both local and scaledspace. That + comet tails + procedural orbits using the name of a save as a seed... hmmmmmMMMMMM...

Maybe. Procedural orbits might be a bit much but I think if I could decipher the workings of scaledspace stuff, I could do that. Or really, maybe I don't even need scaledspace, if you could focus on the orbit marker itself.

Edited by NovaSilisko
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You are going to change the science reports, right? Also, what were the parts on the Ike probe in the original imgur album?

In time, provided I can figure them and biomes out. On the probe, the batteries are KW and the rest is stock.




Here's an overview of the system as it stands. The big grey thing in a long period orbit is Ike, the smaller one in a similar orbit is Gilly. Besides those, outside to in is Eeloo, Dres, Tylo, Jool, Eve, Moho.

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I wonder if you could instantiate new celestialbodies without using PQS... just some static asteroid models used for both local and scaledspace. That + comet tails + procedural orbits using the name of a save as a seed... hmmmmmMMMMMM...

Yes. That's true of Jool, for example.

Great stuff btw! :)

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Oh man, that comet looks sick. Do you plan on making the tail more uneven and more blurry?


Nova's comets can look like whatever they want so long as they don't pull an ISON and disappoint everyone by crashing into the sun.

So uh Nova, why is the Sun mesh and texture buried so deep in the game?

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Oh man, that comet looks sick. Do you plan on making the tail more uneven and more blurry?


Well, explain how I might do that and I will :P

Particles are kind of a no-go given that they hate scaledspace. I could try to inject a shader to the game via plugin but I have no idea how that'd be done, or if it's even possible.

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Well, explain how I might do that and I will :P

Particles are kind of a no-go given that they hate scaledspace. I could try to inject a shader to the game via plugin but I have no idea how that'd be done, or if it's even possible.

Have you tried using an animated texture? I've seen it used to great effect in similar circumstances in other games.

I'm guessing that Trail Renderer has similar ScaledSpace difficulties to particle effects, but it might be worth a try.

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You know, I have a feeling that once this comes out... I'll never be able to play the stock Kerbol system ever again. On that note, Nova, once this comes out... Please, PLEASE, never stop updating it! I would be so, so very sad.

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